Author Topic: Damnit - just when you think you're happy with your kit...  (Read 2223 times)

  • Offline zpyder

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So one of my roles at work now is events/student experience stuff. I'm organising one event which has a media guy doing photography stuff and filming. he let me borrow his Sigma 10-20mm lens, previously I've been doing building progress shots using my Tamron 17-50mm lens and hugin to stitch them together.

17mm on a cropped sensor is the widest I've ever gone before, and figured it would be all I needed.

But now I've been blown away by how much you can fit in...seriously considering trading in my 17-50mm f2.8 and putting the money towards the 10-20, it just would be so much more useful maybe...especially for landscapes!

Re: Damnit - just when you think you're happy with your kit...
Reply #1 on: February 13, 2012, 14:17:57 PM
The Sigma 10-20 is great, I've had mine for a couple of years now and its never off my camera for long.  The F4.5-5.6 is supposed to be slightly better than the F3.5 but if nothing else its also cheaper.

If your wanting to do much in the way of landscapes with it you'll probably want to think about some filters, I've got a set of Hitech soft ND Grads which were only around £30 but if I start doing some more landscape work, which I want to, then I'm probably going to have to get a set of Lee ND Grads as I can only have one on at a time at the mo with the HiTechs.  Just something else to bear in mind as Lee's aren't cheap.

As for trading in the 17-50, I'd say it depends on what you'd then use as a standard/fast lens after that, you'll not want to use the 10-20 for everything so 17-50 is still quite a useful lens to have really, in fact I'll be buying one this year hopefully.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Damnit - just when you think you're happy with your kit...
Reply #2 on: February 13, 2012, 15:06:01 PM
There lie my problem, all my lenses fit nice niches, I got rid of all my pointless/bad lenses when I got the 7D.

50mm f1.8 - Fastest lens, "cheap"
100mm f2.8 macro - Macro, nuff said
24-105mm f4-5.6 IS L - weather sealed and good all-round range for a "if you can only take 1 lens" lens
100-400mm f4-5.6 IS L - Wildlife
17-50mm f2.8 - low-light and wide angle, with some zoom for indoors stuff. Focus is noisy as hell though.

I was impressed with the Sigma, my experience with the tamron has left me thinking all 3rd party lenses are sub-par, but the differences between the Sigma and my canon lenses were very subtle, I guess because the Sigma was HSM and my lenses are USM, except the Tamron, which is just a motor...

Re: Damnit - just when you think you're happy with your kit...
Reply #3 on: February 13, 2012, 15:45:50 PM
You might not be too bad just using the 24-105 then, the 10-20 will cover you up to 20 so you've only got a small gap, just the f2.8 you'll loose really.  Not sure what I'd prefer, you can make do without the 17-50 range quite easily but then the F2.8 is rather handy if for nothing else than the odd time your doing low light and the 50 is too long.

I'd say it comes down to what you shoot most of at the mo and what you want to shoot more of, if you want to shoot more landscapes then you'll want the 10-20 for sure.

I've heard the tamron's AF is slow and loud too, the Sigma 17-50 is meant to be nearly as sharp but has a faster focusing shame its more expensive, might have to get saving my pennies.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Damnit - just when you think you're happy with your kit...
Reply #4 on: February 13, 2012, 16:01:27 PM
Yeah. The noise on the Tamron is a real shame. It's not too slow to focus (just loud) and is very sharp.

So it's great at loud gigs, but for acoustic gigs, or being out at the pub/a meal with friends, it's totally noticeable so a real pain to do any kind of candid shots.

I've given up on trying to use as low an ISO as possible in low light as well, and just accepted that the 7D is quite noisy. Now I've gone the other way and find it quite effective to crank the ISO up, it gives the low light shots a bit of grit to them, especially if they are candid etc. 10-20mm would be quite funky to play with as it'd give a lot more freedom in terms of catching a group of people up close.

I'll look into it some more. Might just have to keep an eye out for the sigma second hand...

Re: Damnit - just when you think you're happy with your kit...
Reply #5 on: February 13, 2012, 17:14:54 PM
Right don't let the noisy 17-50 Tamron put you off, it's supposed to be better than the Sigma in that range (IQ wise), but I'm probably going to get rid of it for the Canon alternative, which is about twice the price and not an L lens but the glass pretty much is, but is a better lens (I wish they did an L version TBH).

However my Tamron 10 - 24mm is a really nice lens, great reviews and doesn't sound like Jonny 5's eyebrows like the 17-50! Check the comparisons before going for the Sigma :) And if you are still concerned then make a trip down to Jessops and have a play, it's a much different lens to the 17-50

As for getting rid of something in the 17-50 range, ok you may have lenses coving that range but around the cross over point you will probably end up taking a lot of pictures at  each side, which isn't great if you need to keep swapping lenses..

Re: Damnit - just when you think you're happy with your kit...
Reply #6 on: February 13, 2012, 20:04:25 PM
Forgot about the Tamron and whilst thinking about it the Tokina 12-24 F4, its meant to be a really good lens as well.

That's how I got my sigma, walked in Jessops on holiday in the lakes and tried one, ended up walking out with it!  Go on Zypder, you know you really want to...

I can't really afford one at the mo anyway so I'll wait and see, I know the 17-50 is highley rated.

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