Author Topic: Teresa May, forget Strong and Stable  (Read 6418 times)

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Teresa May, forget Strong and Stable
on: October 02, 2017, 19:34:52 PM
Weak and feeble seems to be the new catchphrase. Seems she can't even say Boris Johnson is sackable. She avoids pretty much every question.

Her ministers are mouthing off all over the place, this isn't stable government, she has little or no control over them.

Which means either she's already lost it and they're looking for someone else to replace her, or, they are just keeping her hanging there as a scape goat in case it all goes wrong.

Anyone think there is a credible replacement?

And some election analysis by the Tories...
Last Edit: October 02, 2017, 19:37:47 PM by Serious #187;

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Re: Teresa May, forget Strong and Stable
Reply #1 on: October 03, 2017, 06:53:28 AM
None of them are credible, but we created this sh*tshow ourselves so cheers everyone, ride it out :cheers:

Re: Teresa May, forget Strong and Stable
Reply #2 on: October 03, 2017, 07:26:20 AM
I dont think any part have an electable leader. Certainly not comrade corbyn.
May cant sack Boris because it would be downfall of her own political career as well. It would split the party.
That wont happen as the party should do everything possible to keep the mad dictator out of no 10.

It was always said she would only do the job until after we've left the EU & if she carries on fudging that up - I doubt if she'll be there by the next budget next year.
Especially with the soft-soft brexit approach - as other members who want to challenge a leadership race can go opposite for a harder approach to brexit.

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Re: Teresa May, forget Strong and Stable
Reply #3 on: October 03, 2017, 07:26:42 AM
Until exceptional people representative of the population are able to rise up and get a voice, which given the rancid state of the system is unlikely to be in the next couple of decades, politics, along with advertisements, "the news" and much more modern toss, are a distraction to stop you bettering yourself.

Re: Teresa May, forget Strong and Stable
Reply #4 on: October 03, 2017, 07:28:19 AM
Until exceptional people representative of the population are able to rise up and get a voice, which given the rancid state of the system is unlikely to be in the next couple of decades, politics, along with advertisements, "the news" and much more modern toss, are a distraction to stop you bettering yourself.

They dont exist. Politics is a career choice now. Its not full of life-experienced people who actually want to make the country a better place. Its about a job with a gravy train of wealth & they will do anything to cling onto their constituency.
How many politicians have held down a real 9-5 job, etc. & not projected somewhere into a white collar position.

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Re: Teresa May, forget Strong and Stable
Reply #5 on: October 03, 2017, 16:57:49 PM
That wont happen as the party should do everything possible to keep the mad dictator out of no 10.

Which one?I accept Corbyn isn't electable, but you have David Davis, Boris Johnson, Liam Fox, Gove, Jeremy Hunt - all of which are completely bonkers in their own way.

It was always said she would only do the job until after we've left the EU & if she carries on fudging that up - I doubt if she'll be there by the next budget next year.
Especially with the soft-soft brexit approach - as other members who want to challenge a leadership race can go opposite for a harder approach to brexit.

There is one little issue with that, the stuff Vote Leave put out is all garbage, lies, fake news. The Tories are sitting on over 50 reports that they wouldn't dare share with anyone, and it isn't because they put a rosy glow on Brexit. The one that was leaked predicted massive job losses in the NHS. DEFRA were asked for details of a food report on prices covering the 5 years after Brexit by Unite, they refused. The Tories are trying to treat everyone as mushrooms, hope you like the horse sh*t.

That is why they are baulking at the prospect, they know how bad Brexit is going to be, forget the present 'Austerity'. This will destroy the Conservative party and possibly damage our economic future for the foreseeable future. Presently they have 12 months to finish the negotiations as the EU will require at least 6 months to ratify it. They are stuck, they need a trade deal with the EU but it would look very much like the status quo. That is why they are trying for an extension of 2 years.

