
Chat => Photography => Topic started by: zpyder on April 06, 2009, 14:34:01 PM

Title: Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: zpyder on April 06, 2009, 14:34:01 PM
I was idly putting off getting back to work, and opened up a practical fishkeeping magazine email, clicked on a random email...and up pops an article headed with one of MY photos!


I was a bit surprised to not have been told, as generally I request on all my images that I am informed of use, but other than that theyre available under creative commons.

After a bit of sleuthing I found out it wasnt on my site, but flickr. So it was put on in my early days on that site (not used it in over a year I think!) and put as creative commons, but I didnt state to be informed or how to give credit.

Ive emailed an editor to ask if its possible to change the reference to my name (and if possible a link to my site) but if not, not to worry!

Still in shock a little. I know of a couple of other sites that have pinched photos off of flickr and my site in the past, which is cool!
Title: Re:Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: Eggtastico on April 06, 2009, 16:47:46 PM
at a minimum you should state that you want recognition for your work & make as part of the conditions for using your photo.
Title: Re:Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: zpyder on April 06, 2009, 17:27:31 PM
Thats what the creative commons licence is, or at least, cc 2.0 which that image was.

I did get recognition for it, but it was my flickr username, rather than my name.

I will need to go through all my flickr photos that are there as stock type images and change the description I think!
Title: Re:Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: zpyder on April 06, 2009, 20:18:28 PM
Ok, Ive editted the photos on flickr. Just out of interest I googled zpyder and christ theres more than I thought that had been used. I wonder whether the effort of emailing me will put people off!
Title: Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: knighty on April 06, 2009, 20:21:41 PM
check the website again... its got your name and website on it now ;)
Title: Re:Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: zpyder on April 06, 2009, 20:38:27 PM
Aye, they were pretty quick on it, which is nice. I guess they feared a law suit or something, even though I said it was no biggy.

Theres about a dozen sites that have used things off of my flickr account now. Couple are in deutch or something! Ive made a list (hey, its nice to see something Ive made be used by someone else without me asking/tell them to use it!)

Im glad my HL2 avatars are still in use too :)

Title: Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: Mardoni on April 07, 2009, 10:26:40 AM
I love your HL2 Avatars ;)
Title: Re:Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: zpyder on April 07, 2009, 11:44:40 AM
for some reason yours arent animated!
Title: Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: Mardoni on April 07, 2009, 14:17:19 PM
Yeah, theres only 1 forum where its animated and thats Eurogamer. Weird but still cool :)
Title: Re:Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: zpyder on April 07, 2009, 14:34:18 PM
Something to do with you converting it to a PNG?
Title: Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: Mardoni on April 07, 2009, 15:48:27 PM
Didnt know I had but probably :p
Title: Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: addictweb on April 07, 2009, 16:03:45 PM
Since no one has said it ... congratulations on getting so many photos used! Very impressive.

Plus its great for CVs and the like.
Title: Re:Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: zpyder on April 07, 2009, 16:21:20 PM
Yeah. Im a bit gutted tbh that I didnt think to check earlier. There was a job advertised a while back for media researchers for a project which is hoping to make an international database of wildlife media (photos and videos) - think of it as an online wildlife identification guide.

I applied but I didnt even get through to interview..even though I was employed as an environmental sciences researcher at the time, have a 1st in environmental sciences, excellent IT skills, and as can be seen, a keen interest in wildlife photography! >< If I had been able to say about this stuff it might have had a bit of weight for getting to interview!
Title: Re:Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: Pete on April 07, 2009, 22:32:23 PM
Cool photo  :ptu:

Ragworm are bad enough with their evil pincers-of-fingers. I cant imagine a 4 foot long bastard like that but Id be straight down the beach with a 4/0 hook.
Title: Re:Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: zpyder on April 08, 2009, 01:03:25 AM
Theyre pretty common in tanks, people dont even know theyre there, and often when they do, not how big they are. I had one in my tank, only ever saw 2" of it, but am guessing it was near the 1 mark!

Check this out though...


6 footer!
Title: Re:Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: Serious on April 09, 2009, 02:20:47 AM
Quote from: zpyder


6 footer!

Says 7 foot in the text though, even though the picture shows 6 foot (72 inches)
Title: Re:Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: zpyder on April 09, 2009, 09:06:01 AM
Does it make a difference?

At the end of the day if you have a 3 or 4 foot aquarium, and take out a rock or bit of pipe because a small coral eating worm is in it, only to find out the worm you thought might be a foot long is as long as you are tall, is freaky regardless of an extra foot or not!
Title: Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: knighty on April 09, 2009, 23:04:16 PM
unless the extra foot is the bit he snapped off ? (acxcidently - not revenge!)
Title: Re:Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: mr_roll on April 11, 2009, 01:32:42 AM
Thats gotta feel good, getting recognition for your work.
Title: Re:Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: zpyder on April 11, 2009, 10:44:25 AM
Mixed bag tbh, but could just be me. I mean, being cynical, I do think a large part is because I make them available for use. I dont think my photos are any good really compared to the ones a lot of you post here, but Im betting you guys copyright them maybe?

I dont think I could ever go professional haha. 2 weeks till I head to the lake district, might get some good photos, might also butcher them all!
Title: Re:Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: zpyder on August 04, 2009, 15:27:42 PM
Bit of a thread resurrection, but my portfolio seems to still be growing.

Dorset Wildlife Trusts publications officer has asked if they could use some images, which wasgreat (Even asked twice, to start with was just 1 pic but then the other week he emailed again asking for a general permission for others!)

And today before setting off for work I decided to do another google. Annoyingly theres a lot of Chris Moodys out there so its a bit hard to find any that credit my name, but there appears to be a few more that are returned with a zpyder image search.

But my reason for resurrecting this thread is, one or two of the ones Ive found are arguably what could be classed as commercial use (For example a dive-wreck photo is being used in an ad for a Californian Dive centre). My photos are available for non-commercial attribution through creative commons, and I do now state on flickr on my website at the least to contact me to let me know its been used, and for commercial uses please contact etc.

I dont think Ill ever resort to putting watermarks on them all, but im curious what you guys think in terms of contacting people to state at the least that Im not very happy that I hadnt been informed of their use, and at the worst that I hadnt given permission for commercial use.

All I can see coming of it is the images are removed, so my portfolio shrinks, I dont think Id get any money for them, so is there any point?
Title: Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: knighty on August 04, 2009, 21:21:47 PM
ever fancied a trip to California to do a bit of diving ?

got to be worth a freebee ?
Title: Re:Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: Serious on August 05, 2009, 00:00:18 AM
Suing them is one option, or just send them a threatening email saying you own the copyright to the images and if they want to continue using them then they will have to pay you.

It would also be useful if you added a copyright to the photos you put up, might help get you some recognition.

You dont have to copyright the images, that is automatic.
Title: Re:Haha, what a surprise!
Post by: zpyder on August 05, 2009, 07:59:47 AM
All images I put on my site and flickr have in the descriptions that they are copyrighted, but available for non-commercial work so long as they are credited to me and I am contacted, and for commercial work they should contact me to discuss it. I dont want to put a copyright watermark on them as itll immediately make them less accessible to some people/groups/sites.