Author Topic: Facto presto  (Read 559 times)

  • Offline neXus

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Facto presto
on: April 29, 2007, 16:05:47 PM
Boris Yeltsin lost a thumb and index finger on his left hand while playing with a hand grenade as a child.

Scouting for Boys by Lord Baden-Powell is the fourth bestselling book of the 20th Century, after the Bible, the Koran and Maos Little Red Book

We each get a completely new skeleton every 10 years, because of cell renewal.

UK traffic lights emit about 50,000 tonnes of CO2 per year through energy use

A shortage of volunteer leaders has led to a waiting list of 50,000 girls wanting to join the Girl Guides.

Urban birds have developed a short, fast "rap style" of singing, different from their rural counterparts

Barbies full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts

Children whose parents have an OBE can marry at St Pauls cathedral

Left-handed people are better at computer games. More details

Bristol is the least anti-social place in England, says the National Audit Office


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