
Chat => Photography => Topic started by: zpyder on February 06, 2012, 07:50:03 AM

Title: Blech, decision time.
Post by: zpyder on February 06, 2012, 07:50:03 AM
So In a few months my paid account at zenfolio is up. It's £100 a year, and I can't fault the service, but I just don't think it'll ever pay for itself.

I've put a lot of work into getting my photography website set up the way I like, so I don't really want to start again from scratch :(

I seem to get better coverage on flickr anyway, but the prospects of ever selling anything through flickr are even slimmer.

I'm starting to think to stop trying to break into professional photography and focus on silversmithing, and cut back my website. If anyone fancies a cheap webdesign job I'd happy pay the £100 to someone if it means a thought out website is produced that won't expire in 12 months. I know webdesign jobs are normally 2-3x or more than that, but I just can't justify any more money on something which I think is just always going to be an expensive hobby.

Website as it stands is http://www.freshairphoto.co.uk
Title: Re: Blech, decision time.
Post by: Russell on February 06, 2012, 13:32:46 PM
£100 seems a lot if your not making any money from it, at least flickr's only around £20 for a year.  I've found that you do seem to get better exposure on flickr, especially if you pimp your photos lots and stick them in loads of groups, never had anyone try and contact me to use a picture but then I'm not that good at photography really.

Unfortnately you might have to start again, well as far as you'll have to copy and paste lots of stuff over, redo links etc, depends how much zenfolio has done for you, I imagine quite a bit as that'll be what your paying for.

If you can't get someone on here to whip up a quick site for you have a look at one of the free blogging services and create a site on there or maybe try some sort of wordpress site.  At least if you do start from scratch and use templates to do it you can just take it with you if you have to change hosts, not like zenfolio where your stuck with them.

I'm no expert at websites though, never had one before and only just this year setup a blog on www.blogger.com which I'm sort of using as a site at the mo, if it takes off nicely (ie I can be bothered to keep it up to date) then I'll see about doing a proper site and buying a domain name & hosting etc.
Title: Re: Blech, decision time.
Post by: bear on February 06, 2012, 15:08:48 PM
Is it so hard to move it ? have you looked at one.com ?
Title: Re: Blech, decision time.
Post by: zpyder on February 06, 2012, 16:48:15 PM
I've moved my photography website a couple of times. It branched off from www.zpyder.co.uk a couple of years ago. Before then I used to re-do my main domain every 18 months or so, but it's not been touched in years.

Photography wise, my favourite site so far is the design on zpyder.co.uk, where it's largely automated based on my groups and photo streams on flickr. This was done using a module in Joomla. However I can't really use that as Flickr doesn't allow commercial use like that.

My most popular photo site was a dedicated photomicrography site, made in Drupal. It was so extremely clunky, everything was pretty much manual, down to uploading full size and thumbnail size images. It's saving grace was the address structure and it's search engine friendly nature. It's downside was it got hacked BADLY causing me to have to delete the entire website and associated content.

Then I have zenfolio. I've resented paying £100 from day 1. I think partly though this is because it was the same time I stopped licencing images as creative commons, so I felt kind of cut off from the "photographic community". I'm now thinking that I'll just have to admit defeat and join the community again, letting my images be used for free, but maybe still trying to do some prints and offer photographic services as advertised on my website. It was a slap in the face pretty much when I got my 1 and only commission to-date, from my free deviantart account, from an image that has been up for about 6 years.

The question is, what's the best option? Maybe a mostly static CMS affair that just advertises services and maybe has a few slideshows pulling out specific tagged photos from my flickr stream or similar?

I'd gladly pay £100 for a decent layout/theme set-up if anyone was interested here, though I know that's not much :( I have my own hostgator account/hosting so bandwidth and space isn't an issue. Main thing is that large size images would take a while to download as the hosting isn't the fastest.
Title: Re: Blech, decision time.
Post by: Clock'd 0Ne on February 06, 2012, 20:45:34 PM
Well I'd be happy to set it up for you although I think to be fair installing Wordpress, a theme and some plugins is not worth more than that anyway and really its something you could easily do yourself! Wordpress is so simple these days unless you want to really go to town on the theme. There's even some pretty good simple cart system plugins avaiable for it too that allow download purchases that would be good for image purchases. You could have it up and running yourself in one evening at a push and save yourself a bit of cash.

E.g something as simple as this might be all you need: http://shakenandstirredweb.com/themes/ (http://shakenandstirredweb.com/themes/)
Even if you purchased the premium version that you could edit easily yourself, it would still save you a lot of money.
Title: Blech, decision time.
Post by: zpyder on February 06, 2012, 22:18:16 PM
I guess I can look into wordpress. I think I've tried before but always struggled to get the site to resemble anything other than a blog. That template does look interesting.

