Author Topic: The Xen and Art of.......Screen Protector Fitting.  (Read 7140 times)

Apologies for the lack of pictures in this thread.

After mastering the art of installing a Zagg Shield on my Galaxy S, I thought I would pass on the knowledge to perfect screen protector fitment.

I've bought an Advent Vega Android Tablet, and an Advent Vega screen protector.
Cheap B*stards at PC World only provide a screen protector, a tiny cloth and a card about 1cm squared.

You will need.

Camera Lens cleaning fluid.
Plastic card (Credit/Debit card, driving licence etc)
Travel size empty spray bottle, like this

Empty the lens cleaning solution into the spray bottle.
lightly spray the screen and clean it to within an inch of it's life.
Spray again, but a little heavier this time.

Spray your fingers with the solution, so you can handle the screen without finger prints.
Remove the sticky backing and spray it.

Now you can place your screen protector.
Don't worry about bubbles, just the position.

Once it's in place, use your plastic card to push the bubbles to the edge.  Use a cloth to wipe away the excess.
If you spot any dust under the protector, you can peel it back and remove, making sure to lightly spray it again.

Repeat until you have all the big bubbles out.  There will be some small bubbles left over, but they will disappear within 48 hours.

Re: The Xen and Art of.......Screen Protector Fitting.
Reply #1 on: May 15, 2011, 17:42:22 PM
Sounds good, but what happens to all the fluid you sprayed on that's now under the screen protector?

Formerly sexytw

Re: The Xen and Art of.......Screen Protector Fitting.
Reply #2 on: May 15, 2011, 21:02:32 PM
You use your card and push it out the sides.  The rest evaporates.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk

Re: The Xen and Art of.......Screen Protector Fitting.
Reply #3 on: May 16, 2011, 14:04:20 PM
dont press to hard with the card or you could snag & stretch the protector.
done that on my zagg.

sent from my computer using my keyboard

Re: The Xen and Art of.......Screen Protector Fitting.
Reply #4 on: May 16, 2011, 14:07:04 PM
I drag as opposed to push.  Seems to give better results.

Re: The Xen and Art of.......Screen Protector Fitting.
Reply #5 on: May 16, 2011, 14:22:33 PM
I drag as opposed to push.  Seems to give better results.

maybe using a thinner card is better - i was using a bank card, which are quite thick

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