Author Topic: Rank your cameras  (Read 1342 times)

  • Offline zpyder

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Rank your cameras
on: July 05, 2008, 10:42:51 AM
Just thought of a thread for people to get a little sentimental over their cameras etc.

Basically, list the cameras youve owned, and rate/order them in terms of your favourite to least favourite, giving reasons for your choices as you go. The rankings arent on the specs or what CAN be done with the cameras, but rather, how you feel about them, how you used them, and what you got out of them, if you get my meaning.

I may as well start.

I cant for the life of me remember what film cameras I had, but I was so young when I had them they were probably generic disposables.

So digital cameras, my first camera was a Pentax Optio 330RS (~7-8 Years ago), followed by a Fuji Finepix S7000 (~4-5 Years ago) , then a Canon EOS 400D (2 years ago), and now an Olympus Mju 1030SW (last week).

In terms of how Id rank the cameras, top being best:

Pentax optio 330RS

The 3.1 mp Pentax takes the top notch as it was my first digicam, and I managed to learn many features on it. For a "compact" camera it was bristling with features that other compacts even now dont all have. It was built to last and is still usable, and was my diving camera for the last few years. The lens quality was also very good. the only down points are possibly due to its age...small LCD (like 1" wide!), slow save time, and shutter lag a little. But once youre used to these things they arent too bad. The lens meant that at 3.1mp, the pictures were better than many 5mp offerings by todays standards I found.

Canon 400D

It was a toss up between this and the Fuji for 2nd place. The reason why it was so close was that for a novice camera user, its still taking me time to learn the new things on SLRs, figuring out the right lens to use and the right settings. I find it very hard to take decent pictures with this camera, and its expensive, but I feel that theres room for me to expand, and like my Pentax, I feel Ill be using it for years to come.

Fuji Finepix S7000

Just pipped at the last post to 2nd place because of the limited flexibility (IE no lenses, though filters etc are possible). The camera was very good, and the automatic hybridness of it meant that out the box the pictures I was taking with it were much better than what I have achieved with the 400D. The super macro function was also really good.

Olympus Mju 1030SW

Bottom place, though by no means a bad camera. Well, maybe. Having gotten used to the excellent image quality of the above 3 cameras, this is a giant step backwards. However I have to remind myself the reason for buying this camera. Its small, smaller than the pentax (my pentax was about 2.5x as thick as this camera, making putting it in a pocket pretty difficult for a compact). Its also durable and built like a tank. I took it under the pier for an hour and a half yesterday without any form of housing and all is well. I bought it as a "go anywhere" camera that I could happily take around town and out and about without having to take a camera bag and loads of accessories, or worry about breaking in water or dropping etc. And for that, it wins. However, the image quality and totally automatic only features are pretty poor and annoying respectively. I just have to remind myself that the alternative for many of the pictures Ill take with this camera, is no pictures at all.

Re:Rank your cameras
Reply #1 on: July 11, 2008, 16:14:38 PM
oooo hard question. Im going to ignore the plethora of film P&S cameras I had and jump straight to the point at which I became really interested in photography.

1. Pentax K10D

A large part of me wanted to put an older camera in the top spot, but the fact is Ive taken more and better photographs since getting my K10D than at any other time in my life. This camera just gets out of the way and lets me get on with it. She isnt quite perfect, but shes so close to it that I wont be buying another camera body as long as this one works.

2. Pentax ME-F
It was a close run thing, I wanted to put this baby on top. Certainly it is easily my favourite Film SLR from a users point of view. Simple to use, no nonsense controls with Av and M modes. The early AF system gives focus confirmation in the viewfinder and even tells you which way to turn the lens if its out of focus. Speaking of the viewfinder, even compared to the K10D which has one of the best viewfinders of any crop frame DSLR, the ME-F is astounding. Every time I look through it I feel as if Im going to fall in.

3. Pentax Auto-110
This was my party camera for about 8 months before I got a really good digital compact. For those whove never heard of it, the Auto-110 is an SLR which is hardly larger than a 35mm film box. No one who is even slightly interested in cameras can resist commenting on the 110, especially when they realise its SLR shape isnt just for show. This is a fully functional interchangable lens SLR. The only reason I dont still use it is that it is now almost impossible to get the film processed :(:(

=4. Ricoh KR-5 Super-II
Im giving my two "first" SLRs joint 4th. The KR5 was the first SLR I ever bought myself. It cost me £35 from Ebay. It is a fully mechanical K1000 copy with traffic light metering (that is, three lights, under, over and dead on). The metering is inacurate in low light, but it served me well and I learned a great deal about photography working its manual controls. I once tried to sell it and found I couldnt bring myself to go through with it, so it lives in my cupboard even though I never use it anymore.