Out of interest how does Wordpress fair with tags and search engine friendly urls etc? Is it possible to set it up like I had in Drupal where it followed taxonomic structure of species, like a family tree, so you had things like root.com/insects/beetles/rhagium/rhagium-bifasciatum ?
Title: Re: Blech, decision time.
Post by: Clock'd 0Ne on February 06, 2012, 22:25:00 PM
Absolute piece of cake. There's a permalinks (as they call it) settings page where you choose from a range of presets or can type in your own custom taxonomy. Easiest is just to set it to category + post name and forget about it :)

Wordpress is the easiest of all the CMS's for someone to just make blog type posts and photo galleries with good SEO, that's what it was designed for.

The trick to getting Wordpress to not look like a blog is find a decent template design and make sure you turn off all the blog type stuff in settings and Widgets that you won't use.
Title: Re: Blech, decision time.
Post by: zpyder on February 07, 2012, 07:39:34 AM
I guess the other question is, are there any theme websites out there you trust & respect more than others?
Title: Re: Blech, decision time.
Post by: Clock'd 0Ne on February 07, 2012, 09:28:08 AM
I actually find most of the ones I've used for websites on the Wordpress site and then tarted them up a bit, just go through the list of most popular (http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/browse/popular/) ones and you'll hopefully find something you like the look of.

A google for Wordpress 3 themes should bring up some handy links too:
http://mashable.com/2010/08/04/wordpress-3-0-themes/ (http://mashable.com/2010/08/04/wordpress-3-0-themes/)

These guys make some really nice Themes I've used before although some are premium http://www.organicthemes.com/ (http://www.organicthemes.com/)
Title: Blech, decision time.
Post by: zpyder on February 07, 2012, 15:35:46 PM
I did see an organic theme briefly last night, looked good. I might have to have a hunt around for some and then pick your brains on which you think are better than others!
Title: Re: Blech, decision time.
Post by: zpyder on February 07, 2012, 18:13:39 PM
What do you think to this theme?


It looks pretty polished but I don't know whether that'll mean either dodgy script or discovering later on that its only got limited functions & compatibility that will fit in with the coding?
Title: Re: Blech, decision time.
Post by: Clock'd 0Ne on February 07, 2012, 18:42:05 PM
It looks like its been well put together to me, polished is usually a good sign when it comes to these things, it seems its got Widgets, Galleries and other functionality support. It's also been a featured theme on Theme Forest and the developer seems to still be working on it/doing updates so it should be fine.

I don't generally update themes unless I need to because something changes in the Wordpress code (as happened between versions 2 and 3 with menu support and a few other behavioural things).
Title: Re: Blech, decision time.
Post by: M3ta7h3ad on February 07, 2012, 20:33:35 PM
Always maintain updates especially when using off the shelf stuff!

If you want to go diy, check out www.oswd.org for templates and twitter bootstrap for an awesome framework.

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Title: Re: Blech, decision time.
Post by: Clock'd 0Ne on February 07, 2012, 20:40:24 PM
Always maintain updates especially when using off the shelf stuff!

Oh yeah definitely update the Wordpress core to fix bugs and security issues, but the Themes themselves don't often need updating (as they are html and css with a few php calls for the software functions) and sometimes you can end up having all your stored settings reset by updating a theme, so unless there is a big problem caused by them they don't really need updating.
Title: Re: Blech, decision time.
Post by: M3ta7h3ad on February 08, 2012, 09:25:56 AM
You'd be surprised. I have in my work found vulnerabilities in themes being used.

Just because you're not vulnerable to serverside, doesn't mean you shouldn't patch out clientside exploits.


Something that doesn't add extra php...

Using passworded galleries on wp but presenting your photos in a fancy flash "lightbox".

Your configuration xml files are in a web accessible dir, I could view the hard links to the photos and view them having circumvented authentication with ease.

Add in that many themes require the addition of plugins that do alter php code, there are quite a few exploits out there against particular themes and you end up with your server owned.

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Title: Re: Blech, decision time.
Post by: Clock'd 0Ne on February 08, 2012, 09:56:44 AM
Which pretty much covers off the last part of what I said "so unless there is a big problem caused by them they don't really need updating." :)

Generally though themes are rarely updated and 9/10 it's just to tweak the display of something for one browser or another or add in a couple of design changes or occasionally a feature, as long as you read the release notes and be sure you're not missing anything important it's okay. There's never a foolproof way of circumventing people grabbing your images so there's no point stressing over lightbox/fancybox type exploits, if you want to prevent copying the only was is watermarking.
Title: Re: Blech, decision time.
Post by: M3ta7h3ad on February 08, 2012, 18:20:52 PM
Er.. I think you miss the point. The lightbox exploit isn't tommy trouble stealing your images, print screen does that.

I'm talking about something completely different...

It's tommy trouble, getting access to files that should not be available.

your super secret gallery that's passworded using wordpress, shared only between you and family members, all of a sudden becomes access all areas for anyone.

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Title: Re: Blech, decision time.
Post by: Clock'd 0Ne on February 08, 2012, 18:32:48 PM
Ah I see what you mean now. Thankfully exploits like that are less and less common these days but you're right that they are still something to be aware of.