Author Topic: [GUIDE] Automated Media Server & XBMC Setup  (Read 301049 times)

    • Leons Lost
  • Offline Leon

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I was using it becuase its the best solution I had come across. I will check out teamviewer tonight :D Either way I'm still going back to Windows after a few annoyances.

I happens every time I do to Linux, its all great for a couple days and then a few small things piss me off and I go back. Thought this time would be different but noooooo :P
.::. .::. Media Server Guide .::.

PC: i5 760 .::.  GA-P55-UD3 .::. 8GB Corsair 'Dominator' DDR3 .::. 1GB EVGA GTX 460 SC .::. Win7 Ultimate  .::. Dell 24" Ultra Sharp
Netbook: HP Mini 311c-1101sa .::. 3GB Ram .::. ION Hack .::. Win7 Ultimate
Server: HP MicroServer .::. 3GB Ram .::. 4x 2TB Storage .::. 512MB nVidia 210 .::. Win7 Ultimate, XBMC 11 (Aeon NOX), Sick Beard & Couch Potato
Phone: SE Xperia Mini Pro .::. MiniCMSandwich Lite (Android ICS Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz
Tablet: Asus Transformer TF101 w/ Dock .::. EOS JB Nightlies (Android JB Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz

    • Leons Lost
  • Offline Leon

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  • Bah Humbug!
SAB on windows added.
.::. .::. Media Server Guide .::.

PC: i5 760 .::.  GA-P55-UD3 .::. 8GB Corsair 'Dominator' DDR3 .::. 1GB EVGA GTX 460 SC .::. Win7 Ultimate  .::. Dell 24" Ultra Sharp
Netbook: HP Mini 311c-1101sa .::. 3GB Ram .::. ION Hack .::. Win7 Ultimate
Server: HP MicroServer .::. 3GB Ram .::. 4x 2TB Storage .::. 512MB nVidia 210 .::. Win7 Ultimate, XBMC 11 (Aeon NOX), Sick Beard & Couch Potato
Phone: SE Xperia Mini Pro .::. MiniCMSandwich Lite (Android ICS Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz
Tablet: Asus Transformer TF101 w/ Dock .::. EOS JB Nightlies (Android JB Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz

    • Leons Lost
  • Offline Leon

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  • Bah Humbug!
Thats strange, its a pretty simple setup and so I'm not sure whats going wrong on your end. Guess you can just compare to my setup and see if there is anything you have missed.

I'm going to do the Sick Beard & Couch Potato setups today or tomorrow but as I'm at work I can't add anything to the collection or do any searchs (won't look too good with those kinds of querys hitting the proxy).
.::. .::. Media Server Guide .::.

PC: i5 760 .::.  GA-P55-UD3 .::. 8GB Corsair 'Dominator' DDR3 .::. 1GB EVGA GTX 460 SC .::. Win7 Ultimate  .::. Dell 24" Ultra Sharp
Netbook: HP Mini 311c-1101sa .::. 3GB Ram .::. ION Hack .::. Win7 Ultimate
Server: HP MicroServer .::. 3GB Ram .::. 4x 2TB Storage .::. 512MB nVidia 210 .::. Win7 Ultimate, XBMC 11 (Aeon NOX), Sick Beard & Couch Potato
Phone: SE Xperia Mini Pro .::. MiniCMSandwich Lite (Android ICS Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz
Tablet: Asus Transformer TF101 w/ Dock .::. EOS JB Nightlies (Android JB Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz

    • Leons Lost
  • Offline Leon

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  • Bah Humbug!
Sick Beard setup added - Will have to add 'adding new & existing shows' to the end of the guide tomorrow as I can't do that at work & I'm off for a leaving do tonight.

Working on couch potato setup now.... Suppose I should actually go do some work at some point as well.
.::. .::. Media Server Guide .::.

