
Chat => Photography => Topic started by: TRB on June 11, 2006, 13:15:00 PM

Title: Flowers... again
Post by: TRB on June 11, 2006, 13:15:00 PM
A few shots from the garden.  Click for bigger.

(http://photos.panfantastic.co.uk/getimage/crw/2/7/_mg_7582?rotation=-270&size=600) (http://photos.panfantastic.co.uk/getimage/crw/2/7/_mg_7582?rotation=-270)
(http://photos.panfantastic.co.uk/getimage/crw/2/7/_mg_7634?size=600) (http://photos.panfantastic.co.uk/getimage/crw/2/7/_mg_7634)
(http://photos.panfantastic.co.uk/getimage/crw/2/7/_mg_7686?rotation=-90&size=600) (http://photos.panfantastic.co.uk/getimage/crw/2/7/_mg_7686?rotation=-90)
(http://photos.panfantastic.co.uk/getimage/crw/2/7/_mg_7714?size=600) (http://photos.panfantastic.co.uk/getimage/crw/2/7/_mg_7714)
Title: Re:Flowers... again
Post by: snellgrove on June 11, 2006, 17:48:11 PM
Very good :)

What do you use, equipment wise? got some good bokeh on that first one - interesting plant too!

Overall I think my fave, is the last one...
Title: Re:Flowers... again
Post by: TRB on June 11, 2006, 18:00:41 PM
Quote from: snellgrove
Very good :)

What do you use, equipment wise? got some good bokeh on that first one - interesting plant too!

Overall I think my fave, is the last one...

They were all taken with my Canon 5D and the 70-200mm f4 L on a tripod using a cable release and a lot of bending down trying to see what I was manually focusing on.

Ive got lots more, but I think that these are some of the best.

The last one is my favourite also.
Title: Re:Flowers... again
Post by: snellgrove on June 11, 2006, 19:14:49 PM
Ah, proper equipment then.. I suspected as much :) The quality of the pictures said that it werent a compact!

Title: Re:Flowers... again
Post by: Serious on June 11, 2006, 19:33:52 PM
Quote from: TRB

They were all taken with my Canon 5D and the 70-200mm f4 L on a tripod using a cable release and a lot of bending down trying to see what I was manually focusing on.

That is one advantage of the superzooms, you can see what you are taking a photo of by using the big (relative to the viewfinder) screen so very little need to get down that low.
Title: Re:Flowers... again
Post by: Mongoose on June 12, 2006, 11:10:23 AM
yeah but you try and get DOF that shallow on your Lumix.

The first one is great, Love in a mist make such an interesting subject. The others are very good too, but #1 is my favourite.
Title: Re:Flowers... again
Post by: Alien8 on June 12, 2006, 13:23:21 PM
Quote from: Mongoose
yeah but you try and get DOF that shallow on your Lumix.

The first one is great, Love in a mist make such an interesting subject. The others are very good too, but #1 is my favourite.

you can get a get it  shallow bit its fidly, especialy compated to a slr, I was in the old Northumberland gaul in Newcastle the other week and went to get 2 of the rings they used to chain the prisoners up to with with an old  practika slr I was given, used a 50mm prime at 1.8 useing 400asa xp2super,  expecting to get the first sharp and the 2nd just out of the DOF like it would on the pana FZ30, ended up with a sliver about 3cm of DOF in the print. It didnt half show me the difrence between them.

after playing with a film slr im even more tempted to get a digital SLR since I can get an adapter to use the lenses I have for the Practika :D
Title: Re:Flowers... again
Post by: brummie on June 12, 2006, 13:37:33 PM
shot two for me, good shot.
 just the actual subject that i dont really think much of.