Author Topic: Trans fats, not saturated fat, linked to heart disease risk  (Read 7317 times)

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Most dietary advice recommends limiting the consumption of saturated fats, which are found in butter, milk, meat and egg, due to the risk of developing heart disease. But Russell de Souza of McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, and his team were unable to find a clear association between these fats and the chances of heart or cardiovascular disease.

This wasn’t the case with industrial trans fats, which are made by hydrogenating plant oils and are found in margarine and some processed foods like cake. The analysis suggests that eating more trans fat is associated with a 21 per cent rise in the likelihood of developing heart disease, and a 28 per cent rise in the risk of dying of this condition, confirming a number of other reviews that have linked trans fats to heart disease.

America has effectively banned manufactured trans fats giving 3 years for manufacturers to find alternatives.

Canada is requiring all trans fats to be listed on ingredients.

Should this still be legally put in British/EU foods?

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Re: Trans fats, not saturated fat, linked to heart disease risk
Reply #1 on: August 23, 2015, 12:07:38 PM
The basic state of play is, anything in nature - including animal fats - are perfectly fine, anything man made is going to feck you over. It's not really rocket science is it?

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Re: Trans fats, not saturated fat, linked to heart disease risk
Reply #2 on: August 23, 2015, 12:41:24 PM
I wouldn't say everything, there are plenty of natural substances that will kill you very effectively. A very large number of creatures and plants produce poisons. There are many nasty bacteria.

Then a lot of man made things will do you no harm or actually do you good. They are presently designing and testing a range of bacteria that could stop you getting ill. Properly gene engineered bacteria could provide humans with hard to get vitamins and other nutrients too.

They are finding that a huge number of illnesses are actually linked to intestinal bacteria, or lack of bacteria. This seems to be an incredibly rich field of investigation.

Genetic engineering doesn't have to be bad. Human made stuff doesn't have to be bad. Unfortunately you get profit rearing it's ugly head and the consequences can be horrific.

Not that profit itself is bad, progress cannot be made without profit. Some people just put personal profit or company profit ahead of everything else.

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Re: Trans fats, not saturated fat, linked to heart disease risk
Reply #3 on: August 23, 2015, 12:48:25 PM
I did say basic state of play, toxic/inedible food doesn't count. But basically as long as you're eating food based on natural ingredients you're probably going to be fine. YMMV, try drinking a pint of Guiness every day, etc.

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Re: Trans fats, not saturated fat, linked to heart disease risk
Reply #4 on: August 25, 2015, 11:27:49 AM
I wouldn't touch Newcastle brown with the proverbial barge pole. Another beer I tried tasted more like soap. Hopefully the EU will sort this item out soon, requiring drinks to list all their ingredients.4

To be honest the best option for now is German beer or beer brewed to meet German purity laws

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