on: May 25, 2011, 20:55:30 PM
This one is for when you get someone saying their connection drops for a couple seconds every now and then, where your options are:
1) Sit trying to fix it while it's not broken.
2) Put this on their desktop and get them to run it when they think they've been disco'd.
echo off
echo hang on a mo...
REM Check localhost
ping localhost -4 -n 1 > c:\ping\pingtest.txt
echo. >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
echo. >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
REM Check Default Gateway
ping >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
echo. >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
echo. >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
REM check File Server
ping -n 1 >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
echo. >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
echo. >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
REM Check Internet ping
ping -n 1 >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
echo. >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
echo. >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
REM check dns name resolution
echo NSLOOKUP >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
nslookup www.tekheads.co.uk >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
echo. >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
echo. >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
REM print ipconfig
ipconfig /all >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
echo. >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
echo. >> c:\ping\pingtest.txt
Simple, but dead handy.
I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.