Author Topic: The end of Petrol cars has started  (Read 44770 times)

  • Offline neXus

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Re: The end of Petrol cars has started
Reply #45 on: March 11, 2021, 04:50:09 AM
If you do mega miles it perhaps makes sense, I just don't like being disengaged from driving. There are too many distractions and conveniences now that trivialise driving to the point where you can easily lapse in concentration IMO. I like to remain focused at all times, especially now I have kids in the back.

One of my brothers had a not safe driving issue. Then he got a daughter. She taught him to be careful.

Even with the best modern driving aids you still have to keep your eyes on the road. Eventually there might be the option of fully automatic driving and it might become legal to have it in control rather than you, but not yet. We might even have functional self drive air cars before then.

Interesting lead to all the new cars with digital displays. Mercedes taking queues from Tesla and then some as well as BMW. I wonder how this will all effect driving attention. New Merc's even have RGB going on.

Re: The end of Petrol cars has started
Reply #46 on: March 15, 2021, 09:32:51 AM
If you do mega miles it perhaps makes sense, I just don't like being disengaged from driving. There are too many distractions and conveniences now that trivialise driving to the point where you can easily lapse in concentration IMO. I like to remain focused at all times, especially now I have kids in the back.

One of my brothers had a not safe driving issue. Then he got a daughter. She taught him to be careful.

Even with the best modern driving aids you still have to keep your eyes on the road. Eventually there might be the option of fully automatic driving and it might become legal to have it in control rather than you, but not yet. We might even have functional self drive air cars before then.

There's hope for Alan yet then :D

Re: The end of Petrol cars has started
Reply #47 on: March 16, 2021, 16:06:12 PM
wait where did I come into it?

I've only been in once accident, wasn't my fault !

the multiple bans for having too many points (speeding) have nothing to do with anything....

Re: The end of Petrol cars has started
Reply #48 on: March 16, 2021, 16:10:52 PM
one of my drivers was in a crash a couple of week back

said he was driving along and someone shot out of a drive backwards, just missed a builders van and collided with him

woman driver denied driving, man ran out of house and said he was the driver

lots of arguing ensued, he had to phone the police!

I've been arguing with the insurance company about it.... until they sent me this CCTV....

he's in the white (7ton) van coming from the right

skip to 2min

nice :-s

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Re: The end of Petrol cars has started
Reply #49 on: March 16, 2021, 18:19:11 PM
Been in a similar crash, twice on the same day.

Car actually still ran, surprisingly, but not well and was declared a write off by insurance.

This can happen, it's traveling slightly too fast for the conditions. No point in lying about it, someone is almost guaranteed to have a camera and find you out.

Even without that it is obvious from a tail end collision who is responsible in that location.

  • Offline neXus

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Re: The end of Petrol cars has started
Reply #50 on: March 16, 2021, 23:39:14 PM
one of my drivers was in a crash a couple of week back

said he was driving along and someone shot out of a drive backwards, just missed a builders van and collided with him

woman driver denied driving, man ran out of house and said he was the driver

lots of arguing ensued, he had to phone the police!

I've been arguing with the insurance company about it.... until they sent me this CCTV....

he's in the white (7ton) van coming from the right

skip to 2min

nice :-s

You sacking him then for lying?

Re: The end of Petrol cars has started
Reply #51 on: March 22, 2021, 16:13:39 PM
You sacking him then for lying?

for now he's taken a pay cut to cover some of the cost

  • Offline neXus

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Re: The end of Petrol cars has started
Reply #52 on: March 23, 2021, 00:12:52 AM
You sacking him then for lying?

for now he's taken a pay cut to cover some of the cost

Never a dull day for you mate :)

On the topic at hand, all the electric car conversion seems to be really gathering moment in the car industry. It seems some old long relationships between oil companies and car companies are going sour so the latter is turning away.
The future problem for anyone with normal cars is that as demand drops the prices will go up.

Re: The end of Petrol cars has started
Reply #53 on: July 16, 2022, 16:26:35 PM
If you do mega miles it perhaps makes sense, I just don't like being disengaged from driving. There are too many distractions and conveniences now that trivialise driving to the point where you can easily lapse in concentration IMO. I like to remain focused at all times, especially now I have kids in the back.

The inference here is that I am disengaged from driving and that I don't remain focused at all times. You could make your point without slinging mud there Nige.

