Author Topic: Outrageous Electricity Bill  (Read 2433 times)

Outrageous Electricity Bill
on: August 15, 2009, 21:36:18 PM
Got a letter yesterday from EDF Energy who supply my electricity. I rent a 1 bedroom ground floor flat in London, have electric boiler, electric cooker and electric storage heaters.

So the letter yesterday informed me that my £38 monthly direct debit is increasing to £161 per month. I phoned today to query it assuming it was an estimation error but they took a meter reading and verified that I had gotten £380 into arrears in the 11 month i have been there.

I dont consider myself a high electricity user, nobody is in the flat during the day and we havent had the heating on at all for months. We cook fairly regulary and use hot water every day but using ~£70 a month seems massively high.

Anyone got any ideas? My options according the EDF:

1: Pay £380 and have a £70 direct debit
2: Pay £160 a month for the next 6 months

Neither of which i find particularly appealing.
Formerly sexytw

Outrageous Electricity Bill
Reply #1 on: August 15, 2009, 22:53:36 PM
electrically heated hot water will cost you a fortune.... about 4 times the cost if it was gas....

£70 a month doesnt sound that far out.... :(

my parents once had a £3000 electric bill.... every time the meter was read they assumed it had been read wrong and sent an estimated bill instead... few years later and my father checked the meter himself and was more than a little shocked... (tho i was very tempted to turn it back!)

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Re:Outrageous Electricity Bill
Reply #2 on: August 15, 2009, 23:16:41 PM
Not quite the immediate fix but do the reading yourself over a week/month to see how much is used, and find out the current KWH price and do the maths.

Weve got the electricity consumption meter british gas gives out to old folks for free, tis interesting watching it go up when different things are used. Idles at around 400-750watts, but the second the kettle, iron, cooker, microwave, shower, hoover or anything is turned on the consumption goes up to about 2-3kwatts.

Big tea drinker? :|

Re:Outrageous Electricity Bill
Reply #3 on: August 15, 2009, 23:39:37 PM
Pretty heavy tea drinkers actually :-/ Kettle is probably boiled about 4 times a day at least.

Ive been round the house turning everything off and have noted my current meter reading so I can check it and see how my usage progresses.

I think ill probably get one of those electricity monitors, see what I can do on reducing my usage. Guess I just have to suck this one up :-/
Formerly sexytw

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Re:Outrageous Electricity Bill
Reply #4 on: August 16, 2009, 00:14:17 AM
4 times? thats soooooooo nothing >< Ours is more like a dozen, its stupid, dad will re-boil the kettle 3 times sometimes before actually getting round to making a cup of tea ><

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Re:Outrageous Electricity Bill
Reply #5 on: August 16, 2009, 00:51:10 AM
I live on my own and I have to pay around £80 a month on estimate, I think youve been vastly underpaying, and with the way prices shot up last year, youve ended up catching the brunt of it now it seems :(

Re:Outrageous Electricity Bill
Reply #6 on: August 16, 2009, 08:31:46 AM
dont forget prices have pretty much doubled in the last 2 years, If my eleccy bill was that, Id be doing cartwheels

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Outrageous Electricity Bill
Reply #7 on: August 16, 2009, 17:04:57 PM
I pay about $50 a month at the moment for leccy in a 6 bedroom house.
But I expect that to treple this month as the air condition has been on a lot.

My gas bill is about $25 a month atm but obviously I have no heating on at all since its 30 degrees all the damn time.

In winter I pay around $300 a month in gas.

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Outrageous Electricity Bill
Reply #8 on: August 16, 2009, 22:44:55 PM
We pay about £90 a month for electric (and we have gas, so its not being used for heating water)

I have a computer running 24/7 and Kirsten is in the house most of the day, so theres also a 40" LCD and a surround amp running most of the time too :)
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Re:Outrageous Electricity Bill
Reply #9 on: August 17, 2009, 08:24:42 AM
I suppose £70 a month isnt _that_ outrageous then. Just wish Id found out earlier so I could have spread the cost a bit. £70 a month i can handle, £160 is going to be noticable.
Formerly sexytw

Outrageous Electricity Bill
Reply #10 on: August 17, 2009, 08:37:58 AM
Im sure if you give them a bell and explain the situation they would be willing to compromise?

Maybe a lower payment for a longer period?

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Outrageous Electricity Bill
Reply #11 on: August 17, 2009, 08:47:19 AM
Quote from: White Giant
Im sure if you give them a bell and explain the situation they would be willing to compromise?

Maybe a lower payment for a longer period?

Always always always negotiate with utility companies. In my experience they will be only too happy to compromise and come up with an affordable monthly payment.

Our current company (Eon) are top notch as far as reading the meter goes so there have been no nasty surprises but the last two places we lived in didnt read it for years and we ended up being hit with a ridiculously high bill as it had just continued unchecked for so long. A quick call to the company explaining we couldnt afford to pay it and they were surprisingly happy to let us pay off a very small amount of the outstanding debt each month.

Re:Outrageous Electricity Bill
Reply #12 on: August 17, 2009, 09:12:42 AM
We have duel fuel paid on DirectDebit from Southern electric.

Our Monthly payments are £50 Gas £96 electric.

We use Gas for Heating, hot water and cooking. (Gas hob and oven)

We use Electric for Washing Machine, Tumble Dryer and Dishwasher (Unfortunately those three items use more electric than rest of the house over the month) Plus my better half works from home and has a laptop, duel core PC (450Watt PSU), 2x20" LCDs & 1x28" CRT TV running during the day.

Power isnt cheap and more things in our live want/need power. Im seriously thinking of getting solar cells to charge some batteries for lighting and device charging. Only problem is the cost of solar cells means saving wont pay for the outlay cost for a long time.

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Outrageous Electricity Bill
Reply #13 on: August 17, 2009, 16:41:42 PM
I just found something cool. For an extra $11 a month my nrg provider will switch to wind.

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Re:Outrageous Electricity Bill
Reply #14 on: August 17, 2009, 17:21:29 PM
We actually pay a lot more for gas than we do electric; £70 as opposed to £37. We are £130 in credit with the gas at the moment but well use that over winter when the heating is on.

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