Author Topic: How to Install Android 2.3 Gingerbread on Orange San Francisco / ZTE Blade  (Read 55573 times)

I have just installed Android 2.3 on my Orange San Francisco, it runs like a dream and was very easy to do. It took a little trial and error so I wanted to put this guide together as much for my own memory as to assist others.

Firstly, all thanks and credit to curl66, wbaw and all the other fantastic tallent at modaco. This post is heavily based on the following post where you will find more detailed information and Q&A:

This guide is specifically for Orange San Francisco / ZTE Blade's that originally had Android 2.1 on them (also known as Gen1 devices).
You can check if you have a Gen1 device by downloading the free app called 'Ask Mr Pigfish' from the market.

If required backup everything on your phone with MyBackup (free on android market).
No other preparation is required for this, this will work with a rooted or unrooted phone.

1 - Download the latest TPT Android rom from:

I had trouble with the download link there so alternatively download the version I used from this dropbox location ( ) This is Cyanogenmod 7.0.3 or Android 2.3.3 (released 07/05/2011)

2 - Download MD5 Checker to verify the above download is perfect:

The MD5 key of the CM-7.0.3-Blade-TPT image should match ce0780ab4104903edc957688b65d598b

3 - Extract the rom to the root folder of your SD card so you have an image/ folder in the root

4 - Turn off your phone. Hold down the volume up, the menu key and the power key.

The phone will turn on and show some green text. Allow this to continue, the phone will restart itself.

Once the phone boots you will have Android 2.3.3 with Cyanogenmod. Go through all the setup steps as normal.
Download MyBackup from the market to restore all of your apps and data (if required).

Now rename or delete the image/ folder form your SD Card. This is important because of how easy it is to accidentally reflash your phone.

Lastly I advise you install the app 'Launcher Pro' free from the android market. This makes the phone so much faster and smoother.
Last Edit: May 08, 2011, 10:32:46 AM by sexytw #187;
Formerly sexytw

  • Offline ERU

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I'm still on Froyo 2.2 (from Orange 2.1 - so Gen.1 phone) from that site. Is it worth updating to 2.3?
Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 22:26:12 PM by ERU #187;

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I still use Froyo on my older phones due to speed issues, upgrade and see if you like it but otherwise go back... its not a lot of work :)
.::. .::. Media Server Guide .::.

PC: i5 760 .::.  GA-P55-UD3 .::. 8GB Corsair 'Dominator' DDR3 .::. 1GB EVGA GTX 460 SC .::. Win7 Ultimate  .::. Dell 24" Ultra Sharp
Netbook: HP Mini 311c-1101sa .::. 3GB Ram .::. ION Hack .::. Win7 Ultimate
Server: HP MicroServer .::. 3GB Ram .::. 4x 2TB Storage .::. 512MB nVidia 210 .::. Win7 Ultimate, XBMC 11 (Aeon NOX), Sick Beard & Couch Potato
Phone: SE Xperia Mini Pro .::. MiniCMSandwich Lite (Android ICS Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz
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  • Offline ERU

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Yeah i'll give it a go.

Thank you so much for this, my San Francisco is running a million times better now that I've followed your instructions :)

Really appreciate you taking the time to post

Thanks JP, and welcome to the forums!

If you havent already, there are lots more updated ROMS which run much more smoothly now:

The guide still applies, but once you've completed it you should download the latest stable version of cyanogen and install the zip file using ROMManager. The time there's not need to do the whole backup.
Last Edit: January 08, 2012, 21:51:45 PM by sexytw #187;
Formerly sexytw

Ah, I've run into a problem - not the fault of the upgrade I'm sure, but can anyone help on this?

Part of the reason I upgraded was that my phone had stopped connecting to the wifi at work - or more precisely, it would connect to the signal, but just said "page cannot be displayed" when I tried to do anything. It connected to every other wi-fi service just fine.

After upgrading using the above instructions, it worked fine for about a week, but is now having exactly the same problem again. I've tried re-installing Cyanogen just to see if that helps, but it didn't change anything.

The administrator of the network in question is being no help at all. My workmates with Android phones have no such problem.

Any suggestions?

Thanks for posting up this guide. First time I have seen it spelt out easily so decided to try it and was well worth it (wanted tethering)

A couple of points that may help others....

1) I found the file uploaded to 4shared after seeing a 404 above. The MD5 checked out :)

2) My ZTE didn't want to inital give me the green text screen. I had to swap out the SD card before it would (I think the SD card was problematic beforehand)

HTH. Thanks again OP

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