Oh and that supposed 'special relationship' with the US? It's rather less special than a can of baked beans. Not so long ago the US slapped a 220% tariff on our steel exports to them, the WTO said it wasn't fair but otherwise didn't lift a finger. UK government went to the EU, who threatened tariffs on US products from swing states like Florida oranges. US backed down instantly. Trump is already hitting Canada with tariffs, and there is a trade agreement between them. Guess what would happen if we were out of the EU now. The deal Trump has in mind won't be fair or good for Britain, far from it.

Re: Teresa May, forget Strong and Stable
Reply #6 on: October 04, 2017, 10:21:54 AM
how many people do you think voted leave based on what they read?
There is a lot of resentment up, down & across the country towards EU people coming here.
Vast amount of people only vote on what they can see in & around them.
I live in a Labour stronghold. Anything from Tories tend to go in the bin - they even vote against tories for every opportunity. Why didnt Corbyn back one side or the other? As labour voters prob. would have backed them.
So thats a second type of voter.
Then you got the old people. The ones who voted in mass numbers. Why did they vote to leave in so many numbers? They are the ones who voted first time around to take us into the EU. The ones who have experienced all the changes.

As for a deal.... vote leave was to leave the EU & the single market. Not to be half in & half out. EU playing hardball because they got a very very weak hand. Team France & Poland are the ones pushing & pushing, because they have the most to loose. Who is going to pickup the UK tab when we leave? France. Who is currently the biggest benefactor of EU money? Poland. As for USA - they are an anomoly, they dont really need to trade with the rest of the world. They have enough of their own resources in food & fuel - so they are going to whack tarriffs on anything that threaten an industry which would lead to unemployment. Since you brought Steel up - look at the industry here. We need a Steel Tariff here.

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Re: Teresa May, forget Strong and Stable
Reply #7 on: October 04, 2017, 15:50:51 PM
People aren't anywhere near as isolated as you apparently think. They watched on the TV, or heard on radio or read in a newspaper or on social media. That usually included the side of a bus with the promise of £350 million back, which included the £100 million rebate we didn't pay and all the other money we get back. Tories and UKIP promised a quick and easy negotiation of a trade deal, after more than 6 months turns out it's extremely slow and horribly complex. We have about 750 other trade deals to renegotiate too, as well as sorting out huge amounts of legislation.

I agree a lot people feel resentment, people who didn't understand everything and were lied to by Conservatives and UKIP. EU workers don't just fill jobs, they create new additional ones and pour money into our economy. The maximum jobs limit is a myth and we don't have enough people to fill the jobs if the EU people all go home - you fancy gathering spuds for 6 hours a day as well as doing your present job? Germany and all the other EU countries enacted legislation to reduce the flow of workers from the ten new entrant countries, UK has never bothered, perhaps we should try using the tools we have rather than just throwing everything away?

Corbyn wants out so he can nationalise everything - not going to happen. The Tories want out so they can sell off the NHS and UKIP are mostly racists. Both Tories and UKIP are stuck with the idea of empire, and the UK could be powerful again - if only we could be separate from the EU. You can't be entirely separate, ECJ will still apply to all trade and EU law is presently being copied into UK law en-block. ECHR will still apply too, this is the court that says you can't deport terrorists/criminals, not the ECJ.

As for old people, ask them if they want to go back to before the NHS, and have to pay for doctor's appointments, hospital visit and everything else that's covered, in cash. The referendum gave the options leave or stay, not hard Brexit or soft Brexit. A huge number of people believed that leave would mean a deal for access to the single market, because that is what was promised. If it can't be delivered there should be another referendum, abandon Brexit or Hard Brexit, and see what the results would really be.
Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 15:59:02 PM by Serious #187;

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Re: Teresa May, forget Strong and Stable
Reply #8 on: October 04, 2017, 15:58:36 PM
there should be another referendum

No really, there shouldn't.

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Re: Teresa May, forget Strong and Stable
Reply #9 on: October 04, 2017, 16:03:42 PM
there should be another referendum

No really, there shouldn't.

Absolutely no reason. In that case abandon Brexit. If you think that it's going to be 'good for Britain' then you have no idea. Tories are attempting to negotiate a 2 year extension for a reason.

