I don't know whether when talk of shares has come up before, I mentioned my dabbling back at college.
Back in 2004 or so I had £300 of birthday money I decided to invest. I saw a company called As Seen on Screen, and thought it was a movie memorabilia company. They were like 4p a share so I opted to get a load of them, thinking they were so low it could only go up.
http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/echarts?s=ASC.L#symbol=asc.l;range=my;compare=;indicator=volume;charttype=area;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=off;source=undefined;6 months later I sold them for £600. I kept £300 and reinvested the other £300, which didn't do too well.
Every now and again I check to see how ASOS are doing. if I'd have kept the shares for another 6-12 months I'd have made a few thousand pounds from my £300 investment.
I just checked again, and unless my maths is wonky, I'd have made £112500 from that £300.