Author Topic: Trying to be back on the internet  (Read 4388 times)

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Trying to be back on the internet
on: November 24, 2021, 02:03:31 AM
Well This has been and interesting few months. Stressful, tiring and a whole lot of stuff happening.

New South Wales in Australia have come out of lockdown for vaccinated now for about 4/5 weeks.
You have to show your proof of vax on your phone through IOS wallet or a couple of other options to get into shops etc and still check in and out with the government app.

Leading up to that we also did two stints of 2 weeks in isolation. Kids had cases at day care and we went into isolation (Staying at home) and police checking on you and then we were back out for 2 weeks (this was when shops were still shut)
And kids back at day care and then more cases at day care happened and we had to do another 2 weeks.
Stuck in your house not allowed out with 2 kids 5 and under was hard to say the least.

I had my birthday in Isolation which was not fun as well.

We also were having our 3rd due and because of COVID I had to be vaccinated to be at the birth. I needed Pfizer because of previous medical history and that at the time was hard to come by. Getting appointments sorted in time for the birth was hard work as well.

Then they said you had to be tested every 3 days to be able to attend the birth so I had to go to a tested all the time. My wife who had to go to appointments had to do that for all hospital appointments as well, plus no partner could go to them so heavily pregnant going to things on her own!
Crazy times!

We now have a 3 week old baby girl Emily :)
The birth was not straight forward either, lol.
With us being over 40 they do things differently so at 39 weeks they want the baby out now. So we had to go in and be induced. Went in on the day and waiting around A LOT for a doctor as they can only do certain things. Eventually turn up and ask the midwives to do some things they should have done ages ago and did not. Then they decide to send us home and come in the next morning.
This was all very stressful for my wife and just sitting around a hospital very draining so both of us were tired. We had kids at day care and our brother in law line up to pick them up so we had to change that.
I had to get special permission at the time for him to also look after our kids because at the time you were not allowed people over to your house.

Then, because of all that my wife actually had labour kick in over night and we ended up going the night before coming in.

There was a point in between contractions my wife was asleep, I nodded off and a midwife. Just a long draining process.
Actual active labour was fast and we again like all kids home the same day. My wife is a machine in that department.

I had two weeks off work but had been working from home like most of the country has been but they been transitioning back into the office.

Work itself for me has been busy but we had digital marketing staff not cope and move on, I have a back end developer who lied on their CV and been totally useless we are looking to replace and I have been doing at least 40% of their work or compensating fixing the mess they cause from their work.
I have had to spend extra time scoping work more than I have ever had to do with line by line instructions plus video and they still cant follow them and go off do random stuff or things in the wrong order which in turn because they out of order means things not working right.

Been a hell of a year and last few months.

While I been able to go back to the gym I do not think my old process of going after work will work out with 2 kids and a baby now for my wife so I have been trying to get up early to go before what will be work.
So up before 7am for gym and then work when you are getting 2-3 hours sleep, something I am working on.

How is everyone else tracking? UK obviously is in a different place. Opened up but at a lower vaccination rate which is not ticking over well and slowed as a result with what we would consider is crazy high cases and deaths a day.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Trying to be back on the internet
Reply #1 on: November 24, 2021, 02:37:49 AM
Congratulations, I guess?

We're expecting our second baby mid next year. NZ is in the (un?) enviable position of really only just getting covid properly. Sure we've had a relatively cruisy 2 years whilst the rest of the world appeared to burn. But now we're watching as it all kicks off here and I'm not sure if it's better to be going into it forewarned or if ignorance would have been better.

Given that what restrictions we had (essentially keeping the aucklandersbin Auckland) will be easing in the next few weeks, covid will be everywhere for Xmas so I'm expecting a grim holiday season.

My only hope is that by mid next year things are relatively stable, not looking forward to potential lockdowns and restrictions in terms of hospital visits etc.

Otherwise, work is going well. A tempting job vacancy has opened up which would be an hours commute but pay increase of between 12 and 24k. I suspect it might have opened up due to a good chunk of anti-vax people losing their jobs over new vaccine mandates. The commute would be an arse but the work would be interesting, and getting an interview might kick my current employer up the arse to give me another pay rise.