=4. Pentax MZ-7
This camera and its matching zoom lens pair were my main 18th birthday present, and also my first SLR. On paper it is still my most advanced film SLR and has taken some of the best shots Ive ever got on film. Since the arrival of my first DSLR it is unlikely the MZ-7 will ever get a film through it again :(:( but I will never part with it. One half of the zoom pair (an FA 80-320 long zoom) still sees regular service on my K10D.

5. Panasonic Lumix FX-7.
The only compact on the list. This little camera is the ultimate in the compact makers art as far as Im concerned. Its Leica glass produces superb images and its performance in macro mode is better than anything Ive seen short of a DSLR equiped with a true macro lens. As a "does what it says on the tin" point and shoot camera, this one simply cannot be bettered. I dread the day it finally breaks, since there is no camera on the market today I would happily replace it with.

This doesnt even come close to listing all my cameras, but it covers the important ones.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Rank your cameras
Reply #2 on: July 11, 2008, 17:12:12 PM
I know so far only me and Mongoose have taken the time to rank our cameras, but it does seem that, for all the canon and nikon talk, Pentax seems to be higher rated!

Re:Rank your cameras
Reply #3 on: July 11, 2008, 17:36:15 PM
Quote from: zpyder
I know so far only me and Mongoose have taken the time to rank our cameras, but it does seem that, for all the canon and nikon talk, Pentax seems to be higher rated!

my NES is better than your PS3 because.......

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Rank your cameras
Reply #4 on: July 11, 2008, 22:48:48 PM
If youre suggesting fanboyism, there isnt any. If I was a fanboy Id own several pentaxs and defend them all the time. As it is I know next to nothing about photography, and was merely making the observation that at the moment pentax is doing alright, whilst whenever people ask about cameras they are hardly mentioned. I dont even use my pentax anymore, but in the scheme of things of my cameras I think it was the "best buy". Canons and nikons may be technically better now, but this thread is about memories and all that. Ive got more fond memories of my pentax, it being my first/oldest proper camera, than my current kit.

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Re:Rank your cameras
Reply #5 on: July 11, 2008, 23:58:54 PM
The cameras I have cant really be judged as one is better than the other, they are each good for different things.

The Canon 40D is ideal for sports and low light photography, it does most things very well indeed. The only little niggle is the tiny on/off switch could have been better. Having to change lenses is a pain at times, given the limited range of each zoom.

The Panasonic FZ20 has better zoom and good glass, its a little slow to start up though, and has to wind out its lens. Not so hot at low light stuff either.

  • Offline zpyder

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Rank your cameras
Reply #6 on: July 12, 2008, 08:56:43 AM
Quote from: zpyder
Basically, list the cameras youve owned, and rate/order them in terms of your favourite to least favourite, giving reasons for your choices as you go. The rankings arent on the specs or what CAN be done with the cameras, but rather, how you feel about them, how you used them, and what you got out of them, if you get my meaning.

Its NOT which is better, but which is your favourite. This is not necessarily the same thing, as sentimental value etc have weight as opposed to technical specs.

Re:Rank your cameras
Reply #7 on: July 19, 2008, 15:18:33 PM
Quote from: zpyder
If youre suggesting fanboyism, there isnt any. If I was a fanboy Id own several pentaxs and defend them all the time. As it is I know next to nothing about photography, and was merely making the observation that at the moment pentax is doing alright, whilst whenever people ask about cameras they are hardly mentioned. I dont even use my pentax anymore, but in the scheme of things of my cameras I think it was the "best buy". Canons and nikons may be technically better now, but this thread is about memories and all that. Ive got more fond memories of my pentax, it being my first/oldest proper camera, than my current kit.

you can suggest fanboyism of any SLR user who has less money than sense, but to do so is generally unwise and uninformed.

All my SLRs are Pentax because I have a very significant investment in Pentax K mount glassware. If I was starting from scratch right now, Id still buy a Pentax, but thats because I picked my system very carefully when I started out.

If you compare the offerings from the big 5 side by side there is very little to choose between them on paper, its all about finding the one which suits you best. Its just a shame so many people dont realise there are more than 2 choices available to them.

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