Author Topic: missing anti-whaling campaigners found  (Read 993 times)

missing anti-whaling campaigners found
on: February 10, 2007, 13:34:28 PM


In their first attack, Captain Watson said his crew cleared the whale-flensing deck of the Nisshin Maru, when they threw a non-toxic "butter acid" on it from an inflatable dinghy.

Activists in inflatables armed with nail guns were also fixing steel plates over drain outlets in the side of the fleeing factory ship, preventing the escape of whale blood from the flensing deck.

He said the fleet had scattered and the Robert Hunter was still in contact with Nisshin Maru, which was steaming away at high speed and attempting to use its water cannon on the activists. "They are easily avoided," he said."

"The Farley Mowat has been stripped of its Belizean registration, and Britain is to de-register the Robert Hunter in 10 days time."

In another article ... the Farley Mowat and Robert Hunter actually fly a jolly rodger ... a pirate flag. People like this amuse me.

missing anti-whaling campaigners found
Reply #1 on: February 10, 2007, 17:59:02 PM

missing anti-whaling campaigners found
Reply #2 on: February 10, 2007, 18:17:19 PM
If it had been my whaling boat, Id have shot the attackers dead on sight. Greenpeaces aggressive methods are no different than any other terrorist group worldwide.

I agree with a whaling ban on any threatened species--but if Greenpeace suspects over harvesting of such a species, even legally, then they should use civilized methods to deal with this.

The Japanese captain honored the tradition of the sea, by helping the terrorists as they were in distress--he has the moral upper hand by far.

I hate Greenpeace, and I say that as a guy who tries his dangest to live a pretty small footprint of a lifestyle (other than massive pork consumption).



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missing anti-whaling campaigners found
Reply #3 on: February 10, 2007, 21:13:19 PM
Quote from: maximusotter
If it had been my whaling boat, Id have shot the attackers dead on sight. Greenpeaces aggressive methods are no different than any other terrorist group worldwide.

Why suggest murdering people when you are so against the US Army being in Iraq, killing Iraqis and being killed by them? Hey, lets murder all the Iraqis, then the Yank troops will be safe. Even better, nuke all of them and then we wont have to bother shipping the troops back  :roll:

Green Peace dont use bombs or kill people, their methods may not meet your stringent levels but they are trying to do something about what they care about.

TBH if I was out there I might be torpedoing your whaling ship from my sub and machine gunning the survivors.

The british might have blown the Icelantic gunboats out of the water during the cod war.

/completely OTT reply

Greenpeace try to avoid hurting anyone, they dont kill, and even if they do damage it can be repaired.

Dont load them in with other activists such as anti-abortionists and antivivisectionists.

missing anti-whaling campaigners found
Reply #4 on: February 10, 2007, 21:22:12 PM
Defending your vessel from what appears to be pirate attack is totally defensible, not murder. Bringing Iraq, an illegal war which youve stated to be in support of, into it is absurd. Do you have a problem with reality? :shrug:

Somebody breaks into my home? Ill shoot them with a shotgun if they appear threatening. Got no problem with that. If GP wants to play with fire, then let them taste the consequences.

Green Peace dont use bombs or kill people, their methods may not meet your stringent levels but they are trying to do something about what they care about.

That does not excuse breaking the law. I have zero respect for the organization. Granted, Sea Wolf is now separate and even more militant--and neither do any good other than manufacture animosity.

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missing anti-whaling campaigners found
Reply #5 on: February 10, 2007, 21:43:31 PM
Quote from: maximusotter
Defending your vessel from what appears to be pirate attack is totally defensible, not murder. Bringing Iraq, an illegal war which youve stated to be in support of, into it is absurd. Do you have a problem with reality? :shrug:

Somebody breaks into my home? Ill shoot them with a shotgun if they appear threatening. Got no problem with that. If GP wants to play with fire, then let them taste the consequences.

Except its not an unknown party that is doing this. They know exactly who is boarding. It would still be murder if they shot them, same as when the French sank Rainbow Warrior.

Real pirates, who board ships while armed to the teeth and then rob/murder the crew and steal the ship/cargo deserve what they get.

War In Iraq was as legal as any could reasonably be, except Im not going to argue that point further..


Green Peace dont use bombs or kill people, their methods may not meet your stringent levels but they are trying to do something about what they care about.

That does not excuse breaking the law. I have zero respect for the organization. Granted, Sea Wolf is now separate and even more militant--and neither do any good other than manufacture animosity.

What law? Its in international waters. All the Japanese have to do is send out some police and arrest them all if they think they are breaking any law.

Oh, the Japanese want to avoid bad publicity, not stir it up into an international outrage.

missing anti-whaling campaigners found
Reply #6 on: February 11, 2007, 11:58:45 AM
cant we just unleash the inner child and realise pirating is good fun?

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Re:missing anti-whaling campaigners found
Reply #7 on: February 12, 2007, 10:02:05 AM
I wouldnt advocate killing the activists - max is being a bit OTT gobbing off with that one

however I reckon the greenpeace bods deserved a bit of a kicking - cant stand the dirty hippies - yeah whaling is bad but you dont go around causing damadge to other boats - I mean chucking acid at them and blocking up the drainage outlets is going too far - standing in thier way in order to block thier shot at a whale is sort of admirable if not a bit silly but actually attacking them in some way just throws away any form of moral high ground they might have had before.

I used to work with someone who was on the IPE trading floor when greenpeace activists tried invading - all the traders were calm about it & were letting security deal with it until the greenpeace guys started pulling out data feeds and telephones - any of those guys could have had open positions & the hippies started affecting thier livelihood - apparently all hell broke lose - the exchange security guards got shoved to one side and the entire trading floor kicked the sh*t out of the greenpeace hippies.

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Re:missing anti-whaling campaigners found
Reply #8 on: February 12, 2007, 10:10:11 AM
here is the IPE story,12374,1416295,00.html

Many of the protesters were attacked again as they were forced out of the building. One man was pulled by his hair down a corridor and kicked, another was kicked and punched in the head by a guard at the entrance. "One person was treated at the scene by paramedics and taken to hospital," a London ambulance service spokesman said.

have just got an image of a skinny white boy vegan type with dreads getting dragged down a corridor by them

silly hippies  :mrgreen:

Re:missing anti-whaling campaigners found
Reply #9 on: February 12, 2007, 10:41:15 AM
My Dad was on the Sizewell B site when GP tried to stop the RPV from docking. They put inflatables between the barge and the dock. Dumbasses, the barge couldnt have stopped if it wanted to.

I have zero respect for GP, they never think anything through. Its people like them who give environmentalists a bad name.

I wouldnt advocate killing them, but Id be shooting back in kind. See how they like their decks covered in "butter acid".

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Re:missing anti-whaling campaigners found
Reply #10 on: February 12, 2007, 10:46:44 AM
hahaha - good!
Career, Wife, Mortgage... my sig was better when it listed guitars and PC's and stuff!

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