Author Topic: Competition - Now its sunny again  (Read 5313 times)

Competition - Now its sunny again
on: April 26, 2010, 23:26:44 PM
Can we start this again... I havent used mine for a while and need some ideas... Someone pick a subject.

Same rules apply as before?

Competition - Now its sunny again
Reply #1 on: April 26, 2010, 23:51:55 PM
wanna refresh my memory on the rules?

Re:Competition - Now its sunny again
Reply #2 on: April 26, 2010, 23:55:25 PM

Please note: the aim of this is to get people out and to use their cameras in different ways to what they might normally do so, to achieve this the rules state that the photograph must be taken in the month of the competition and relate to the theme in some way.

Each month a different thread will be created and at the end of the month a poll will be added including all entries that are deemed valid. Non valid entries will be automatically excluded. The named winner then copies over the text of this post and replaces the theme with one of their choice.

Include a description of a few words as to why you feel your picture fills the theme.

Once the thread has been started peoples entries have to be posted in that thread. Each entrant is only allowed ONE POST in the thread to cover ONE IMAGE that he has entered. The last image posted is the one that will be used, all others will be removed when a Mod/admin has a spare moment ...

Deadline for all entries will be the 28th of the month before the deadline, leaving a few days then for Voting to take place and the winner to be declared by the last day of the month.

Re:Competition - Now its sunny again
Reply #3 on: April 27, 2010, 07:17:33 AM
Im in, or will certainly try and be.
Formerly sexytw

Re:Competition - Now its sunny again
Reply #4 on: April 28, 2010, 23:16:10 PM
Binary Shadow - I think you have nominated yourself as first poster to chose a subject ;)

Competition - Now its sunny again
Reply #5 on: April 28, 2010, 23:33:52 PM
I quite like the idea of birds, loads about now, if you have a feeder at home wont have to go far to get a shot.

Could be an action shot, or a really close shot with good detail or anything really.

Competition - Now its sunny again
Reply #6 on: April 29, 2010, 19:11:35 PM
Ill try and take part too, well once I get off the crutches (hopefully a week on Monday) and get myself taking photos again havent been taking anywhere as near as many photos as I should have been in the last 18 months and this could be an excuse to start again.

Re:Competition - Now its sunny again
Reply #7 on: April 29, 2010, 19:20:59 PM
Birds it is then Deadline is the 28th, or shall we change that to 1 week before 25th? to allow a full week to vote, as seem to remember that voting often took longer?

Competition - Now its sunny again
Reply #8 on: April 30, 2010, 12:02:24 PM
25th would be fine.

I have my camera with me in work today, might get a chance to wander round Canary Wharf and get some photos later, although birds are few and far between.

Formerly sexytw

Re:Competition - Now its sunny again
Reply #9 on: April 30, 2010, 17:57:35 PM
if ur taking pics of birds, i want to see a pair of giant tits

like these#

Re:Competition - Now its sunny again
Reply #10 on: May 15, 2010, 20:19:46 PM
Finally been out to take some pics at our local reservoir...

...Dont forget everyone, closing is on the 25th!

Have put a couple up, but as per rules the second will go in to the vote.. unless someone thinks I should choose the other!

Crow Bar

Duck Face

Competition - Now its sunny again
Reply #11 on: May 15, 2010, 20:27:46 PM
I havent been anywhere yet am still getting used to walking about after getting rid of my crutches.  Hopefully will be able to squeeze something in over the next week or so before the closing date fingers crossed!

Competition - Now its sunny again
Reply #12 on: May 15, 2010, 20:29:16 PM
Love it. My shoot didnt go to plan the other day, predictably ended up in the pub instead.

Will try and get something done. Makes me think im going to need something longer than 70mm though!

Formerly sexytw

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Re:Competition - Now its sunny again
Reply #13 on: May 15, 2010, 20:46:56 PM
Off to the NF tomorrow so will see what I can do, though I doubt Ill be able to get close enough to anything!

Re:Competition - Now its sunny again
Reply #14 on: May 15, 2010, 21:12:24 PM
Will extend the date if we need to, as dont want to win by default!!

The first was at 300mm and the second at 280mm, so 70mm might not be enough ;) Glad you like it, cant wait to see some more pics.

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