PC: i5 760 .::.  GA-P55-UD3 .::. 8GB Corsair 'Dominator' DDR3 .::. 1GB EVGA GTX 460 SC .::. Win7 Ultimate  .::. Dell 24" Ultra Sharp
Netbook: HP Mini 311c-1101sa .::. 3GB Ram .::. ION Hack .::. Win7 Ultimate
Server: HP MicroServer .::. 3GB Ram .::. 4x 2TB Storage .::. 512MB nVidia 210 .::. Win7 Ultimate, XBMC 11 (Aeon NOX), Sick Beard & Couch Potato
Phone: SE Xperia Mini Pro .::. MiniCMSandwich Lite (Android ICS Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz
Tablet: Asus Transformer TF101 w/ Dock .::. EOS JB Nightlies (Android JB Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz

    • Leons Lost
  • Offline Leon

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  • Bah Humbug!
Added Couch Potato setup.
.::. .::. Media Server Guide .::.

PC: i5 760 .::.  GA-P55-UD3 .::. 8GB Corsair 'Dominator' DDR3 .::. 1GB EVGA GTX 460 SC .::. Win7 Ultimate  .::. Dell 24" Ultra Sharp
Netbook: HP Mini 311c-1101sa .::. 3GB Ram .::. ION Hack .::. Win7 Ultimate
Server: HP MicroServer .::. 3GB Ram .::. 4x 2TB Storage .::. 512MB nVidia 210 .::. Win7 Ultimate, XBMC 11 (Aeon NOX), Sick Beard & Couch Potato
Phone: SE Xperia Mini Pro .::. MiniCMSandwich Lite (Android ICS Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz
Tablet: Asus Transformer TF101 w/ Dock .::. EOS JB Nightlies (Android JB Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz

    • - It's new and improved!
  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

  • Clockedtastic
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I'd just like to add that this is an excellent and thorough guide, exactly the sort of thing we need to see on the forums :bow:

I do have a question though, as someone that has never really used newsgroups, what is the difference between an Astraweb account and then having one of the other two you mention on top, Newsbins or NZBMatrix?

    • Leons Lost
  • Offline Leon

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  • Bah Humbug!
Cheers. Hmmm how to explain...

The newsgroup servers (such as Astraweb / Giganews / Supernews etc) are the servers that actually host the content. Newsbins & NZBmatrix are indexing? sites that point you to the files you want to download... something like that.

From a torrent comparison... Astraweb is the other users your downloading off (but its a server this time), NZBmatrix is the torrent website like piratebay/btjunkie

I'm sure someone will have an better explaination :)
Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 13:31:06 PM by Dooms #187;
.::. .::. Media Server Guide .::.

PC: i5 760 .::.  GA-P55-UD3 .::. 8GB Corsair 'Dominator' DDR3 .::. 1GB EVGA GTX 460 SC .::. Win7 Ultimate  .::. Dell 24" Ultra Sharp
Netbook: HP Mini 311c-1101sa .::. 3GB Ram .::. ION Hack .::. Win7 Ultimate
Server: HP MicroServer .::. 3GB Ram .::. 4x 2TB Storage .::. 512MB nVidia 210 .::. Win7 Ultimate, XBMC 11 (Aeon NOX), Sick Beard & Couch Potato
Phone: SE Xperia Mini Pro .::. MiniCMSandwich Lite (Android ICS Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz
Tablet: Asus Transformer TF101 w/ Dock .::. EOS JB Nightlies (Android JB Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz

    • Leons Lost
  • Offline Leon

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  • Bah Humbug!
Quick note to moderators - Leave all the spam in here for the moment, going to references a few things and its still a WIP - when finished can merge / move everything in a gerneral thread somewhere else on the forums and clean everything up.
.::. .::. Media Server Guide .::.

PC: i5 760 .::.  GA-P55-UD3 .::. 8GB Corsair 'Dominator' DDR3 .::. 1GB EVGA GTX 460 SC .::. Win7 Ultimate  .::. Dell 24" Ultra Sharp
Netbook: HP Mini 311c-1101sa .::. 3GB Ram .::. ION Hack .::. Win7 Ultimate
Server: HP MicroServer .::. 3GB Ram .::. 4x 2TB Storage .::. 512MB nVidia 210 .::. Win7 Ultimate, XBMC 11 (Aeon NOX), Sick Beard & Couch Potato
Phone: SE Xperia Mini Pro .::. MiniCMSandwich Lite (Android ICS Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz
Tablet: Asus Transformer TF101 w/ Dock .::. EOS JB Nightlies (Android JB Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz

    • Leons Lost
  • Offline Leon

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  • Bah Humbug!
Urgh too much text - eyes starting to hurt.

