I'm off to Wales on Thursday, back early on Sunday. Camping down near St. Davids, so hopefully if the sky is clear, light pollution shouldn't be too bad.
Not sure between going telephoto or wide angle. Will probably do both, using deep sky stacker to stack a mega load of images together. I've worked out my f1.8 40mm would be good for up to 10s exposures, so 100 exposures = 16 minutes. Not much I guess, but it'll be a warm up for going to Yorkshire the week after.
Redundancy is fun!
Do both but it depends what your after, wide angle is great for getting some foreground interst in or leading lines or something like that, but with telephoto you can concentrate on one particular star cluster or something. With either from larger the apperture the better so your 40mm will be good if a little bit in the middle focal length wise.
I've never managed to get something stacked with DSS so it'll be interesting to see what you can come up with, I remember watching a video where someone said you do 600/focal length to get the number of seconds before you start to see star trails so you should get 15s but your better off playing around with it when you get there.
Good luck with focusing as well, you don't need the stars 100% in focus for something like a star trails shot but if your not after trails its a bit awkward, live view is your friend but again the larger the aperture the better as it lets more light in, I usually struggle with my 10-20mm at f4 but never tried it on anything better.
Erm can't really think of too much else other than maybe make sure your phones for plenty of charge so you can play around on it whilst you wait around.