There's a reason they use autopilot in aircraft, and why when performing landing and take offs (statistically the most dangerous part of the flight) flight computers are increasingly including modes that automate much of the minutia of flying an aircraft, no different to driving a vehicle.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Re: The end of Petrol cars has started
Reply #54 on: July 17, 2022, 07:15:07 AM
The inference here is that I am disengaged from driving and that I don't remain focused at all times. You could make your point without slinging mud there Nige.

Not at all fella, please don't read into it, I'm talking from purely personal experience.

I have nearly fallen asleep at the wheel before on the motorway of all places a long time ago, anything that keeps you engaged with driving and alert is a good thing. I'm all or nothing for driving aids, either it's driving for me wholesale or I'm driving. Except emergency braking, the car is welcome to do that for me if I'm going to hit something. I have all of these aids on my Nissan Leaf, the only ones I like are the lane merge warnings to cover me missing something in my blind spot and the emergency braking, even if it does activate for no reason sometimes annoyingly, like passing a car that has moved over into a filter lane.

Also you can't really compare driving aids to flight paths where the risk of collision is zilch. Who cares if the pilot even exists on a flight. Again, I'd be all for fully automated driving so I could sit and read Tekforums with a cup of tea, but otherwise no half measures for me thanks.
Last Edit: July 17, 2022, 07:19:35 AM by Clock'd 0Ne #187;

Re: The end of Petrol cars has started
Reply #55 on: July 17, 2022, 12:43:21 PM
You know what?  I welcome the arrival of the electric age.
I'm a through and through petrol head, I have 5 cars, 2 motorbikes, I've owned stuff with the engines that everyone wants, BOA's VQ's, RB's, K20's and 2J.

if it means the end of tromboning DSG gearboxes and everyone and their mum having pop bang tunes on pointless cars, I'm all for it.
Also, it means car companies can get creative with the look of the cars.

Look at the new Citroen Ami for example.
Also, I think one of the designers at Hyundai managed to find a brick of cocaine and has been sharing it around the office.  And I'm here for that.

Look at the Ioniq 5, Ioniq 6 and the new "Vision 74" Concept.  Yeah, you may think it's just a prototype, but take a look at the Hyundai 45 and the Prophecy.  Those are now real cars.

Battery technology needs to change, and it is doing.  We need less reliance on rare earth minerals and a way to charge them quicker.

Motorbikes on the other hand are going to be a difficult sell.  People don't use them in the same way as cars.  Are they going to fit layby's with tens of chargers?  Every cafe/greasy spoon etc?  As that's what we do with them.  We'll do 100-200 miles a day, at high revs and stop for tea, bit of cake, fish and chips etc at the sea side. 

And so what if people are inattentive when they drive. I'm not saying you are M3ta, but there is no doubt that there are some people out there don't have the foggiest idea what they're doing behind the wheel, and they don't care.
Why not let the car take over for those people who's phone is permanently glued to their hands.

Re: The end of Petrol cars has started
Reply #56 on: July 18, 2022, 02:23:10 AM
also pro electric and pro self driving

haven't driven any self driving or lane assist etc. so can't really comment on those

eventually self driving should be awesome... the car looking in every direction all the time, looking through things etc. (or however that sh*t works)

there's a lot of mongs out there who have no idea what they're doing

was in the back of a car and the woman driving (gf of a guy at work, he was in the front) she was bitching like crazy about the lane assist trying to stop her changing lanes... told her she needs to use indicators more but it just didn't sink in :-s

Re: The end of Petrol cars has started
Reply #57 on: July 18, 2022, 08:00:13 AM
It's something a lot of people don't enjoy, or see as only a necessity and have no desire to get better at it.
Driving standards as a whole have gone down dramatically. There's too many distractions and people don't know how to be bored, or concentrate.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Re: The end of Petrol cars has started
Reply #58 on: July 18, 2022, 10:18:25 AM
Couldn't agree with both of you more. A female colleague I used to work with admitted she actively switches off when driving, finds it boring and just listens to the radio, sings along, etc. :o

Motorbikes are an interesting one because I would have thought that the power to weight ratio would make electric bikes a fantastic proposition but then its the polar opposite experience you want as a petrolhead I suppose. For the same reason while I love tootling around lazily in my Leaf I would be more than happy to have something like a Boxster as weekend fun motor still.
Last Edit: July 18, 2022, 10:25:05 AM by Clock'd 0Ne #187;

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