Added an 'advanced install' of Sick Beard in a (SPOILER) tag which uses the source code and complies from Git. Most people won't need it but its what I use as it allows you to use user customised branches that are availible on github.
.::. .::. Media Server Guide .::.

PC: i5 760 .::.  GA-P55-UD3 .::. 8GB Corsair 'Dominator' DDR3 .::. 1GB EVGA GTX 460 SC .::. Win7 Ultimate  .::. Dell 24" Ultra Sharp
Netbook: HP Mini 311c-1101sa .::. 3GB Ram .::. ION Hack .::. Win7 Ultimate
Server: HP MicroServer .::. 3GB Ram .::. 4x 2TB Storage .::. 512MB nVidia 210 .::. Win7 Ultimate, XBMC 11 (Aeon NOX), Sick Beard & Couch Potato
Phone: SE Xperia Mini Pro .::. MiniCMSandwich Lite (Android ICS Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz
Tablet: Asus Transformer TF101 w/ Dock .::. EOS JB Nightlies (Android JB Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz

    • Leons Lost
  • Offline Leon

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  • Bah Humbug!
Saw that guide (or one similar) before and was going to link to it when I did XBMC becuase to be honest my install is going to be very basic but with a better skin :P (as thats all I do)
.::. .::. Media Server Guide .::.

PC: i5 760 .::.  GA-P55-UD3 .::. 8GB Corsair 'Dominator' DDR3 .::. 1GB EVGA GTX 460 SC .::. Win7 Ultimate  .::. Dell 24" Ultra Sharp
Netbook: HP Mini 311c-1101sa .::. 3GB Ram .::. ION Hack .::. Win7 Ultimate
Server: HP MicroServer .::. 3GB Ram .::. 4x 2TB Storage .::. 512MB nVidia 210 .::. Win7 Ultimate, XBMC 11 (Aeon NOX), Sick Beard & Couch Potato
Phone: SE Xperia Mini Pro .::. MiniCMSandwich Lite (Android ICS Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz
Tablet: Asus Transformer TF101 w/ Dock .::. EOS JB Nightlies (Android JB Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz

got my 3in1 keyboard today

it works as a mouse as well :oD - the little joypad
Just need to map all the keys
Im using pinnacle profiler trial atm.

I thought the pad was bluetooth, but its not. It comes with its
own wireless USB receiver that also doubles up as a dock/charger

It does feel cheap & plasticy, but I think it will do the job for now.

    • Leons Lost
  • Offline Leon

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  • Bah Humbug!
Update - Added managing shows in SB, my mind isn't quite in it today so will prob redo it but hey I want something up there. Last step is XMBC which I will do asap.

Cool egg, I wasn't (and still not enough) about getting a remote or wireless keyboard as XBMC is controlled purely by the android phone & the software I use is all Browser based so shouldn't need to touch it (can RDP if required).

I also switched over to using TeamViewer but I'm not sure I like it... its not as streamlined as Logmein as you have to 'send' a right click and shortcut keys don't work while working on screen. I also seem to get freezes where it still thinks everything is fine but can't move any windows until you reconnect.
.::. .::. Media Server Guide .::.

PC: i5 760 .::.  GA-P55-UD3 .::. 8GB Corsair 'Dominator' DDR3 .::. 1GB EVGA GTX 460 SC .::. Win7 Ultimate  .::. Dell 24" Ultra Sharp
Netbook: HP Mini 311c-1101sa .::. 3GB Ram .::. ION Hack .::. Win7 Ultimate
Server: HP MicroServer .::. 3GB Ram .::. 4x 2TB Storage .::. 512MB nVidia 210 .::. Win7 Ultimate, XBMC 11 (Aeon NOX), Sick Beard & Couch Potato
Phone: SE Xperia Mini Pro .::. MiniCMSandwich Lite (Android ICS Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz
Tablet: Asus Transformer TF101 w/ Dock .::. EOS JB Nightlies (Android JB Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz

Id personally get a cheap android slate as a giant remote :oD
I just went for something cheap as my budget is limited

Id personally get a cheap android slate as a giant remote :oD
I just went for something cheap as my budget is limited

I'm using the official XBMC remote app on my Advent Vega.
You can pick the Show/Movie/Album on the tablet and beam it to the xbmc.

Not bad either, at £199

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