Author Topic: zpyder  (Read 4217 times)

Reply #15 on: February 29, 2008, 19:34:02 PM
Quote from: sdp
Phrase of the day: subjective evaluation.

This isnt real life or Eastenders, its a f**king internet forum where people talk about PC stuff and youtube. M3t, ask yourself how many ppl with post counts like yours (or mine) have the guts or know-how to play girlies. It was kinda funny but at lesat Zpyder was trying. fwiw people post about wanting to hurt GWB or punching starving africans or whatever, if you take that sorta stuff seriously what level are your social skills?

No offense.

None taken :)

If I remember correctly there was something disturbing about the way it was said. Hence me (and others mind you) saying that hes a twat.

As for playing girlies... hey man, I aint a player, but then again I dont require assistance in speaking to women. Granted im sure there are others here who dont have nearly as much luck, nor are as comfortable with it, but they do have the sense not to actually provide ammo for people to say "wtf... dude are you really that much of a social pariah? - christ... get the f**k out more".

  • Offline SteveF

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Reply #16 on: February 29, 2008, 20:00:27 PM
I vaguely remember the thread and he said some sketchy things about what the girl deserved despite her not doing much wrong. I assumed he was just in the moment or joking tbh. Hadnt realized hed left for a reason - thought hed just got lost in the port 80/bigforums mess. Dont take offence on forums - argue, laugh, learn, whatever but you shouldnt care about any of it the next day

Quote from: sdp
M3t, ask yourself how many ppl with post counts like yours (or mine) have the guts or know-how to play girlies.

slightly off topic but I dont think the two relate. I suspect we have a fairly broad cross section on here. At a guess its probably biased slightly to the inept but I bet its not that bad. Its largely looks and confidence driven which isnt that related to your hobbies/job.

  • Offline zpyder

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Reply #17 on: February 29, 2008, 21:18:28 PM
In answer to this thread...

...Since leaving I realised over the last few years I have a slight obsessive personality (addiction to the forum back then, and other things since) so I don’t think staying active here is a good idea.

The reason I “came back” (In disguise (the avatar and signature change were a subtle hint this time)) was due to ETGS issues a while ago (Their site was down yet again and I needed to know what the score was - Thankfully changed hosts now)

Since then I’ve occasionally checked back as I still rate this place as being a useful consumer review resource for things like ISP’s. Can’t say the same about other things though...

...and to clear things up with the whole leaving thing...

...whatever happened back then? Sadly the database wipe has lost record of what happened and no doubt different people will recall different recollection is that there was a certain person at Un who I initially thought of as a friend. One of two out of about 60-70 course mates...that kinda sucked.

This person had a tendency of saying malicious things in a very confrontational manner. My real world self being the meek person I am, couldn’t handle these situations nor respond to them as they occurred.  Neither did I want to do anything to reduce that friendship to 1 or possibly even 0. I was stuck.

The forums were a form of vent for me, where I could verbally reason out things that were on my mind. I guess a kind of forum based rant blog almost...and much like people entertain visions of recklessly driven cars spinning out of control infront of them as a form of retribution for them breaking various laws and yourself driving sensibly, I stated my mind on the scenario I was facing. It just so happened that this mental scenario about a bully, involved a girl, and certain members took offence to this.

As I was a form of vent, there were several ideas that popped into my head after several incidents, which were discussed in the thread, in the process relieving me of some of the pressure I was facing dealing with this person. It just so happened that one or two of those ideas struck a little close to home for some members perhaps.

Some people may have thought that I might actually carry them out as well (I recall the problem was the suggestion of showing her the malicious and hateful vent thread that I had created). Whereas dreams of ramming that car that just cut you up are obviously never going to happen, sending someone a link to a website is a bit too feasible.

Sooo...things were said, rightly or wrongly I still don’t know. I wanted to believe that over the years on the forums, people had gotten to know me, and known what my personality was like. They would have known there was a kind of split life going on...the socially inept quiet zpyder in the real world, and the zpyder who detailed these things and how he felt about them on the internet. Sadly when your refuge from your real world problems ends up also becoming one of those problems, there’s nowhere else to go, and so I left.

The curse of this place was that though 9/10 times it was an awesome, witty community, that other 1 time there’s someone ‘strongly disagreeing’ with someone else. The problem with this is that neither party will ever admit they were wrong, and so things get worse until one of them stops. I had issues with insults which I felt were unjustified, the other party felt that they were. I still don’t know how I could actually make them see why I believe they weren’t (in my opinion) and still aren’t...anything I could say would likely deliberately be read with a negative bias by them. My reasoning for myself not justifying the insults is the following example...if someone violently attacked a family member, I’d find it strange for anyone to not wish that their attacker didn’t get a taste of their own medicine. They won’t enact their desire for revenge, but it’s there. I merely publicised my feelings as a method of dealing with them.

There’s not much more I can say on the subject I guess. I guess an update on what happened next is in order...I left the forums...finished that year at uni...’she’ failed the year and did not got easier. None of this had anything to do with me I hasten to add, I knuckled down and got on with it all.

In the time between then and now, I have new friends...and they’re all girls haha, who would have thought it. The rest of the course clique are still a group unto their own. Learning the workings of my personality has let me slowly improve my social skills though I still have a way to go. Career wise I still find it easier to get on with older generations, which has been a benefit as I’ve integrated with the environmental lecturers and technicians, landing a couple of contracts over the last 6 months.

