Author Topic: Valentines  (Read 6965 times)

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Re: Valentines
Reply #15 on: January 19, 2011, 15:26:47 PM

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Re: Valentines
Reply #16 on: January 19, 2011, 15:53:59 PM
I think it might have been last Valentine's me and the missus went to KFC  :lol:

Re: Valentines
Reply #17 on: January 19, 2011, 16:20:20 PM
If you want to encorporate birds, then this is quite a cute card:

It depends on whether she's traditional or not, you can never go wrong with flowers, I personally wouldn't go for the meal option, it's more the sort of thing you do on an anniversary, than valentines.
If there's something you know she really likes, like a dessert or meal you could make her that.

  • Offline Pete

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Re: Valentines
Reply #18 on: January 19, 2011, 18:42:21 PM
1. Don't stay at a hotel on valentines
2. Don't take her out for a meal on valentines. Cook something.
3. Flowers are best served random. Getting them on v day is still a good idea though.

tbh I wouldn't base anything off her phd, get something that means something to her on a personal level.

Me I'm going cheapskate this year - flowers + cook her dinner.
I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

Re: Valentines
Reply #19 on: January 19, 2011, 18:56:41 PM
I don't know Zpyder's other half of course, but in my experience most PhD students are pretty attached to their subject. If wading birds mean enough to her to make her want to spend 3 years of her life pushing back the boundarys of knowledge about them with her bare hands and then writing a reasonably long book about it, they probably do mean something to her on a personal level.

If you're passable in the kitchen (by which I mean what you cook comes out tasting good and looking not a total disaster), the cook her dinner idea can work very well. Particularly for a newish relationship where you don't want to look like you've gone nuts over it
Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 18:58:14 PM by Mongoose #187;

Re: Valentines
Reply #20 on: January 19, 2011, 20:07:43 PM
I think it might have been last Valentine's me and the missus went to KFC  :lol:

Which I believe I paid for.

Re: Valentines
Reply #21 on: January 19, 2011, 21:31:08 PM
I think it might have been last Valentine's me and the missus went to KFC  :lol:

Which I believe I paid for.

That sir sounds like the perferct date
Free KFC Bucket

  • Offline Dave

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Re: Valentines
Reply #22 on: January 19, 2011, 22:10:29 PM
So, Valentines day is approaching, just wondering if anyone has found any good sites or offers for generic supplies?

I'm trying to find a balloon site that sells bird shaped balloons (Her PHD is on wading birds), without much luck :(

At this rate I might need to resort to a heart shaped balloon...

 go get an origami book - learn how to make a wading bird of some variety - when you're having a meal and she gets up to go to the bathroom grab a napkin, quickly construct said wading bird and place next to her plate....

or perhaps make a proper one out of origami paper and give it to her/stick on front of home made valentines card....

  • Offline Dave

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Re: Valentines
Reply #23 on: January 19, 2011, 22:19:23 PM
I think it might have been last Valentine's me and the missus went to KFC  :lol:

tis cool if you're comfortable with each other that you don't need to go full out - pretty cool missus if she let you get away with KFC!

Though on the subject of lower budget valentiens day I had an idea a couple of years ago when discussing valentines with a friend (we never actually went through with this)

My friend had mentioned that weatherspoons was doing a valentines special and I started thinking WTF - how would anyone manage to get away with taking a girl to weatherspoons on valentines. Our conclusion was that any girl taken there would be less than imprerssed.

Plan was - go to weatherspoons & drink at the bar, scope out talent in the 'restaurant'/seating area, spot a couple of girls then wait until their respective partners have gone to the bog - approach and explain to them that you believe it is very tacky that their BF brought them to the 'spoons on valentines and you'd be happy to take them to a much nice establishment.

We went into weatherspoons, took a look around and scrapped the plan in an instant - to sum up the scene 'the bar out of star wars' is probably appropriate - in some instances it would be hard to spot which one was male and which one was female (perhaps the one with less tattoos?).

