Author Topic: Wills  (Read 1571 times)

  • Offline zpyder

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on: March 17, 2010, 16:25:54 PM
Anyone got any suggestions on will writing websites/services?

Its about time I write one as I actually have stuff that Id like to go to my family, rather than the govt, should I drop dead tomorrow.

Ive seen sites that offer online services starting from around £30, but I am left wondering whether its not something that you can get a word template, write, print out and get a couple of people to sign/witness?

Reply #1 on: March 17, 2010, 16:36:17 PM

just do what I plan.. sell everything & buy the most precious metal affordable & have it melted into a coffin..

who said you cant take it with you?

  • Offline Mardoni

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Reply #2 on: March 17, 2010, 16:46:45 PM
^ lol

Reply #3 on: March 17, 2010, 18:54:10 PM
before you spend money having a Lawyer check/countersign/whatever a proper will, check into what would happen automatically.

I might be horribly wrong, but I believe your stuff goes to your imediate relatives by default. If theres someone youd like to get stuff if you snuff it, who wouldnt automatically then its worth making a proper will. Similarly if you dont get on with an imediate relative who would normally get a share then its worth making one to specifically write them out of, but if youre just going to leave everything to your loving family then its probably not necessary.

  • Offline zpyder

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Reply #4 on: March 17, 2010, 19:58:26 PM
My mother seems to think that if you dont make a will theres a good chance a chunk ends up going to the govt as inheritance tax etc.

Regardless of that I want to make it explicit that my father gets nothing, and I need to say what should happen to any animals I may be keeping etc.

Reply #5 on: March 17, 2010, 20:14:52 PM
you only pay inheritance tax if you have more than £285,000 (cash and assets) and even then, you dont pay it on the first 285k... just the stuff after that

so if you have 285k you dont pay any

if you have 300k you only pay tax on 15k of it (300-285)

tho there is no inheritance tax to pay between married couples (not sure about civil partnerships? there was something in the news about that a while ago but I didnt pay much attention)

and if you have a lot more than 285k you get yourself a decent accountant and solicitor... and made sure you get as much through tax free as possible !
(its taxed at 40%)

theres also a million other ways around it... like if your parents are worth more than 285k... when one of them dies 285k worth of stuff should be put into a trust for there kids and held until the other parent dies...  (stuff like the house, or a % of it etc...)

that way when parent A dies, the kids get 285k tax free held for them.... and then another 285k tax free when parent B dies...

so 570k tax free there.... which saves 114k of tax straight away !

with rising house prices etc... a lot of people who didnt have to worry about inheritance tax before really should be getting something sorted out now...

Reply #6 on: March 18, 2010, 10:28:17 AM
just sign them over early & hope you survive 6 years.. then you pay no tax

Reply #7 on: March 18, 2010, 11:21:42 AM
i thought it was 7 years ?

an old couple who used to live in my street did just that.... signed everything over to there son... nice big house... cash in a joint account etc...

then he went and got himself a new wife.... bit of a cow (to say the least) who talked him into kicking them out !  out went the parents, and they moved in !

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  • Offline Leon

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Reply #8 on: March 18, 2010, 11:27:01 AM
thats just mean.

the best way does seems to be sign everything over early but its a bit of a pain.
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  • Offline Dave

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Reply #9 on: March 18, 2010, 12:04:03 PM
Quote from: zpyder
My mother seems to think that if you dont make a will theres a good chance a chunk ends up going to the govt as inheritance tax etc.

Without wanting to sound rude, your mum is a bit confused the presence or lack of a will has got no bearing on inheritance tax. If you die without a will then your estate passes to your immediate family. If you have no family then it goes to the crown.

Inheritance tax is applied at 50% (IIRC) on anything above a certain figure - cant remember what the figure is but tis something like 250k or 350k


Regardless of that I want to make it explicit that my father gets nothing, and I need to say what should happen to any animals I may be keeping etc.

Just get a standard will form and leave it all to your mum tbh...

Reply #10 on: March 18, 2010, 12:16:16 PM
the new rate tax free alowence is £325,000

and then its 40% on everything after that....

Quote from: zpyder
Regardless of that I want to make it explicit that my father gets nothing,

without wanting to sound too harsh..... thats a horrible thing to do... if you get in a car accident tomorrow and die... would you want your father to spend the rest of his life dwelling on it and him thinking you hated him ?  something like that could ruin the rest of his life....

Reply #11 on: March 18, 2010, 12:47:05 PM
Quote from: zpyder
My mother seems to think that if you dont make a will theres a good chance a chunk ends up going to the govt as inheritance tax etc.

Regardless of that I want to make it explicit that my father gets nothing, and I need to say what should happen to any animals I may be keeping etc.

as others have said Inheritance tax doesnt kick in until the value of a substantial house so unless your research is a lot better paid than mine you shouldnt have a problem there.

You will need a proper will for the other stuff though, as far as I know it would default to your parents, presumably even split between them if theyre not together so if you dont want any going to your Dad youll need to make that clear.

  • Offline zpyder

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Reply #12 on: March 18, 2010, 18:12:41 PM
Hmm thats good to know, thanks guys.

Quote from: knighty

Quote from: zpyder
Regardless of that I want to make it explicit that my father gets nothing,

without wanting to sound too harsh..... thats a horrible thing to do... if you get in a car accident tomorrow and die... would you want your father to spend the rest of his life dwelling on it and him thinking you hated him ?  something like that could ruin the rest of his life....

Tbh yes. I have firm views on infidelity and loyality, and my dad has breached those. Ive had to live the last 2 1/2 years knowing this without being able to tell my mother for not wanting to hurt her. My stance is that my father is living in this house and using up my mothers income (he married into a rich family lets say) and driving her to repeated breakdowns, my mother doesnt have a social life as my dad doesnt, and she feels guilty if she goes out without him. Shed be better off without him but its not my place to interfere. As it is I dont want him to benefit off of me either as I have 0 respect for him and dont think he deserves a penny.

  • Offline BigSoy

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Reply #13 on: March 18, 2010, 21:57:00 PM
Have you spoken to him about this?

Quote from: zpyder
Hmm thats good to know, thanks guys.

Quote from: knighty

Quote from: zpyder
Regardless of that I want to make it explicit that my father gets nothing,

without wanting to sound too harsh..... thats a horrible thing to do... if you get in a car accident tomorrow and die... would you want your father to spend the rest of his life dwelling on it and him thinking you hated him ?  something like that could ruin the rest of his life....

Tbh yes. I have firm views on infidelity and loyality, and my dad has breached those. Ive had to live the last 2 1/2 years knowing this without being able to tell my mother for not wanting to hurt her. My stance is that my father is living in this house and using up my mothers income (he married into a rich family lets say) and driving her to repeated breakdowns, my mother doesnt have a social life as my dad doesnt, and she feels guilty if she goes out without him. Shed be better off without him but its not my place to interfere. As it is I dont want him to benefit off of me either as I have 0 respect for him and dont think he deserves a penny.
"Within your 'purview'? Where do you think you are, some f**king regency costume drama? This is a government department, not some f**king Jane f**king Austen novel!"

Reply #14 on: March 18, 2010, 22:46:50 PM
well.... thats not great...

but I get where youre coming from... Id assumed it was just daft every day parent stuff that had pissed you off, not something like that :o

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