And that’s that. I guess.

Reply #18 on: February 29, 2008, 21:25:17 PM
hear hear... its good to see you at last living life and coping better. I think I mentioned around the time of the thread Id happily buy you a beer, and Id gladly do that.

The profile youve made here doesnt exactly reflect what youve said above however hence my doubt in any improvement.

Kudos and all the best.

  • Offline zpyder

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Reply #19 on: February 29, 2008, 21:44:02 PM
Dont get me wrong. I want to forget about this place. Not out of maliciousness, but out of my learning about my obsessiveness. If I stayed, Id likely end up degenerating again and spending more time than I should here than elsewhere.

But heres a question for you. Does it make you feel good to Roast what you yourself called a social reject of a nerd, for wanting to go stella on a lass though even by definition such a nerd would probably snap like a twig should he try do so?

My issue that resulted in leaving was not with any of the "you should get out more" comments, I whole heartedly agreed with those. But the degeneration to Twat was the slap in the face I think. I was honestly shocked at the time that someone could feel that way to end up calling me that, as I thought youd have known that I was and still am pretty harmless and was just frustrated with the situation! Nevermind though, its said and done. I think everyone has established what they think on the matter heh.

I would have to turn down your offer of a beer as one of the obsessiveness things I learnt was alcoholism. Even though I started off hating the stuff (Not sure if I had left when I started drinking) but I progressively started drinking more, ended up having to nip it in the bud as I realised I was going to end up like my father otherwise.

I could try and stick around, as an experiment, but not sure what would happen to be honest. This place is a little too vocal and Ill end up getting sucked back in no doubt.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Reply #20 on: February 29, 2008, 21:55:06 PM
Well theres a lot of nostalgia flying around at the moment and its good to see an old hand back, so I hope you post some more - the trick is to remember not to take threads too seriously and its something everyone needs to remember at one time or another on here, myself included. At least you two seem to be able to get along now :mrgreen:

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  • Offline Goblin

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Reply #21 on: February 29, 2008, 21:58:16 PM
Glad youre getting life sorted out. Its a lot quieter around here these days so there is a limited amount of time you can actually spend here now, but Im sure a lot of the "old crew" would be happy to see you back. Arguments happen and in a forum such as this things get taken out of context. Too many good people have moved on from here and weve seen some good new people arrive.

I think we all want you to do whats best for yourself, if you can stick around and make it work, thats cool. If you need to keep away or be faced with regressing, no-one wants to force you.

Whichever you decide, all the best.
It's all fun and games until a 200' robot dinosaur shows up and trashes Neo-Tokyo… Again.

  • Offline zpyder

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Reply #22 on: February 29, 2008, 22:00:02 PM
Well see!

Ill see about sticking aroundish. Its looking like I might end up going back to my computing roots a little and specialising in Spatial Information Science, which isnt great! I might end up needing technical expertise...

The best way to describe my current situation would be like the main character at the end of "Office Space" - A computer dude that was stressed out with it all, finding peace doing construction...Im loving the more down to earth science involving trudging around protected heathland collecting invertebrate samples for the RSPB and the likes, rather than my old computing "nerd" thats the construction thing. I just dont have Jennifer Aniston as a girlfriend sadly...

  • Offline zpyder

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Reply #23 on: February 29, 2008, 22:01:30 PM

Any chance of getting my old nick back?

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Reply #24 on: February 29, 2008, 22:03:34 PM
Ill happily change it for you if you want. Just PM me.

  • Offline SteveF

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Reply #25 on: February 29, 2008, 22:13:20 PM
I think the concern was you might turn into the guy who burnt the building down in office space in that last thread. From most it was concern iirc

And yeah theres not enough traffic on this board now to get too sucked in. Glad youre well tho mate!

  • Offline zpyder

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Reply #26 on: February 29, 2008, 22:16:23 PM
But that guy was so cool.

And hey, look at where he got at the end of the day, tropical island with loads of money...

Reply #27 on: February 29, 2008, 22:31:35 PM
bahhhh... screw that old stuff from before.... that was aggggges ago 8)

plus, no one listens to metalhead anymore anyway ;)

Reply #28 on: February 29, 2008, 22:45:35 PM
Quote from: zpyder
But that guy was so cool.

And hey, look at where he got at the end of the day, tropical island with loads of money...

...carefully places the stapler back on the desk :D

  • Offline Alien8

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Reply #29 on: February 29, 2008, 22:45:37 PM
Quote from: zpyder

I would have to turn down your offer of a beer as one of the obsessiveness things I learnt was alcoholism. Even though I started off hating the stuff (Not sure if I had left when I started drinking) but I progressively started drinking more, ended up having to nip it in the bud as I realised I was going to end up like my father otherwise.

I could try and stick around, as an experiment, but not sure what would happen to be honest. This place is a little too vocal and Ill end up getting sucked back in no doubt.

IIRC you had just tried some alcoholic drink, hated it and had asked for a few suggestions as you thought it would help when out with people, I believe the common suggestion was cider.

are the tek forums flash mini series still about anywhere ?

welcome back  :wave:

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