Author Topic: Which job!?!  (Read 3392 times)

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Re:Which job!?!
Reply #15 on: May 04, 2008, 03:36:18 AM
Quote from: zpyder
Swapped decisions 4x now. Went from uni to Cefas (The pay is low, but not bad for entry level environmental jobs I guess) back to uni, based on future prospects.

I looked around quickly for the last half hour and found a couple of jobs that were so much more appealing than the cefas job, and better paid, such as this:

The main purpose of the role is to service a two year ecological monitoring project which aims to examine the variation in aquatic communities amongst various edge of field water bodies. The successful candidate will have the chance to travel extensively within the UK (vehicle provided) collecting biotic samples and supporting data. These samples will include aquatic organisms, which must be appropriately preserved and identified to prescribed taxonomic resolution upon return to the laboratory.

Triumphant candidates will be expected to work half their time in the field and half in the office/lab, you will be required to work outdoors all year round and the position may require some overnight stays. In return the company will reward candidates with a good remuneration package and the chance for progression within a rapidly expanding organisation.


I have taxonomic skills and essentially that is what the uni work is. Same lab/field ratio. I think the best bet is to see my lecturer offering me the work, and tell him my career apirations and see what he thinks of my prospects of getting into terrestrial ecology. I dont think I will have much trouble getting Terrestrial or marine ecological work paying £15k, so I might as well try and get a job Id enjoy more than Cefas, nothing ventured, nothing gained...

There are always more interesting jobs out there. Take the colledge one and see if you can find something for when that ends. Save at least some money just in case you decide to go on holiday instead.

The alternative is to take a job in the UK short term and then get one abroad, a working holiday.

Re:Which job!?!
Reply #16 on: May 04, 2008, 04:06:51 AM
Take the Cefas Job.

Interesting jobs are always going to be out there. Youve been handed a job on a plate here. Take it.

Staying in uni doing something you love is akin to me staying at home, playing with computers all day cause its something I love.

There is no growth, and itll show come your interview for another job in a years time.

"So what did you do for the last year?"
"oh I stayed at uni doing work for a researcher."
"oh... *thinks: you bummed about for a year!?*"

Go for cefas, as bigsoy says 3 years is the usual for your first job. The pay isnt fantastic no, but its not too crap, and likelihood is that youll get a payrise each year. The opportunity for you to grow as a person is greater, no longer able to live with the parents, having to find your own place, or share a house. Paying bills, rates, council tax for the first time, having some responsibility.

Youve then got the whole aspect of broadening your horizons. The only people who get paid well for being "specialised" in a field are typically your boss. Normally companies at least in my experience prefer a broad knowledge on subjects as opposed to being a one trick pony.

Take the Cefas job and push your comfort envelope a bit.

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Re:Which job!?!
Reply #17 on: May 04, 2008, 04:12:11 AM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
Take the Cefas Job.

Interesting jobs are always going to be out there. Youve been handed a job on a plate here. Take it.

Staying in uni doing something you love is akin to me staying at home, playing with computers all day cause its something I love.

There is no growth, and itll show come your interview for another job in a years time.

"So what did you do for the last year?"
"oh I stayed at uni doing work for a researcher."
"oh... *thinks: you bummed about for a year!?*"

Go for cefas, as bigsoy says 3 years is the usual for your first job. The pay isnt fantastic no, but its not too crap, and likelihood is that youll get a payrise each year. The opportunity for you to grow as a person is greater, no longer able to live with the parents, having to find your own place, or share a house. Paying bills, rates, council tax for the first time, having some responsibility.

Youve then got the whole aspect of broadening your horizons. The only people who get paid well for being "specialised" in a field are typically your boss. Normally companies at least in my experience prefer a broad knowledge on subjects as opposed to being a one trick pony.

Take the Cefas job and push your comfort envelope a bit.

Please note *I specifically avoided saying anything like this to prevent myself looking like a late middle aged bloke in a 1930s jumper...* It might have been what I first thought but am I glad I didnt actually say it ;)

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Which job!?!
Reply #18 on: May 04, 2008, 11:07:14 AM
I agree with the opinions of Cefas being good experience, but it IS specialised in a certain department of Marine bio. The only skills I could trake from that job when I leave would be sampling skills (which I already have) and an increased knowledge of marine invertebrates that live on the sea floor. If I wanted to follow marine biology Id have accepted the job when offered, at the wage offered.

