Author Topic: The world has gone mad  (Read 14133 times)

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #45 on: March 27, 2020, 13:12:23 PM pretty much what I was talking about before.

“South Korea is one of the most wired countries in the world, where everybody uses cell phones for just about everything, and [the government] was able to use our cell phones to not only track but send warnings, like ‘watch out, there's a Covid-19 patient in your vicinity.’”
Last Edit: March 27, 2020, 13:15:15 PM by Clock'd 0Ne #187;

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #46 on: March 27, 2020, 14:50:10 PM
US now leads world in coronavirus cases. Although it's leading something I doubt if any other country wants.

Still behind with only 1,300 fatalities but they are probably going to be catching up fast. Probably the only reason that more have not died is they tend to die several years earlier than in Italy on average.

Trump is still lying about the situation too.

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #47 on: March 31, 2020, 18:05:07 PM
US Death toll is 3,393. UK 1,808.

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #48 on: April 01, 2020, 03:33:31 AM
A little shocking thing I have seen is friends and family on facebook.

1. Too many people are getting their information from social media and too many of them are getting all the fake stuff and taking it in. That worries me. One is the home made mask stuff that people are doing that is pointless.

2. People complaining their hands are sore or too dry now from washing their hands a lot.
Firstly - OMG, the amount of people that did not wash their hands as they should be normally is very surprising to me. I have barely changed my hand washing because I was already doing it all.

- Before dinner
- When you come home from work
- Put bins out
- Doing anything in outside or clearly could be dirty
- Toilet of course

And so on...

I commented on this on facebook and most people seem to not wash their hands before dinner or after being out of the house and a couple of family members told me I was excessive before. The whole reason Flu numbers are still quite shocking globally is because people have a very poor concept in hygiene and as soon as a new virus hits - its a mess.

France - Has been poo with their flu numbers for years, too many old people die each year over there but they worked on it recently and it improved. They still have questionable hygiene around.
Italy - Old country, old people and lots just water works, garbage, streets - all old but they clearly have a major issue with their health and hygiene over there. They have not taken part in official flu statistics for a number of years so no one really knows how bad it is each year there but clearly there was a reason for it - They knew!

New York - Anyone been there in summer? Why do most people go there when it is actually winter? Same as San Fran - A lot of streets actually just smell of piss and the garbage everywhere that seems to just been there ages, the human poo you see on the streets, all the homeless, the smog and just how crammed people are there etc - It was ALWAYS going to be a bad run there.

America with its overal population of poor health, government of idiots in power, king idiot in power and poor [/size]hygiene many states have - Their death toll is going to be crazy.

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #49 on: April 01, 2020, 07:49:50 AM
I totally agree on the handwashing, there's nothing anal about it. For some reason people have this cavalier attitude to bacteria and such as though "it's good for your immune system". The only time this ever applied is with newborns with underdeveloped immune systems (breastfeed them and let them play normally in your house, don't let them swandive into your rubbish bin) or commensal bacteria like that found in your gut.

Not sure what to think on the masks tbh as there is a lot of poorly thought out logic or plain mis-information, overuse/poorly constructed ones will do nothing, but surely any barrier is better than no barrier? If nothing else it will keep the other mouth-breathers away from you! This also seems to get tied in with using surgical gloves too, which should be a no-brainer if disposed of after use correctly, but there's people saying don't bother with gloves at all.

This should be required watching:

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #50 on: April 01, 2020, 09:50:33 AM
The "don't use gloves or masks" thing has a few different points behind it. First is that they're in short supply, so it's about saving them for those who really do need them (the medical professionals with direct contact with the infected). Second is that most people won't be using them correctly,at which point they can increase the risk of pathogenic infections rather than decrease.

IE, disposable p2 type masks will stop particulates but once they're saturated, you'll end up breathing in the stuff that's soaked through. Also, improper handling can contaminate them. They should be worn once and thrown away.

