Author Topic: Galaxy S i9000 Charger Modification  (Read 7206 times)

Galaxy S i9000 Charger Modification
on: December 28, 2011, 18:01:23 PM
I hear you thinking "That boys mad! Why does he want to modify his charger?"

Hear me out.

When you get your cheap and nasty car chargers from ebay, have you found the it still goes flat while using it for navigation?
That's because the cheap and nasty charger is only charging the phone in USB mode.  This draws 500mAh.
You can usually tell, as when you plug the charger in it asks you if you want to enable mass storage or the like.

Fortunately the solution is simple.  You need to short two wires in your charger plug.  This will fool the phone into thinking it's connected to an AC adapter and will draw 1000mah.

Here is the modification.

Grab your car charger and work out how to open the microusb connectors housing.

Once you've opened it up, you want to short out pins 2 and 3.
If you were looking at it head on, it would be these two pins.

In my cheap and nasty charger, I only have wires connected to pins 1 and 5.

Now when I'm on longer journeys, my phone will still charge when navigating.

Re: Galaxy S i9000 Charger Modification
Reply #1 on: February 03, 2012, 18:56:58 PM
You are a freaking genius!

This has been doing my nut in for bloody ages.

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