Author Topic: Sci fi space travel?  (Read 8177 times)

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Re:Sci fi space travel?
Reply #45 on: January 05, 2009, 09:28:24 AM
Heh, so youre writing it as you go along?

Your (plot) style sounds similar to Larry Niven. Ive only read Ringworld, but I found the mix of science and Semi-Pratchett-esque humour quite refreshing. Might have to pick a copy up once its done...

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Re:Sci fi space travel?
Reply #46 on: January 05, 2009, 14:24:31 PM
For some books I started out with no plan at all, the problem is you can very effectively end up going nowhere. The minimum I prefer is a start point, a least a vague ending point and a reason for wanting to get there. From that you can add in various events that might happen along the way.

So I came up with a series of rough events that were supposed to happen as a sort of plan, a bit like stations on a railway line. Then it went off on a different track. Ive ditched the rest of the events I was going to use and have created some new ones, so ATM I know roughly where its going again. If you think about the many universes theories, this is exactly the same principle.

My problem was simply that one of the vital facts changed and the follow on scenes depended on it. To be honest this happens very often, sometimes it wipes out stuff you have already written as impossible or irrelevant.

To be specific the encounter with the Mechs was supposed to happen on a planets surface. That wasnt exactly easy as it turned out the planet was effectively dead and didnt have an atmosphere, this gave the aliens originally living there a reason to move home. So the encounter moved forward in time and onto a space station. Once that had happened all the other events after it either vanished or changed dramatically as they affected each other. This also meant my end point vanished, so I needed a new one.

As to Niven and pratchett. One of them is his best friend and it isnt Corvack...

EXI selected the external laser transmitter and pointed it at Simone’s returning combat shuttle. ‘Hi, I just thought I might message you to see how you are doing?’

‘I’m doing fine, journey time back is right on the button and no dark clouds in the sky here. How is it elsewhere?’

‘Well, I’ve just been handed a tiny cloud, although it might spoil your day a little.’ EXI paused for effect. ‘You see LIA has just told me Discovery Unlimited is doing an Aston, so they are abandoning ship. I need to keep close to Slade, just in case he needs help so someone else will have to take over and pick up LIA and her crew. I’m sending Defiance to meet you, try to take good care of it and pick us up when you are finished doing the rescue mission.’

‘Pesky little cloud. You sure we can’t just report that Ambassador Slade died while carrying out his duties?’

‘Well I didn’t jump into bed and bonk him senseless several times, so I thought you might not go for that option. I also think that it might end up a bit messy and, if he got out of the situation by himself you would never hear the end of it from him. Then again he might bang his head, or something, and remember everything. We need to keep him from doing that at all costs.’

‘Bummer, you’re right though. Him remembering or finding out what really happened would also really spoil our day. My having a good time with him has nothing to do with this, you are closer and transmitting the news to me might inform others of what is happening.’

‘I intend for that not to happen if at all possible. If it does I can take care of it.’

‘You taking a gun with you?’

I’m taking my battlesuit,’ EXI responded, ‘I don’t need a gun with one of those, although I will have some plasma rifles on board the shuttle too, if I need one.’

‘And if George Wallis asks about it?’

EXI shrugged mentally, ‘I don’t see a problem, you will be doing the reports. All I have to do is make myself scarce when he’s asking questions. I can get another IKal to stand in for me if necessary and she can claim no knowledge of what happened beyond what she knows, or rather, I tell her.’

‘Are you ready to go in and find if our Schrodinger’s cat is alive or dead?’ Corvack asked with concern. ‘It’s just that I’ve put twenty credits on with Simone on him surviving and you getting in there fast improves those odds.’

‘Seems everyone else has got there too,’ EXI disclosed. ‘my mail inbox has a load of offers for me to hurry up or take my time. Bah, she wouldn’t take my bet on it.’

‘It’s a bit much you betting,’ Corvack came back. ‘You are the one going in to rescue him.’

‘Exactly, if I could get a big enough offer it might influence my actions. I guess I’m just going to have to go and see what I can do.’

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Re:Sci fi space travel?
Reply #47 on: January 05, 2009, 15:14:48 PM
Im curious what your books are called, and whether I might have seen them on a shelf at some point?

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Re:Sci fi space travel?
Reply #48 on: January 05, 2009, 19:43:49 PM
Most dont have any names at the moment, its one of the things I tend to be rather poor at, along with writing synopsis.

Still waiting for Baen to get back to me on the first book I sent them. It takes firkin ages to get anything published or even to find out if they are interested  :disappointed:

So you wont have any of read them but if Im lucky I might just manage to get one published this decade...

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Re:Sci fi space travel?
Reply #49 on: January 13, 2009, 22:06:35 PM
As with most of my books, I started off and for the first 75,000 words I worried that I didnt have enough material to finish it.

Now as I get close to that point Im worrying there is too much material I need to get in :/

Seems that the storyline is staying on track though.

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Re:Sci fi space travel?
Reply #50 on: January 13, 2009, 22:32:55 PM
Sounds like any written work. Is there any written document out there which isnt a stress to make sure its too short or long...?

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Re:Sci fi space travel?
Reply #51 on: January 14, 2009, 03:31:42 AM
Yes, its called a letter.

