Author Topic: temp sensors display to webpage  (Read 31621 times)

Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #30 on: August 05, 2022, 21:40:50 PM
joined all the connecotrs on the back of a 24 port patch panel together, put an rj45 on the board and one on the temp probs... all working so far

means I can wire individual temp probs (or groups) with cat5 and stick an rj45 on the end to make it easy to set the system up

I'll get the temperature web page going first and then expand from there :-)

Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #31 on: August 16, 2022, 23:20:04 PM
ok... I got a bit carried away....

I've got home assistant running in a VM on my server

temp sensors all working, displaying temp in thome assistant

this is where I got carried away.... I bought a bunch of RGB leg bulbs... so I can get home assistant to change the bulb colour depending on freezer temperature...

anyone any good with home assistant?

  • Offline neXus

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Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #32 on: August 17, 2022, 01:54:25 AM
ok... I got a bit carried away....

I've got home assistant running in a VM on my server

temp sensors all working, displaying temp in thome assistant

this is where I got carried away.... I bought a bunch of RGB leg bulbs... so I can get home assistant to change the bulb colour depending on freezer temperature...

anyone any good with home assistant?
Home assistant is awesome. Their site makes it look like its really crappy and old but the thing itself and the interface and features are well polished at this point.

RGB lights running off home assistant you can just do all sorts.
You will need to make sure you got the entities (Lights and sensor) detected and controllable through home assistant. Then it will be just writing a YAML script for that.
This may help?

Re: temp sensors display to webpage
Reply #33 on: August 17, 2022, 19:49:47 PM
it's all up and running.... well one bulb linked to one temp sensor and the temp sensor isn't in the freezer yet... but you get the idea :-)

- id: '1660686610046'
  alias: change bulb
  description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.temp1
  condition: []
    service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.wiz_rgbw_tunable_44a1ea
      rgb_color: >
          {% if states.sensor.temp1.state | int <= -25 %} [0, 0, 255]
          {% elif states.sensor.temp1.state | int <= -20 %} [51, 51, 255]
          {% elif states.sensor.temp1.state | int <= -15 %} [102, 102, 255]
          {% elif states.sensor.temp1.state | int <= -10 %} [153, 153, 255]
          {% elif states.sensor.temp1.state | int <= -5 %} [204, 204, 255]
          {% elif states.sensor.temp1.state | int <= -0 %} [255, 102, 78]
          {% elif states.sensor.temp1.state | int <= 5 %} [255, 51, 51]
          {% else %} [255, 0, 0]
          {% endif %}
      brightness_pct: 100

took a while to get the hang of the coding, a lot of examples online are for older versions etc. and there's 50 different ways to do everything

but loving home assistant so far :-)

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