Author Topic: The US Election  (Read 17279 times)

  • Offline neXus

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The US Election
on: October 20, 2020, 04:45:31 AM
This is going to be interesting. This will be a movie of strange and crazy events.

Win loose or draw what Trump does will be nothing like anything we have seen before.

The US election

This election is going to be fascinating on so many levels. (A long post)
Trumps campaign has been little about policy, roadmap and future but about misinformation, lies, social media turmoil and, accusations and insults.I am sure you all know of US voting, electoral votes, the jeririgging of seats to voting catchment areas etc. Republicans play this game the most and when ever they are in power always try to make big changes to hold on to that power so even with less votes they can still win. There has been movies on this very topic if I recall. Apparently this has been going on again this election plus the fake voting boxes and voter suppression efforts and of course Trump and co saying voting by mail has massive fraud issues which is untrue but setting the seed to have something to call upon if they loose.

Biden leads by 11/12 points but so did Hillary Clinton so who knows how things will go but Biden should win unless something dodgy happens. If he looses what will happen? I can imagine shock for one thing but how he lost will be in very hot debate or voter fraud claims made and investigations taken place.
If Trump wins - God help America.
If Trump looses his tweeter feed will be a thing to behold I am sureIf Trump looses how he will act and what he will do will be fascinating. Does anyone think he will go quietly?Trumps campaign was as many  a case was a means to make money.  It is silly but people make money on the campaign trail. When for what ever reason legal, aided or not that he could win and how he partnered with Republicans in a love hate relationship and then won I think in part was a surprise. As in, they tried but managed to pull it off. From there he has tried to do his best to make him and the people like him richer.

I think coming out of the election at a loss he and his family will literally be up schitt's creek. That show with the rich family who are now poor. I can see this happening with the Trump Family.

The Republicans have no one else, if they loose they will be in a bit of a mess and for a while. I think you could see 8 Years before they can get another chance. They have relied on trump to get mostly what they want and put up with him to have the power but as time has gone on it has become more strained and you either have the people doubling down with him, spurting increasingly crazy actions, chucked out for not following him or just quietly putting up with it. Now has he has got more crazy and may loose they are already prepping to distance themselves from him with some already doing so.If the Republicans loose you will see the “Blame Trump” for nearly everything occur, anyone he thought with him will turn against him as they look to avoid any of the possible actions, legal and retaliative that come with him loosing the power of a president.
What do you think will happen?

  • Offline neXus

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Re: The US Election
Reply #1 on: October 20, 2020, 05:32:27 AM
A lot of other people by the way have stake in President Trump possibly loosing the election and I think some have been caught out with the 4 years passing already.
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is seeing the writing on the wall and has been desperately trying to push a variety of things through in the last year. He would be gone for a start.

Interesting times ahead.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #2 on: October 21, 2020, 21:18:29 PM
Where to start, yes Biden was barely ahead of Hillary Clinton, but the weaponization of information that Trump's backers used, including his masters in Russia and elsewhere, doesn't seem to be anywhere near as effective this time.

The Senate basically isn't doing anything apart from trying to shove through as many Republican biased judges as they can at the moment. Even if something dodgy did go through it would then face congress. That's why Trump's last covid relief package, designed to give the rich a huge boost but the average person nothing failed.

in the end, Trump could win, but if the Senate turns Democratic he's still in the sh*t pile.

With the USA polls there are so many possible variables that you could end up with both sides claiming victory, depending on how you assess the numbers. Remember that there is the public vote, which elects selected people to the electoral college. It is then these representatives in the electoral college who vote for the President. It is only the result of their vote that matters in electing the President. Hillary won the purely numeric vote. Had it been proportional, a highest public vote wins, she would have been President. Trump won the numbers translation game, same as in Britain you can get more votes but the other party gets more MPs due to the distribution of the vote. So don't read too much into those polls.

  • Offline neXus

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Re: The US Election
Reply #3 on: October 22, 2020, 01:47:47 AM
Where to start, yes Biden was barely ahead of Hillary Clinton, but the weaponization of information that Trump's backers used, including his masters in Russia and elsewhere, doesn't seem to be anywhere near as effective this time.

The Senate basically isn't doing anything apart from trying to shove through as many Republican biased judges as they can at the moment. Even if something dodgy did go through it would then face congress. That's why Trump's last covid relief package, designed to give the rich a huge boost but the average person nothing failed.

in the end, Trump could win, but if the Senate turns Democratic he's still in the sh*t pile.

With the USA polls there are so many possible variables that you could end up with both sides claiming victory, depending on how you assess the numbers. Remember that there is the public vote, which elects selected people to the electoral college. It is then these representatives in the electoral college who vote for the President. It is only the result of their vote that matters in electing the President. Hillary won the purely numeric vote. Had it been proportional, a highest public vote wins, she would have been President. Trump won the numbers translation game, same as in Britain you can get more votes but the other party gets more MPs due to the distribution of the vote. So don't read too much into those polls.

What shocks me is that "He could win" with him basically doing nothing!

If he wins where:

- He has made rich richer and average person poorer
- Failed many other areas
- Failed to handle COVID-19
- Failed on job growth despite just saying its bette
- Lied, cheated, insulted and just been a down right person.