Re: Teresa May, forget Strong and Stable
Reply #10 on: October 04, 2017, 16:45:01 PM
People aren't anywhere near as isolated as you apparently think. They watched on the TV, or heard on radio or read in a newspaper or on social media. That usually included the side of a bus with the promise of £350 million back, which included the £100 million rebate we didn't pay and all the other money we get back. Tories and UKIP promised a quick and easy negotiation of a trade deal, after more than 6 months turns out it's extremely slow and horribly complex. We have about 750 other trade deals to renegotiate too, as well as sorting out huge amounts of legislation.

I agree a lot people feel resentment, people who didn't understand everything and were lied to by Conservatives and UKIP. EU workers don't just fill jobs, they create new additional ones and pour money into our economy. The maximum jobs limit is a myth and we don't have enough people to fill the jobs if the EU people all go home - you fancy gathering spuds for 6 hours a day as well as doing your present job? Germany and all the other EU countries enacted legislation to reduce the flow of workers from the ten new entrant countries, UK has never bothered, perhaps we should try using the tools we have rather than just throwing everything away?

Corbyn wants out so he can nationalise everything - not going to happen. The Tories want out so they can sell off the NHS and UKIP are mostly racists. Both Tories and UKIP are stuck with the idea of empire, and the UK could be powerful again - if only we could be separate from the EU. You can't be entirely separate, ECJ will still apply to all trade and EU law is presently being copied into UK law en-block. ECHR will still apply too, this is the court that says you can't deport terrorists/criminals, not the ECJ.

As for old people, ask them if they want to go back to before the NHS, and have to pay for doctor's appointments, hospital visit and everything else that's covered, in cash. The referendum gave the options leave or stay, not hard Brexit or soft Brexit. A huge number of people believed that leave would mean a deal for access to the single market, because that is what was promised. If it can't be delivered there should be another referendum, abandon Brexit or Hard Brexit, and see what the results would really be.
Who believed what was on the bus? Actually... who believes any politician about  anything!
The bus said we send £350m a week to the EU.
Lets fund the NHS instead.
Where did it say it was all going to the NHS instead? That would not be possible as NHS are devolved in Scotland, NI & Wales - so how do they share that out?

That was assumptions.
Our net spend is about £70m a week. So that includes the rebate & the other money we get back. As for a trade deal - the vote was to leave the EU & EEC - Trade deal only came afterwards when it was mentioned about softening brexit. Voting to leave you knew there was no trade deal on the able & you would be out of the EEC & Single Market - So not sure how you can say that it was promised, when clearly stated a vote was to leave the single market. If a deal cant be delivered, then the country gets exactly what it was told its voting for. Leaving the EU & Single Market.

You say people was lied to - no they was not. A large part of voters was those who had already decided to vote leave due to the resentments. Another load because it was seen as a vote against tories.
That is exactly what happened in my part of the country. Labour stronghold for 100 years.
You can go back to the Vote to take us into the EEC - wasnt that also one big lie? We did not get to vote to move from the EEC to the EU. We didnt because the pro EU government knew they would lose a vote.

The biggest problem about the EU was the expansion of the 8-10 countries. Poland benefit by over £5 billion a year. Every expansion country get back more than they put in - so again, you can see why people think they get a raw deal of being a member of the EU. I have been to quite a few Eastern European countries & they are about 25-30 years behind is in infrastructure. It will be a long time before they are at a level that we enjoy today.

Again your mentioning NHS - its devolved. So tories could never sell off the NHS outside of England... Not unless they gain power in Hollyrood & Cardiff Bay!

Though the NHS is broken & needs streamlining. There is to much waste. Especially on prescriptions being handed out that are costing £5-£10 to the NHS for pills that can be bought over the counter cheaper!

The referendum gave the option to leave or stay. Not on condition or a promise of any EU trade deal or single market access. We've voted. We're leaving. To do a U-turn now would be bad for Britain. The EU would bully us at every opportunity.

I look forward to leaving & I look forward to France picking up our Tab.

Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 16:48:23 PM by Eggtastico #187;

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Re: Teresa May, forget Strong and Stable
Reply #11 on: October 05, 2017, 05:11:24 AM

Who believed what was on the bus? Actually... who believes any politician about  anything!
The bus said we send £350m a week to the EU.
Lets fund the NHS instead.
Where did it say it was all going to the NHS instead? That would not be possible as NHS are devolved in Scotland, NI & Wales - so how do they share that out?

Reality is our net spending on the EU is £192 million a week, and a lot of that is for help getting countries like Poland up and running properly after generations of economic neglect. Even then some of that is sent back. If we want a deal with the EU then we have to accept certain things. The ECJ being involved in trade is one of them. Reasonable freedom of movement is another. Legislation exists to control movement, Tony Blair didn't put it into effect here and neither did any other government since.

Watched Teresa May's keynote speech, I won't say it was bad, a lot of the Tories did though, and the newspapers. Unfortunately they didn't put it up.

Boris has been busy too. Second one is fairly funny. Johnson being warned by the British ambassador and acting as a 5 year old.

Re: Teresa May, forget Strong and Stable
Reply #12 on: October 05, 2017, 07:56:08 AM
Reality is our net spending on the EU is £192 million a week, and a lot of that is for help getting countries like Poland up and running properly after generations of economic neglect. Even then some of that is sent back. If we want a deal with the EU then we have to accept certain things. The ECJ being involved in trade is one of them. Reasonable freedom of movement is another. Legislation exists to control movement, Tony Blair didn't put it into effect here and neither did any other government since.

Plus all the extra money Poland get from our benefit system. Its a well known to come over. signup. then go back home.  We dont owe 2nd world countries anything. How many factories & jobs have been lost because production has been moved from the UK for financial reasons?
Again, the talking about a deal. Nothing about a deal was mentioned when we was told we was having a referendum. We should leave. leave with nothing. Which is what was voted on & for. If the vote was to leave the EU, but to stay in the single market, keep migration allowable & all the other benefits of being in the EU - then what is the point of it all?

 We dont need to play fair. We will be much better once our government can state aid industries again.

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Re: Teresa May, forget Strong and Stable
Reply #13 on: October 05, 2017, 08:52:58 AM
there should be another referendum

No really, there shouldn't.

Absolutely no reason. In that case abandon Brexit. If you think that it's going to be 'good for Britain' then you have no idea. Tories are attempting to negotiate a 2 year extension for a reason.

I don't like either party, but there was a vote, it's done, finished, the people have spoken.

That said, I doubt the UK will ever leave anyway, look at Ireland/Greece, they had lots of votes too, -edit see eggs below- the "wrong answer"...

"Brexit" as I touched upon earlier is just a big distraction to keep the mass populace narrative in check, it's very well controlled and anyone who votes leave is masterfully put into an "idiot" box, the below is a good read up on Greece and of course the elephant in the room that is never really covered on TV (which thankfully nobody under 30 really watches) banks, and fraud,
Last Edit: October 05, 2017, 20:05:33 PM by matt5cott #187;

Re: Teresa May, forget Strong and Stable
Reply #14 on: October 05, 2017, 17:12:46 PM
there should be another referendum

No really, there shouldn't.

Absolutely no reason. In that case abandon Brexit. If you think that it's going to be 'good for Britain' then you have no idea. Tories are attempting to negotiate a 2 year extension for a reason.

I don't like either party, but there was a vote, it's done, finished, the people have spoken.

That said, I doubt the UK will ever leave anyway, look at Ireland/Greece, they had lots of votes too because they wanted to leave, which was the "wrong answer"...

"Brexit" as I touched upon earlier is just a big distraction to keep the mass populace narrative in check, it's very well controlled and anyone who votes leave is masterfully put into an "idiot" box, the below is a good read up on Greece and of course the elephant in the room that is never really covered on TV (which thankfully nobody under 30 really watches) banks, and fraud,

The votes in Ireland was for the EU constitution. They voted twice no to it. So did France. So did the dutch. We did not get to vote, as it was reworded into what is now known as the Treaty of Lisbon & signed by Gordon Brown.

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