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Re: Valentines
Reply #24 on: January 19, 2011, 23:45:41 PM
Yeah she's great like that bless her (I think she did pay too!) the gist of it being that we were going to get a takeaway and then watch TV I think, as we didn't want to spend lots and didn't really want to go out anywhere, she even suggested it as I had been infrequently mentioning to her she should try it sometime as she never had before. It turns out she quite likes the boneless stuff too :w00t:

Basically, you can do whatever you like and still both be happy so long as you both are comfortable and she in particular is not expecting grand sweeping gestures. It should never be about being flash or what you spend, but the thought and the company and romance as required. zpyder has his head well screwed on, I think she'll love what you get planned for her as you've been paying attention and seem to have her interests most definitely at heart.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Valentines
Reply #25 on: January 20, 2011, 00:01:17 AM

 go get an origami book - learn how to make a wading bird of some variety - when you're having a meal and she gets up to go to the bathroom grab a napkin, quickly construct said wading bird and place next to her plate....

or perhaps make a proper one out of origami paper and give it to her/stick on front of home made valentines card....

Haha, I'm currently in the process of doing senbazuru...making 1000 paper cranes, to give to her on her birthday on the 27th of Feb. I started a week in to the new year and am sort of at the 500 mark so far. I should add that this is something I know she'll like. Personality wise we have very similar traits and she likes origami etc. Also she's told me a fair few times that 27 is her fave number and as a result this is meant to be an epic year, turning 27 on the 27th etc. I figure a good way to start it off is to try and get 1000 cranes in her room when she's not there...
Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 00:05:48 AM by zpyder #187;

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Valentines
Reply #26 on: January 20, 2011, 00:04:37 AM
I don't know Zpyder's other half of course, but in my experience most PhD students are pretty attached to their subject. If wading birds mean enough to her to make her want to spend 3 years of her life pushing back the boundarys of knowledge about them with her bare hands and then writing a reasonably long book about it, they probably do mean something to her on a personal level.

If you're passable in the kitchen (by which I mean what you cook comes out tasting good and looking not a total disaster), the cook her dinner idea can work very well. Particularly for a newish relationship where you don't want to look like you've gone nuts over it

I'm thinking I might get a plush meerkat with something on it, and a nice card, as she thinks I look like a meerkat 0.o And cook something at hers, maybe Unagi don, dunno really.

It's kind of cool that the first Biochemistry practical this term is on the 14th too, we first met whilst teaching Biochemistry last term... I'm tempted to try and see if I can do something heart shaped in the Agar gel etc.

  • Offline neXus

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Re: Valentines
Reply #27 on: January 20, 2011, 11:01:18 AM
What I wanted to do I have had to put on hold till later in the year so I am currently unsure what I will do.  :dunno:

Re: Valentines
Reply #28 on: January 20, 2011, 11:28:54 AM

I'm thinking I might get a plush meerkat with something on it, and a nice card, as she thinks I look like a meerkat 0.o And cook something at hers, maybe Unagi don, dunno really.

It's kind of cool that the first Biochemistry practical this term is on the 14th too, we first met whilst teaching Biochemistry last term... I'm tempted to try and see if I can do something heart shaped in the Agar gel etc.

that sounds like a plan to me.

Re: Valentines
Reply #29 on: January 20, 2011, 11:32:55 AM

 go get an origami book - learn how to make a wading bird of some variety - when you're having a meal and she gets up to go to the bathroom grab a napkin, quickly construct said wading bird and place next to her plate....

or perhaps make a proper one out of origami paper and give it to her/stick on front of home made valentines card....

Haha, I'm currently in the process of doing senbazuru...making 1000 paper cranes, to give to her on her birthday on the 27th of Feb. I started a week in to the new year and am sort of at the 500 mark so far. I should add that this is something I know she'll like. Personality wise we have very similar traits and she likes origami etc. Also she's told me a fair few times that 27 is her fave number and as a result this is meant to be an epic year, turning 27 on the 27th etc. I figure a good way to start it off is to try and get 1000 cranes in her room when she's not there...

she sounds like a nut job

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