Author Topic: temp sensors display to webpage  (Read 32230 times)

Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #15 on: July 14, 2022, 23:33:29 PM
Make sure your baud is 115200 and if your WiFi has special characters I think they can cause issues

Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #16 on: July 15, 2022, 19:48:52 PM
ok this is driving my crazy

fresh install on laptop, followed guide exactly (just like I did before)

can't get any temp sensor code to run on any board (bought 3)  (I'm assuming I should still get some output with no temp sensors attached to the 2nd and 3rd boards)

I can load up the example blink code to make the onboard led blink, it works every time on any board

no idea what's going on, I'm probably doing something stupid

I'll take the boards home over the weekend and see if I can spend a few hours on them - I've been in past midnight every night this week, just working on this while I stop for a break when my back hurts :-o

Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #17 on: August 03, 2022, 19:37:06 PM
ohhhhhhh I got it working :-)

no idea how... but it works

Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #18 on: August 03, 2022, 19:55:54 PM
I'#ve bodged a load of code together from different things... but I'm stuck... might have sorted it, gimmie a min to edit
Last Edit: August 03, 2022, 21:48:02 PM by knighty #187;

Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #19 on: August 03, 2022, 21:38:14 PM
Just refresh the page, add the below for every 5 seconds:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5">

More pages are possible, but not done it myself

Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #20 on: August 03, 2022, 21:55:07 PM
perfect thanks, got it working now with  10 temp sensors :-)

instead of an extra page I could just add a bit gap and put the other info lower down :-)

Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #21 on: August 03, 2022, 22:12:26 PM
Yeah, just use <br> to add a break or multiple for a bigger gap

Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #22 on: August 03, 2022, 22:48:05 PM
It would be good to check which fridge is on/off/defrosting

I thought I'd able to find some digital current clamps easily...  but I'm hunting and can't find any at all

don;t want to wire each one back to the board individually... there'll be a load of them.... I assumed there'd be some digital version a bit like the temp sensors where I'm just paralleling them all up :-(

Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #23 on: August 03, 2022, 23:16:26 PM
If you just need to know if current is flowing then something like a Hall effect sensor might be able to detect the magnetic difference?

Edit: turns out a current clamp uses a Hall effect sensor.. so that’s likely what you need
Last Edit: August 03, 2022, 23:18:42 PM by XEntity #187;

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Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #24 on: August 04, 2022, 13:12:45 PM
Glad you got it working!

Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #25 on: August 04, 2022, 17:07:55 PM

I wonder if it's worth sticking them all in a cup of water and then adjusting the readings a bit so they're all the same....

I was thinking by the time I extend them all that'll throw the readings off.... but they're digital so that shouldn't matter?

going to buy another 10 to setup now and label them all 1 to 20.... can just imagine the pain in the arse it'll be trying to organise which one is which if I do it later :-o

Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #26 on: August 04, 2022, 18:37:45 PM
How long are your wire runs to the sensors? Long wires will add resistance and throw off readings, if running long cables you’d be better running multiple mcus and compile the readings to a single source..

Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #27 on: August 04, 2022, 19:32:49 PM
How long are your wire runs to the sensors? Long wires will add resistance and throw off readings, if running long cables you’d be better running multiple mcus and compile the readings to a single source..

any tips on the best way to do that?

google is telling me I should run home assistant or something like that?

I'd like to keep it as off the shelf as possible

also.... looking to sense if things are on/off (detecting mains voltage) it looking like a pain in the arse...

Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #28 on: August 04, 2022, 20:31:06 PM
TBH you’re probably starting to look at ESPHome and node red to store the data, you could then use Grafana to present the data if you want a pretty front end (the first two I haven’t used though, although that’s the usual pairing that’s recommended.. but that’s basically starting again, but using good existing tech..

Otherwise the basic solution is getting each esp to post values to another esp to present, but again that’s a fair amount of work

Sensing power did you look at the Hall effect sensor (running passively against the cable)

Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #29 on: August 05, 2022, 09:46:06 AM
looked at hall effect sensors, but can't find any that use the 1-wire system like the temp sensors do

all the ones I can find are analogue so need so need to be wired back to individual pins on the board - there's a million people asking the same question and non are getting a good answer :-(

there are 1 wre light sensors.... so I could use those and wire LEDs into the mains supply... but they're £20 each and I really want a load of them  (would make checking for freezer problems a million times easier)

once I'm finished I'd really like to tweek how the freezers work to make them more efficient

I'll keep looking :-)

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