As to gloves, same thing can be said about the improper handling and storage. But also they can instil bad habits, such as a feeling of immunity so you go around touching and contaminating more than you would of you felt vulnerable and gloveless. A lot of microbiologists don't wear gloves in the lab for that reason,as well as the fact that the skin is a great barrier, you just need to wash your hands properly!

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #51 on: April 01, 2020, 10:04:48 AM
Well rounded points there!

On the whole, I think proper use of gloves is probably more beneficial (assuming you are continuing to wash your hands) especially if you have cuts/cracks on your hands, which could be caused by dry skin from washing so much. Most people don't clean their hands properly, but it takes a special kind of cretin to not be able to use and dispose of gloves correctly.
Last Edit: April 01, 2020, 10:08:20 AM by Clock'd 0Ne #187;

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #52 on: April 01, 2020, 10:07:47 AM
You'd be surprised what people do.

Seen people walking around holding their phones with gloves on. Touching their face with gloves on. Pulling gloves off by the fingertips...

I wear gloves at work/the lab (senior lab technician) and am pretty anal when it comes to what I handle and how and even I catch myself cutting corners occasionally!

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #53 on: April 01, 2020, 10:10:15 AM
Its a shame they don't make gloves that react/discolour when certain microbes come into contact with them. A bit like the glitter analogy in the above instructional video; if you could see what you were spreading you would be shocked.

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #54 on: April 01, 2020, 10:34:38 AM
The blue nitrile gloves do tend to go yellow when they're exposed to a number of chemicals (usually corrosive things).

Recently did a guest talk about pathogens (in the context of health and safety at the waste water treatment plant).

The below photo is of bacterial cultures grown from finger prints of a variety of staff. This was done in the current pandemic climate, so they'd all been washing their hands...

Will admit though that the act of cleaning your hands will never get rid of all bacteria, good chance that most of those colonies grew from bacterial species that live in your skin (feeding on dead skin  etc) so washing hands kills off the stuff on the surface that you picked up by touching things, but also removes the upper layer of skin exposing the stuff on the under layers, so it's not a case of my colleagues having filthy fingers...

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #55 on: April 05, 2020, 07:34:33 AM
Will admit though that the act of cleaning your hands will never get rid of all bacteria, good chance that most of those colonies grew from bacterial species that live in your skin (feeding on dead skin  etc) so washing hands kills off the stuff on the surface that you picked up by touching things, but also removes the upper layer of skin exposing the stuff on the under layers, so it's not a case of my colleagues having filthy fingers...

Stripping all the bacteria from your skin could actually be dangerous, they live mostly in a symbiotic relationship with you, and tend to protect you from potentially worse infections.

That might not stop one of them getting out of control but it applies nearly all of the time. Add in all the research they are doing about intestinal bacteria and how it prevents many diseases and disorders. Many now get fecal transplants to stop health issues.

USA 311,000 known infections, 8,454 dead.
Last Edit: April 05, 2020, 07:36:41 AM by Serious #187;

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #56 on: April 06, 2020, 08:51:01 AM
Many now get fecal transplants to stop health issues.

Okay, I'm done for the day

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #57 on: April 06, 2020, 20:03:36 PM
USA 311,000 known infections, 8,454 dead.
8,454 deaths.  Assumed Covid related.  There's a lot of trickery going on.

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #58 on: April 06, 2020, 23:03:04 PM
USA 311,000 known infections, 8,454 dead.
8,454 deaths.  Assumed Covid related.  There's a lot of trickery going on.

There have probably been deaths that were not recorded as covid-19 related. Trump would like to keep the number as low as possible. The number now is well over 10,000 including BBC reporting.

In the UK Boris Johnson has been taken into intensive care.

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Re: The world has gone mad
Reply #59 on: April 07, 2020, 08:18:32 AM
Apparently if you didn't die in hospital/hadn't been tested or it wasn't categorically known at the time, it won't have been marked as COVID-19 related death. So the numbers are a lot lower than they should be, everywhere.

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