And in the run up to the election:
- Lied
- Insulted
- Basically been a dick
- Done rallies
- All but ZERO policies or Roadmap for the future

IF he wins that is on the American people and they are beyond saving if enough of them voted him in.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #4 on: October 22, 2020, 19:05:04 PM
Official polling day is the 3rd of Novermber so we should have a result not long after that. Commentators and news channels usually like to make it look close to improve their people watching numbers.

I have seen "news" articles saying that Trump is ahead and others saying he's way behind in early voting. Occasionally from the same organization. Really though the only thing that matters is winning states.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #5 on: November 05, 2020, 10:14:01 AM
Now two days after US Presidential election day and it looks like a huge s**t show. Trump claiming victory when behind, but still plausible for him catching up. Also claiming fraud when it's the Republicans doing it in an attempt to keep him in office.

Now down to a very few states and neither able to claim victory, although that did not stop Trump starting legislation.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #6 on: November 05, 2020, 10:37:45 AM
America is still screwed even if Biden does win overall, purely because the Republicans will still have overall control of the senate, supreme court, etc. It is now the laughing stock of the international stage.

  • Offline neXus

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Re: The US Election
Reply #7 on: November 06, 2020, 00:32:07 AM
America is still screwed even if Biden does win overall, purely because the Republicans will still have overall control of the senate, supreme court, etc. It is now the laughing stock of the international stage.
Similar to Obama first 4 years. Was very hard for him to get anything done.

  • Offline neXus

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Re: The US Election
Reply #8 on: November 06, 2020, 01:51:31 AM
As a friend point out - A lot of Republican voters (outside of the clear nutters) are not voting for Trump.
They are voting for their preferred senator in their state and in turn get a president out of that.

America just does not like change and pretty much the same states vote red or blue and some will likely never change.
Swing states come from change that is seen in the state or very late based on current events/standings.

Florida has declined in general in many ways. Rich very rich and very republican and the poor idiots who still think Republicans will save them.

For me...

What is very clear is that the Trump team know how to play with mindset of the week and it is clear most who vote Republican are open to zero facts, listen to what ever someone of power says to then believe it and open to conspiracy and everything else.
The scary part is that there is simply A LOT of them and growing which has also been fuelled by trump.
This same demographic are mostly racist creating all the problems there, don't care or do not think the Pandemic is a thing creating more problems there as well.

Despite Trump's obvious plan to try and discredit postal voting for months now it has been a hard effort for what seems to be common sense Americans to vote him out.

If Biden does win it will be an interesting few months and it will be a hard 4 years to try and undo all the damage done and calm America. They will need 2 terms again to really get the country back on track.

I also still just can not help but laugh our the Republicans Hated Trump so much too at the start but to keep in power have just doubled down so hard and ran with him. Even many of them must know hes insane.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Re: The US Election
Reply #9 on: November 06, 2020, 09:20:29 AM
A lot of Republicans despise Trump but they will do anything to maintain control. The sooner all the Republican old guard like Trump, Bitch McConnell, Mike Pence all die off the better for humanity.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #10 on: November 06, 2020, 11:52:51 AM
America is still screwed even if Biden does win overall, purely because the Republicans will still have overall control of the senate, supreme court, etc. It is now the laughing stock of the international stage.
Similar to Obama first 4 years. Was very hard for him to get anything done.

For the first two years the Democrats had control of both the senate and Congress. The advantage the Republicans had was the democrats didn't have a two thirds majority in the senate, so could filibuster anything they didn't like.

What they can do is add temporary judges to the supreme court if they press for it.

They don't, as far as I know, vote for president and senators at the same time. They don't even vote for the President but representatives in the electoral college. Only 33 class 2 seats of the Senate are being contested in regular elections, one third of the total, plus a couple of seats for McCain and someone who resigned. The senate has votes every two years on a six year cycle, so a third of the Senators are up each time.

As Clock'd says they're screwed, but mostly because of the animosity generated by Trump between Democrats and his Republican supporters.
Last Edit: November 06, 2020, 11:55:50 AM by Serious #187;

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Re: The US Election
Reply #11 on: November 06, 2020, 13:53:59 PM

What could happen if Trump refuses to concede.

  • Offline matt5cott

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Re: The US Election
Reply #12 on: November 06, 2020, 15:33:44 PM
It's sh*t here in blighty, and equally sh*t in the U.S of A, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaa!

Trump is terrible.

Biden is dreadful.

You know what would have been nice? A competent opponent for Trump, who could have then went on to win legitimately and probably comfortably.

What we're seeing is banana republic stuff :lol: This will not be over any time soon, you can detest Trump as much as you like but having seen quite clear corruption and fraud evidence on twitter, the orange man probably does have a point, and as much as I hate to admit it, I actually think he's right.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #13 on: November 07, 2020, 16:41:15 PM
Biden victory in Pennsylvania announced. 273 electoral college votes is beyond the half way mark so Trump is sunk.

All that remains is the court stuff and dragging the trash out of the White House.

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Re: The US Election
Reply #14 on: November 07, 2020, 17:02:27 PM
you can detest Trump as much as you like but having seen quite clear corruption and fraud evidence on twitter, the orange man probably does have a point, and as much as I hate to admit it, I actually think he's right.

Just a couple of issues with that, what corruption and fraud there has been seems to have come entirely from Trump and his supporters, including trying to stop postal votes and intimidate voters.

Observers, the press, and many Republicans have said the elections were not fraud. Each state has their own way of counting, and what votes get counted. So taking several days to count the votes is entirely fair and normal.

Twitter has repeatedly put on Trump's posts that they were effectively lies.

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