But I want to get into terrestrial ecology, my degree is 50:50 Terrestrial : Marine, and my experience is 50:50 also. This gets me into a very good niche for wetland habitats (such as the job I linked to above (Sent off cv for that)) as I have specific knowledge of the habitat and species populations, rather than just dry land or marine/aquatic based systems.

Surely when you factor all this in, that I would rather be looking at terrestrial ecology, have the skills, and a short-term job in the terrestrial ecology field, then having the above experience of working in a marine lab for 3 years wont help (many sampling skills and techniques are none transferrable really from marine to terrestrial). Ok, so itd be 3 years working at a well known marine lab, but thats it. If employers prefer broad spectrum knowledge and skills, 3-4 months at uni will give me better taxonomic skills and a range of experience on various equipment if I want. I have SOME experience in some equipment from my degree, but I never got to use things like the SEM, which Ive been told shouldnt be a problem, so its an opportunity to further develope skills whilst earning and saving at home.

Sure being at uni/home is being in my comfort zone, but the work certainly isnt bumming around. The work is a contract with the RSPB into an area of heath they own, and is a study site for restoration. I could end up getting my name in some peer reviewed journal articles, which for an academic career is a must. Plus combine this with my NON-Marine based dissertation being presented to the British Ecological Society conference this year, does kind of suggest I can do better, job wise, in a field I enjoy. If I want to earn £15k I could have applied for a number of easier jobs in environmental science that were menial and didnt even require a degree to apply for!

I think overall I can make use of the stability of uni/home over the summer and save money in preperation of travelling, or putting a deposit down for a place to rent, or using if I cant find work straight away. It also gives me the chance to develop skills that are useful in terrestrial ecology fieldwork. There was an excellent RA job going in mauritius on endangered raptor relocation. Wasnt very well paid, but its somewhere tropical working with endangered species. But I needed abseiling experience. Thats doable over the summer for other such jobs. I need to progress my diving as well, as (even though I would rather be terrestrial) I could have ended up in the british antarctic survey team for 3 years, but needed to be the next qualification along to apply :(

There is no growth, and itll show come your interview for another job in a years time.

"So what did you do for the last year?"
"oh I stayed at uni doing work for a researcher."
"oh... *thinks: you bummed about for a year!?*"

Itd be more like:

"So what did you do for the last year?"
"I took part in a project for the RSPB with my senior lecturers. The work involved this that and the other. This allowed me to further develop my skills in...I also in my spare time was able to take part in other projects, and was employed by the Aquatics department for further maintenance work on their fish room. I also repeated contract work with the senior lecturer in marine biology for specimen identification and collection off the south coast. All these contracts were a result of the previous years summer placement work, due to demonstrating my high working standards and good responsible attitude. I also presented my dissertation to the BES...

I was also able to make use of the time to develop other skills useful in a variety of lab/field conditions, getting experience in..."
"Ok...that sounds interesting...can you tell me more about..."

The Uni work ISNT bumming around. It is excellent experience for the fields I am interested in, just because I enjoy it doesnt mean it is easy! I just would rather be out doing fieldwork than stuck in a lab leaning over a microscope. Id be doing that as well at uni, but its balanced between that and fieldwork and other projects.

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Re:Which job!?!
Reply #19 on: May 04, 2008, 11:12:11 AM
To some extent, guess its a confidence call - if youre confident that you might get a 1,2,3 year equivalent or better job in Terrestrial stuff after your Uni placement, then maybe thats not such a bad thing.

Having absolutely no idea about the industry though, I couldnt say further than that :)
"Within your 'purview'? Where do you think you are, some f**king regency costume drama? This is a government department, not some f**king Jane f**king Austen novel!"

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Which job!?!
Reply #20 on: May 04, 2008, 11:24:38 AM
Yeah. Sort of confident. Ive got more skills and experience than most people in my year at uni in a range of environmental degrees, but various other skills and things on my CV which certainly seems to help me get interviews. But at the same time theres the niggle of maybe just being lucky, Ive gotten every job Ive ever applied for, and so am a little cocky and inexperienced when it comes to job applications (hence this thread).