Life pre-baby is pretty much over. I get about an hour of me time a day if I'm lucky. And even then I can't bring myself to watch TV as I feel the time is so precious I should be doing something productive, so I'm putting a lot of energy into learning Arduino type stuff.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Re: Trying to be back on the internet
Reply #2 on: November 24, 2021, 06:05:29 AM
Ahh yes, the not having any personal time, sleep deprivation and/or broken sleep and never getting to do anything you enjoy. Thanks, Life with KidsTM  :lol:

Seriously though, congrats on your new baby Liam! :nana: All I would say is that you should always prioritise your health and family and any decent employer will understand things change when you have kids. So don't prioritise work; if you were doing 80%/90% effort before, do 60% now. No one will know the difference if you are trusted and have a solid reputation for delivery. This massively helps avoid stress and burnout.

zpyder, all you can hope is that people in NZ are wiser than the general public here and that the general lifestyle there means it won't spread so quickly and perhaps people will be more mindful. The vaccines are not effective at all but its been treated as a silver bullet here and everyone has "I'm alright, Jack" mentality, hence our sharp rise in cases yet again.

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Re: Trying to be back on the internet
Reply #3 on: November 24, 2021, 10:17:53 AM
Congrats,yeah kids and work and covid puts a strain on life though, I am retired now so my job is to go to kopehagen and meet my granddaughters kid ! I am getting old I guess.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Trying to be back on the internet
Reply #4 on: November 24, 2021, 18:16:49 PM

zpyder, all you can hope is that people in NZ are wiser than the general public here and that the general lifestyle there means it won't spread so quickly and perhaps people will be more mindful. The vaccines are not effective at all but its been treated as a silver bullet here and everyone has "I'm alright, Jack" mentality, hence our sharp rise in cases yet again.

The vaccine is kind of being used as a silver bullet. Promises of lifting of restrictions when vaccination rates hit 90% etc.

To some extent they aren't useless, the stats show the vast difference in case numbers between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Only about 20% of our cases are fully vaccinated and I think only 5% of the serious ones are.

The biggest concern is the increasingly vocal anti-vax brigade. A heap of teachers just lost their jobs as they refused the jab. Most of the country including myself feel its a case of "if you love your kids as much as you say you'd get the jab, so sorry, time for a new career."

A good news thing though is that the borders look to open in April next year. This means our parents can finally meet their grandson :)

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Re: Trying to be back on the internet
Reply #5 on: November 25, 2021, 09:02:07 AM
congrats on the new baby liam :-)

I'm double vaxed, tbh I don't really care either way if the vax is good or not, I know a few people who are refusing to get it... but they can't give any real reason "it's too new" etc. isn't a real reason

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Re: Trying to be back on the internet
Reply #6 on: November 25, 2021, 09:21:37 AM
I should have clarified better, I meant effective from the POV of curtailing the spread of the virus, where they do no such thing. They are probably effective in reducing the mortality rate though even so its debatable if natural antibodies if you've already had it are better still, but that's it's own rabbit hole.

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Re: Trying to be back on the internet
Reply #7 on: November 25, 2021, 10:51:18 AM
Congratz on spawning another legendary hero there!

The UK gov is doing absolutely f*** all, hoping that the vaccines will be sufficient to keep the hospitalizations and deaths down and praying there isn't even worse variants going to come out. They have already screwed the UK on the B word, trying to sell off the NHS as fast as possible and now pensioners will have to pay at least £80K towards their care if they need it which for many will mean selling their home when they die. Basically all their promises from the last general election have been broken and the government is hemorrhaging money. Media, including the BBC, is lying as much as it can to cover up for Boris and his toadies.

The vaccines are keeping the deaths and severe symptoms down, but they are not preventing infections or transmission. Longer we go on the more we find issues with them, although it is still far, far safer to get vaccinated than just catch the virus.

Just had my 60th earlier this month, then got a chest infection which had to be dealt with. Almost impossible to contact my doctor's surgery now, they just cannot get staff due to B...

We are actually exporting animal carcasses to NI and the EU to be processed and then re-importing them due to the lack of butchers in Britain. THIS ISN'T SPARTA, IT'S MADNESS!

