Here're some more progress shots:
Progress by
Chris_Moody, on Flickr
Motors in place, just waiting for the prop attachments to arrive. The impeller is on the up/down motor so I knew which one was more powerful, otherwise I could have ended up with odd sized left and right motors. I also suspect that depending on depth, the floats/pontoons won't be much use, and I'll end up just letting the ROV sit at the end of the tether. If this is the case, I might move the up/down motor to the back of the frame, the idea being that I could use it to generate a bit of thrust that could tilt the camera up/down.
Bilge motors by
Chris_Moody, on Flickr
Tether by
Chris_Moody, on Flickr
Managed to get the GoPro camera connected to the Netgear repeater, and have a LinkSys router connected (by ethernet) to the repeater, and connect my Tablet wirelessly to the Linksys and stream video, so the system works. I'm not entirely sure it's 100% solid though, so once I've sorted out the 12->5v voltage issue for the repeater I want to do a few tests before I encase it in resin, as there'll be no way to reset it otherwise. (Had all sorts of IP address issues that took a lot of fiddling to get working).
Jobs left to do:
Attach props to motors
Sort power to the repeater
Wire switches into a controller box
Wire a fuse into power line
Resin/waterproof motor connections etc
Final test of wireless image transmition
Encapsulate repeater
Nearly there