Author Topic: ISO 400  (Read 2613 times)

ISO 400
on: June 06, 2006, 20:40:12 PM
Was playing with higher ISos and was quite surprised at the results from the e-500. My fuji s5600 isnt as good at 100  :shock:
Get what you pay for i suppose.

Re:ISO 400
Reply #1 on: June 06, 2006, 20:43:42 PM
The larger sensor is key here :) the E500 has a larger sensor than the fuji :)

Less noise, and more surface area to collect light :) Good camera mind :D Wish I had one :D

Re:ISO 400
Reply #2 on: June 06, 2006, 20:49:56 PM
You cant beat the fuji for quick snaps. So much easier to use get and the shots you want. On me olympus i still find myself going for the zoom with me thumb  :roll:  LOL

Re:ISO 400
Reply #3 on: June 06, 2006, 20:57:12 PM
lol :D I do that with my mates 350D :D lol. and focusing :D lol.

BTW... thats a really nice picture, I like it :) Post it up at mate :) Really nice contrast between the dark background and the colours :D Also like the DOF effect on the left. :)

Really nice.


Another thing is... I know my fuji camera now inside out. When it goes "OI NO!!! BLURRY" I know just how far I can take it before pictures become crud, and when things cant focus I wang it into macro and guaranteed itll focus with no issues at all. Ive figured out the shutter delay so I can time it for action shots, and Ive sort of become one with the camera.

Using my mates 350D with all the symbols and stuff on the back had me confused for a bit, ended up asking my mate "just show us the apeture and shutter controls and Ill figure the rest out" :) Really found that having had the Fuji to play with for well a good few years now, the stuff I picked up with it just how to frame shots really helps with the 350D.

Ive taken some brilliantly framed piccies with his camera including one of his "black beauty" guitar that im well proud off but dont have a copy of :( thanks to what I learnt on the Fuji, I dont think Id sell my fuji even if I did get a nice SLR camera too... lol its just too natural to use :D

Re:ISO 400
Reply #4 on: June 06, 2006, 21:05:26 PM
Keeping my fuji for the same reason  :D

Still love that cam, you know your going to get the shot with it.
But the quality on the E-500, well iit dont compare.
trying not to use the fuji too much to so i get more used to the E-500 but its hard LOL

posting the pic now BTW

Re:ISO 400
Reply #5 on: June 06, 2006, 22:32:43 PM
Yup, Sensor Size > megapixels! - ugh, its like Intels marketing about 6 months ago, which was basically "mhz = speed" ...its just not!! (notice with the Core Duo they have quietly stopped that approach!! the D 2.8ghz flippin FLYS!)

but anyway, back on topic...  megapixels is just lame marketing, which I really hate, and the biggest reason I went for the 350D over any other camera, its just got a nice big CMOS sat at the back instead of a piddly little CCD!

admittedly its the smallest sensor canon do in the EOS line, but the 350D is the cheapest by a long way. I am quietly waiting 1.5 / 2 years or so, and ill probably cough up £lots for the sucessor to the 30D, which will no doubt have 2"x2" :lol: ...well, I can hope ;)

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