
Chat => General Discussion => Topic started by: neXus on October 24, 2007, 15:11:01 PM

Title: lost a load of clothes :(
Post by: neXus on October 24, 2007, 15:11:01 PM
Just been through all my cloves to sort for the New Zealand move and lost a load of jeans,trousers and some shirts :/
They do not fit any more becuase I am getting larger (in a good way) My waist has gone up by 2 inches and my chest by a fair amount. I have been a lot of correct eating to bump my weight up recently as well as some training to build myself up to as much as I can do (still cant bench press or do arm weights becuase of my hand though)

Just a little annoyed though because I got measured up for the check ups needed as well.
My shoe size this year alone (considering I am over 21 and should not be growing any more) has gone from 12 to 13 and the trainers I have had for 3 months are now getting a little tight
I have grown just under 1/2 an inch taller and my inside arm length has got longer as well  :?  :shock:

I was still growing a year ago but my weight due to my many operations was a bit too low and I was very ill as a teen for a long while and was very under weight then.

Last time I saw the Doctor about this a year ago they put it down to becuase at around 15-17 I nearly died and in hospital a year and my immune system damaged and me having - viral fatigue syndrome (low immune system for life basically) the Key growing times of my life was halted and I was doing it a bit later

I am thinking I may go see the doctor again find out how I am getting on and will I stop soon?
It is probably a good sign that after 5+ years my body is getting back to normal even though I am not doing as much exercise and sports becuase of my hand, Maybe they were causing a bit of punishment and this 2 year rest has got sorted, dunnu but its funny that mid 20s and I am still growing, this rate Ill be 6 foot 3 1/2 size 14 shoes - cant keep buying new cloves right now, lol

I am down to 3 pairs of good jeans and 1 pair of trousers sorting them out today :/

Rant over
Title: Re:lost a load of clothes :(
Post by: mrt on October 24, 2007, 15:19:58 PM
Yeah, go get yourself checked out.  Will at least put your mind at rest.  Then you can concentrate on buying some new stuff.  :-)
Title: Re:lost a load of clothes :(
Post by: Eggtastico on October 24, 2007, 15:26:01 PM
 You better go get yourself some new threads pronto :shock:

http://www.worldoftents.co.uk  :mrgreen:

Fat bastard   -)
Title: Re:lost a load of clothes :(
Post by: neXus on October 24, 2007, 15:42:50 PM
Trainers - Decent nice stuff are already a pain at only 13 always get "sorry only have them in 12" unless you get the Basketball style stuff which I do not like

Why would I want a tent?
Ill be in house 5 minutes from a wicked beach in hot summer weather in a few weeks
Title: lost a load of clothes :(
Post by: red on October 24, 2007, 16:09:05 PM
yes but they usually try and push whales back into the sea.
Title: Re:lost a load of clothes :(
Post by: Serious on October 24, 2007, 16:58:30 PM
Quote from: neXus

Why would I want a tent?

Sometimes I wonder if other people should have my nick...  :roll:  :lol:

Its a joke, need it explaining?