Then again, writing reports and such like I was never really constrained by size. If there was a length specified then it somehow ended up the right length. If no length limit was mentioned, and this is normally the case in business, then it ended up whatever length it finished at. Quite often little more than the conclusion would be read. I probably could have put in blank sheets for the rest on quite a few. On one, just to test, I put a load of the worst gobbledegook I could come up with, nobody noticed.

Writing depends a lot on inspiration, if you dont have any then you can end up stalled, or becalmed - AKA writers block. Its quite possible not to be able to write for months, for no reason whatsoever, then it comes back again.

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Sci fi space travel?
Reply #52 on: January 14, 2009, 09:37:48 AM
maybe its them diazepams youre on

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Sci fi space travel?
Reply #53 on: January 17, 2009, 21:20:57 PM
Quote from: Edd
maybe its them diazepams youre on

I wish, those things have odd effects on me, I end up so happy I just dont care about anything else. Take enough and I would starve to death. Get a similar effect from a furniture varnish called button polish, one good whiff of that and its woohoo!!!  :heehaw:  :w00t:  8-)  :bounce:  :nana:

I found out working at a furniture place doing a temp job as a favour to the manager. Three days there and I was banned permanently from going near the stuff :cry:
I planned a little fact at the beginning of the book as to who the lemming with the fried brains father was, except I didnt realise how big an issue that might be.

Think of a press announcement that a 30th century man is the son of the equivalent of a highly genetically modified Prince Phillip, whos been sterilised, and a 90 year old catholic Ambassador, who also likes to bed men a lot.

Add that the Federation laws also state that any offspring of such a relationship have to be destroyed, even though they shouldnt be able to happen. And they are fighting the mother of all battles, against a foe who might actually win. If that isnt going to end with chaos then I dont know what would.

I dont think I can change it now either. Still, not an issue for this book, I can sort something out in the follow on, if he survives this one. Hes a good character though, interesting to work with.

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Re:Sci fi space travel?
Reply #54 on: January 17, 2009, 21:46:34 PM
Sounds confusing!

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Re:Sci fi space travel?
Reply #55 on: January 18, 2009, 00:00:24 AM
I prefer the term complex. Once you start reading then its straight enough. Even though I know who his father is it isnt mentioned directly at all. What gives it away are the genes.

The thing is once you have complex things can get out of hand, you think what if this happened? What about that? Where would an issue like this lead? It can end up with a load of possible options, not all of which will be beneficial and some will end up causing disaster.

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Re:Sci fi space travel?
Reply #56 on: January 18, 2009, 11:08:16 AM
I guess its a bit like game walkthroughs and guides, if you have started playing a game, and for some reason read the guide for the end level, it always sounds mental and way beyond possible, but it all progresses there with baby steps etc.

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Re:Sci fi space travel?
Reply #57 on: January 18, 2009, 22:05:27 PM
Exactly, speaking of which the follow on is already above 4000 words. Ive not only got to kick the court case into touch, but there is a massive direct experience 3D system. Kike a game or second life, but youre actually in there, experiencing what your character does.

Very nice but a series of connected people have been found attached to their system, all having apparently committed suicide by stabbing themselves multiple times with stylus devices. Someone is using the 3D world web to kill.

That brings in who people are, and who they want to be. In a world where you can be anyone, and do almost anything, where do you stop? Fancy experiencing sex as a female, lesbian, straight, gay or sheep?  :drool:  Its your choice. Remember though that extremely fit sexpot in front of you might look like an under age schoolgirl, but its far more likely to really be an 80 year old gay bloke. The system will have age limits and levels, so kids cant while adults can. How about being murdered? Repeatedly if thats your cup of tea. Some people like being tortured, others like hurting or dominating people. In the near bottomless pit of depravity that some peoples minds can manage what are the limits?

I *really* dont know if Im ready for that option. I would have to pull out the stops and examine everything  :shock:  :0hnoes:  :tinhat:  :shrug:

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Re:Sci fi space travel?
Reply #58 on: January 20, 2009, 03:29:17 AM
88K words, it looks like there wont be too many big changes with what is left.

Ive read the first twenty pages of the trilogy, seems he writes in scenes like I do. Its also a bit shaky on physics, claims if you leaned against frozen gas it would explode like a grenade, I really doubt it. Even in a suit with a heat exchanger giving out a full 37C on the back the solid would turn to gas and push you away. Liquid nitrogen can be held because it boils and lifts itself off your skin. So more like a rocket push at worst, although depending on the gravity you might end up in orbit or taking a really big, and fatal, jump. That issue was far too damn obvious for me, but then I tend to know too much about these issues as I cover them in my own books. Otherwise Im just seeing where hes going.

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Re:Sci fi space travel?
Reply #59 on: January 20, 2009, 10:20:54 AM
Hey, as I said, its a good sci-fi book for people that dont tend to stray into the genre, or arent looking for hardcore science.

I was under the impression though that the heat exchangers gave off considerably more heat than body temp, I think he mentions somewhere that they can give nasty burns at the least? As to the frozen helium/hydrogen subliming to a gas not being an explosion, Id have said again, it could be. Compressed gas cylinders when theyre ruptured dont explode in a ball of flame but still do just as much damage, and he does mention about the low gravity being an issue on the planets too so its a feasible risk!

Stop trying to pick flaws in it and just read the damned thing! You might find the other 2 books a bit disappointing if youre determined to look into all the science, but book 3 covers something similar to your virtual reality thing :)

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