Author Topic: GUIDE: How to update firmware (flash) Samsung 2Tb HD204UI harddrive  (Read 17503 times)

How To Flash Samsung HD204UI Hard Drive

There is a problem with these drives that can and should be fixed with a firmware update. I couldn't find a concise guide anywhere so I thought id compile one here.

1.   Download the new Samsung firmware flash applincation from here (direct download link). Extract this archive to reveal F4EG.exe. Note where this is stored.

Annoyingly this needs to be run from DOS so you need to make some form of DOS Bootable media. The below covers how to make a USB stick DOS bootable. This is just one way to do this but I found it the simplest.

How To Create A DOS Bootable USB Pen Drive

2.   Download ‘Windows 98 System Files’ from here. These are the files needed to create a DOS bootable usb stick. Extract the archive to a new folder and remember its location
3.   Download ‘HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool’ from here. This tool will create the bootable disk. Install this. Insert your USB stick into the computer then run the tool.
4.   Change the settings to match the following:
  -   Device: Your USB stick
  -   File System: FAT32
  -   Quick Format: [checked]
  -   Create a DOS startup disk [checked]
  -   Using DOS System Files located at: the location you extracted the files to in step 2.

5.   Click Start. This will format you USB stick as USB bootable – NOTE: You will lose all data on the USB stick.
6.   Copy F4EG.exe (from step 1) onto the newly formatted disk.
The USB stick is now all ready to go.

7.   Unplug all hard drives from your PC. Plug your HD204UI into the primary master SATA  port (where applicable).
8.   Plug the USB stick into a USB port on your PC.
9.   Power on the PC and tap the key for BOOT MENU (F12 for me) until you see the boot menu.
10.   Select your USB stick to boot to, probably listed as USB-HDD

This should boot you to a DOS prompt showing C:\>

11.   Type ‘F4EG’ followed by the enter key

This will take a moment a show you some data then hopefully show ‘Download completed successfully (SN : somethingorother)’

This is the only confirmation you will get that the firmware has been updated. There is no change in the firmware version number, you just need to trust in the tool.

12.   Now POWER OFF your PC. Do not restart or Ctrl+Alt+Del. You must hard power off.

You are now done! Repeat steps 7 – 12 for each of these disks you have then return your HDs to their correct places.

Hope this helps!
Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 09:26:04 AM by sexytw #187;
Formerly sexytw

I read that the application will look at any SAMSUNG 2TB drives, and flash them if required. Without needing to take them out.

I have to admit I didn't try that, it may well work. The only reason I moved mine around was that first Samsung site answer.

If anyone can try and confirm you dont need to remove / swap around drives i'll amend the guide. Its a whole lot more faff that I was anticipating when i purchased the drives.
Formerly sexytw

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