Re: Trying to be back on the internet
Reply #8 on: November 25, 2021, 19:25:55 PM
I should have clarified better, I meant effective from the POV of curtailing the spread of the virus, where they do no such thing. They are probably effective in reducing the mortality rate though even so its debatable if natural antibodies if you've already had it are better still, but that's it's own rabbit hole.

it probably would be if everyone got it... herd immunity and all that

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Trying to be back on the internet
Reply #9 on: November 26, 2021, 02:24:50 AM
I'd say the vaccines are reducing, not preventing, transmission.

And reducing the severity of infection.

All in all there's more reason to get the vaccine than not.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Re: Trying to be back on the internet
Reply #10 on: November 26, 2021, 10:00:26 AM
it probably would be if everyone got it... herd immunity and all that

I'd say the vaccines are reducing, not preventing, transmission.

This is what I disagree on, as there are a number of examples such as places like Gibraltar where literally everyone is vaccinated and yet they are talking about cancelling Christmas events because of huge spikes in covid cases. Across Europe similarly they are heading for massive lockdowns. It's pretty clear now that the vaccines do nothing to curtail the spread, probably because they don't give you full immunity at all. You could even argue it shouldn't be called a vaccine and is simply an innoculation as you will never be immmune and need constant boosters.

If anything I'd argue people are spreading it more now on the basis that everyone thinks herd immunity is still possible in this case - which it isn't going to be - so they are taking no precautions, no mask wearing, no distancing, etc.


  • Offline bear

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Re: Trying to be back on the internet
Reply #11 on: November 26, 2021, 10:21:48 AM
Ordered my 3rd vax, taking the same precautions as I have done the hole time, staying home a lot, avoiding crowds, shop when not busy etc. Living with my brother who did not take any vax.
Last Edit: November 26, 2021, 14:54:02 PM by bear #187;

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Re: Trying to be back on the internet
Reply #12 on: November 26, 2021, 12:56:44 PM
I should have clarified better, I meant effective from the POV of curtailing the spread of the virus, where they do no such thing. They are probably effective in reducing the mortality rate though even so its debatable if natural antibodies if you've already had it are better still, but that's it's own rabbit hole.

it probably would be if everyone got it... herd immunity and all that

Research has proven that herd immunity does not stop Covid-19 variants spreading. Once we got past the initial variant there was no chance of this happening.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Trying to be back on the internet
Reply #13 on: November 26, 2021, 19:11:33 PM
it probably would be if everyone got it... herd immunity and all that

I'd say the vaccines are reducing, not preventing, transmission.

This is what I disagree on, as there are a number of examples such as places like Gibraltar where literally everyone is vaccinated and yet they are talking about cancelling Christmas events because of huge spikes in covid cases. Across Europe similarly they are heading for massive lockdowns. It's pretty clear now that the vaccines do nothing to curtail the spread, probably because they don't give you full immunity at all. You could even argue it shouldn't be called a vaccine and is simply an innoculation as you will never be immmune and need constant boosters.

If anything I'd argue people are spreading it more now on the basis that everyone thinks herd immunity is still possible in this case - which it isn't going to be - so they are taking no precautions, no mask wearing, no distancing, etc.

Well, critically thinking, places with high vaccination rates and high cases, it's just as likely that with low vaccination rates it would have spread even faster. This is a highly infectious virus after all.

As I said, here in NZ we're at the start of the naturalisation of covid in the country. The population is such, and the vaccinations and tracking, that its a lot easier to get stats on all the demographics.

We're almost at 90% fully vaxxed. Yet less than 20% of cases of are fully vaxxed. If the vaccines did nothing we should be seeing 90% of cases being vaccinated.

The message here has always been its about reducing load on the health system, not stamping out the virus.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Re: Trying to be back on the internet
Reply #14 on: November 27, 2021, 04:41:25 AM
Rhetoric over there is obviously different to here then, if you have a link to the actual stats you're talking about it would be interesting to see. Everyone I know that has caught covid this year (and spread it to friends/family) has already been vaccinated. I don't know of a single non-vaccinated person that has caught it this year. Obviously that's simply anecdotal but it backs up what the stats here and elsewhere seem to indicate.

It doesn't help that with all the mutations apparently happening that its now really impossible to measure the effeciveness properly, but even empirically we should be seeing a better result than we have. There's still time for that Christmas lockdown here :santa:

I just realised this has really taken over the conversation, apologies if this wasn't the direction you wanted this to go Liam :)
Last Edit: November 27, 2021, 04:44:39 AM by Clock'd 0Ne #187;

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