Author Topic: Setting up your Xbox360 for Xbox Live  (Read 36939 times)

Setting up your Xbox360 for Xbox Live
on: March 01, 2008, 11:37:15 AM
You will need

Ports 3074 TCP/UDP and 88 UDP

Switch on your xbox and head over to the System tab in the dashboard.
Select Network Settings
Edit Settings

Here you will be greeted with a screen that has lots of numbers on it.
Take a note of the IP range, i.e in my case its 192.168.2.x (x being the last digits).  Your mileage may vary.
You also want to write down its Subnet and Gateway.

Once armed with this info, type in your new static address.  Ive gone for
Make sure the address you choose is outside the DHCP range of the router.  You can only go as far as 255.


My setup is:

IP Address

You then have the option of setting the DNS.  In 99% of cases, set this to be the same as your gateway.

Attacking the Router.

Log into your router.
Look for the DHCP settings and make sure your chosen IP is outside the DHCP range.
Most people only have a handful of devices that require an IP address, I set my range to -  This gives me scope to set routers, APs and print servers in the lower -10 of my unassigned range, and the top devices like my static PC in the +100 range.

A good guide for opening the correct ports on your particular router can be found here.

From experience, I turn Upnp off as it causes headaches.  Your system may think otherwise.

    • Destination Gamer
  • Offline Batch

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Re:Setting up your Xbox360 for Xbox Live
Reply #1 on: March 01, 2008, 20:24:51 PM
Nice info there soopahfly.

Can a mod or admin sticky this? This will be useful to anyone else who would want to look for this.

Cheers  :cheers:

Re:Setting up your Xbox360 for Xbox Live
Reply #2 on: March 02, 2008, 19:53:57 PM
I think you were the only person needing the info tbh :D

    • Destination Gamer
  • Offline Batch

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Re:Setting up your Xbox360 for Xbox Live
Reply #3 on: May 12, 2008, 22:19:48 PM
Aha!!! Heres how to get the NAT set to open permanently.

For those who own a Netgear Rangemax WPN824v2 wireless router, you only need to upgrade the firmwire and then go to the WAN Setup under Advanced to see the new NAT Filtering option. Select the Open option to keep the NAT set to open permanently. The Rangemax WPN824v2 is officially Xbox Live Compatible from firmware v2.0.18!

For those who have not got one, I have provided below a link where it states all Xbox Live Compatible routers.

I hope this helps.

Re:Setting up your Xbox360 for Xbox Live
Reply #4 on: May 24, 2008, 20:27:09 PM
Unlucky for you, it seems you have one of the utterly diabolical Netgear Pre-N routers.
Should have got the DG834N

  • Offline Mark

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Re:Setting up your Xbox360 for Xbox Live
Reply #5 on: May 25, 2008, 21:01:38 PM
pedantic point - it is NOT NAT - it is PAT

Re:Setting up your Xbox360 for Xbox Live
Reply #6 on: May 26, 2008, 17:38:35 PM
Quote from: Mark
pedantic point - it is NOT NAT - it is PAT

A good point though. So many people confuse network and port address translation.

Re:Setting up your Xbox360 for Xbox Live
Reply #7 on: June 11, 2008, 00:19:49 AM
Including Microsoft in this instance, but you cant write PAT the noobs would get confused as it doesnt say that on the TV.

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