Author Topic: Working life...  (Read 3255 times)

Working life...
on: August 30, 2007, 20:33:09 PM
Blimmin eck, I used to think I had it tough in uni with working every day in the week including weekends, and having uni and uni work to do during the day.

But working 9-5:30 weekdays, and having a social life in the evenings means that for the last 3 weeks I just havent had blimmin time to unpack my stuff yet! lol!!! Im still mostly living out of boxes, my fridge is bare and contains hardly anything other than some milk, cheese, and a bottle of white wine.

My cupboards... bare. I just havent had time to shop, and I dont know when Ill be around to do an online order! :D lol.

Also waiting in for a delivery is a nightmare, so I cant even buy things online anymore and have them delivered home, Ive got to get them delivered to my office, then get a taxi home later to carry the bulky stuff home.

I need a double bed, only way im going to be able to get it is if I buy one with my parents and get it there and then on the weekend. lol! What a nightmare.

Living on your own for the first time (and I aint talking shared house/uni bollocks), is rather blimmin time consuming!

  • Offline Mark

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Re:Working life...
Reply #1 on: August 30, 2007, 21:48:37 PM
Do you know I almost get embarrassed telling people about how much I work in my new job.

In my old job I was doing 90 hour weeks sometimes, with an average of 55 per week. This job Im pushing 30 a week *at a stretch* - 18-25 is more normal, and Im getting paid about twice as much! And people take me more seriously becuase instead of being a manager Im now a consultant

Cant recommend it enough :)

Working life...
Reply #2 on: August 30, 2007, 21:57:42 PM
ive been doing 8-6 for the past few weeks in my job, its boring and sh*t and repetetive and generally an insult. roll on october, i miss using my brain for more than just basic life processes :/

Re:Working life...
Reply #3 on: August 30, 2007, 22:28:17 PM
Quote from: Mark
Do you know I almost get embarrassed telling people about how much I work in my new job.

In my old job I was doing 90 hour weeks sometimes, with an average of 55 per week. This job Im pushing 30 a week *at a stretch* - 18-25 is more normal, and Im getting paid about twice as much! And people take me more seriously becuase instead of being a manager Im now a consultant

Cant recommend it enough :)

Know what you mean, I rarely work more than 30hours a week, usually around the 20hour mark. Its only when theres a server that needs rebuilding that knocks my time up. This week, Ive either started after 1pm or finished before 1pm. Been Great  :mrgreen:

Re:Working life...
Reply #4 on: August 30, 2007, 22:43:18 PM
Im just a low life government AO, its the most boring job I have ever done in my life, even more boring than when I used to shred paper way back when I was in school.

I have so many ideas and things I want to try and businesses I want to start its just overwhelming and I try to save u, but I fail at every corner :(

I want my own place and will some day have one as well as, hopefully a mutitude of businesses.

Why not get yourself a PO Box? I think theyre like £70 a year and you go and pick your post up when you can :)

Working life...
Reply #5 on: August 30, 2007, 22:52:53 PM
lol, I used to completely disagree with people saying working is harder than uni, and while I dont necessarily agree with them, its a completely different way of life. Different stress, different circumstances, but bloody hell I dont half find this part of my life more difficult. :D lol

Working life...
Reply #6 on: August 30, 2007, 23:28:55 PM
you 30 hr or under a week guys.. what do you do and how did you get there?

im a long way off being a lowly 2nd line support tech but i want to work hard and get up to "consultant" level, no doubt itll take a few years

  • Offline Dave

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Re:Working life...
Reply #7 on: August 31, 2007, 00:19:00 AM
Quote from: Mark
And people take me more seriously becuase instead of being a manager Im now a consultant

yep - tis just the word consultant that gets things done tbh..

My job title isnt consultant but Ill use if I dont want to have to wait for several hours while various IT/printer monkeys phone each other to seek authorization for me to do things

"Hi Im a consultant from XXXXXXX Ive just been speaking to our development team and we need to get into your system and do XYZ" - gets me passwords, tokens etc.. straight away.

Tis no wonder that hackers/crackers etc.. also look at social engineering because a shed load of people who work in IT will ditch all their procedures if they think someone half important is on the phone or if they are made to believe that an issue is too urgent for them to mess round phoning people.

Working life...
Reply #8 on: August 31, 2007, 00:28:16 AM
See I hear consultant and instantly think of balding 40yr old plus men, who are well versed in standards and paperwork, but when it comes to the nitty gritty, know bugger all about the technical side of it.

I know that isnt the case with Mark, but still :) Same feeling like.

Hearing consultant doesnt make me move faster, programme or project manager, now that puts the willies up me. :D

Re:Working life...
Reply #9 on: August 31, 2007, 00:34:31 AM
Only the words "Youll be fired if you dont work faster" gets me motivated in my job. It really is the pitts.

But I am going to fly a kite at lunch time tomorrow with the beutiful woman that sits in front of me.

Oh and even if I was on the phone in previous jobs, nothing would get me to change procedures.

People would be like "Well Im good friends with the chairman of BT" and Id say "So? What does he know about broadband?" theyd shut up :D

Working life...
Reply #10 on: August 31, 2007, 08:16:44 AM
Quote from: Binary Shadow
you 30 hr or under a week guys.. what do you do and how did you get there?

im a long way off being a lowly 2nd line support tech but i want to work hard and get up to "consultant" level, no doubt itll take a few years

Im a server engineer/consultant/whatever title you want to gimme to the public sector & military that keeps this country ticking. - So I only work when theres a problem. I also help out tiers, but only when the calls are short & sweet as I have to be available

Working life...
Reply #11 on: August 31, 2007, 08:35:22 AM
Sweeeeeet :) lol go with engineer :) more respect :D lol

Working life...
Reply #12 on: August 31, 2007, 08:37:53 AM
Quote from: Binary Shadow
you 30 hr or under a week guys.. what do you do and how did you get there?

im a long way off being a lowly 2nd line support tech but i want to work hard and get up to "consultant" level, no doubt itll take a few years

Consultant in my company requires something along the lines of at least 10 preferably 15+ years of industry domain experience in a particular field. Lot of work :(

Project Manager = more responsibility and achievable in 3 years here. Maybe 4.

Working life...
Reply #13 on: August 31, 2007, 09:01:55 AM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
Sweeeeeet :) lol go with engineer :) more respect :D lol

I couldnt give a toss about job titles. Just show we the money & shirt/tie free enviroment & Im as happy as a pig in mud

  • Offline Sam

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Working life...
Reply #14 on: August 31, 2007, 11:56:11 AM
In software a consultant usually means a configurator. And they can be good or sh*te. The ones here are useless. Im paid to train them.

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