I think Im going to gamble on being able to get a better paid terrestrial job tbh, unless my lecturer turns around and drops the bombshell that its almost definately not going to happen. Itd be jammy if I end up getting the ecotoxicologist job after all this, Id have no reason to stay "in my comfort zone" with more money in a job I enjoy...

  • Offline Dave

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Re:Which job!?!
Reply #21 on: May 04, 2008, 13:07:55 PM
take the uni job then look for something else

If you were that chuffed about the other job you wouldnt be asking on here and given that its a 3 year commitment I think you should look for something else. Uni job is only a few months, use that time to find something youll be fricking over the moon about getting and wont feel the need to question whether to accept it.

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Re:Which job!?!
Reply #22 on: May 04, 2008, 13:23:13 PM
Im with Dave on this. After reading that lot the uni job seems to be the one you want to be in and from the sounds of it will offer just as good prospects down the road. Focus on the one thats going to give you the most enjoyment and satisfaction, life shouldnt always about your career ladder.

The opportunity for you to grow as a person is greater, no longer able to live with the parents, having to find your own place, or share a house. Paying bills, rates, council tax for the first time, having some responsibility.

Very much ovverated IMO! :lol: I say get by as long as you can without the extra responsibility, your pocket and your stress levels will thank you. Theres plenty of time for all that later.

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Re:Which job!?!
Reply #23 on: May 04, 2008, 13:53:03 PM
Cheers guys, thats the kind of support/suggestions I was after. Just need to speak to my lecturer on tuesday to ensure that the work is going ahead and he doesnt think Id be making an uber mistake, given the direction of career I want to take :)

As to moving out, paying bills etc, I really do want to stand on my own two feet. Im fed up of my social life being crippled by my rents. At the same time though it does make sense to make the most of low rent at home when im earning to save as much as I can. Guess I should set the target of moving out by the years end!

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Which job!?!
Reply #24 on: May 06, 2008, 17:20:48 PM
From the Senior Environmental & Geographical Sciences lecturer, shes awesome!

Hi Chris,

Firstly, well done on being offered the post at Cefas and secondly congratulations on having the courage to take the decision to turn it down because you have worked out that you want to pursue a career in terrestrial ecology. Your combined traits of talent, diligence, drive and a sense of personal direction will stand you in very good stead in your career I think!

The RSPB summer contract is yours - you have just the skill base we require. It would be great to meet to chat...

Looks like I might not get much of a holiday after uni after all, shes off to the Pyrenees on the 20th so I could end up working the day after my last exam. But at the same time the work is so awesome its almost like a paid holiday anyway!

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Re:Which job!?!
Reply #25 on: May 06, 2008, 17:25:34 PM
Thats excellent news, nice one :w00t:

  • Offline Sam

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Which job!?!
Reply #26 on: May 06, 2008, 17:32:01 PM
Im a bit late to this but yes if youre getting paid to do something you love then its a no brainer.

  • Offline shofty

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Re:Which job!?!
Reply #27 on: May 07, 2008, 09:26:29 AM
take the uni job and keep hitting on drunk freshers for a few more years. theyre so easy to impress.

Re:Which job!?!
Reply #28 on: May 07, 2008, 10:46:50 AM
Quote from: zpyder
From the Senior Environmental & Geographical Sciences lecturer, shes awesome!

Hi Chris,

Firstly, well done on being offered the post at Cefas and secondly congratulations on having the courage to take the decision to turn it down because you have worked out that you want to pursue a career in terrestrial ecology. Your combined traits of talent, diligence, drive and a sense of personal direction will stand you in very good stead in your career I think!

The RSPB summer contract is yours - you have just the skill base we require. It would be great to meet to chat...

Looks like I might not get much of a holiday after uni after all, shes off to the Pyrenees on the 20th so I could end up working the day after my last exam. But at the same time the work is so awesome its almost like a paid holiday anyway!

Well done mate!!!

  :nana::cheers: :nana: :nana: :nana: :cheers: :nana:

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Which job!?!
Reply #29 on: May 07, 2008, 22:58:47 PM
Didnt read all the posts so no idea if you have taken something but I say take the one you enjoy most... nothing worse than trying to pull yourself out of bed in the morning to go do something you arent enjoying.

Job security is a very tempting thing for alot of people and it closes alot of options, they wont take a job becuase its contract, they will stay in a job becuase its comfortable and secure etc.

edit: Just read up.. Congrats!! Good choice ;)
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