Author Topic: rite need some jargon busting lol  (Read 1591 times)

rite need some jargon busting lol
on: November 07, 2006, 17:18:15 PM
i posted im after a camera a while back and posted a pic of the sort of pics i want to get.  ones that take a shot of the person and then where ya can get the blur of the lights going round.

i mainly know that i need shutter speed and exposure.  and have a budget of 130 pounds to get a sony cam (i was told by a source that any sony cam will do what i want.

the only prob is i dont know if what it says on the sony site is good or not.

ill take a snippiet and then hopefully some one can explain it too me and point me in the rite direction of the specs need to be either higher or lower.....

im gettin the cam in the jan sales too so will try it out and see if it does what i want in time for feb if not ill go back to sony n have to tell them what i want it to do and to try n sell me a cam within my budget

any way the specs are as follows.

Shutter Speed Auto Mode (sec)

Exposure Control
 +/-2.0 EV, 1/3 EV step

the link is for the cam that i took the specs off. but it isnt the one im after i dont think. as i cant see a price on the sony site. the only reason ive used this cam is as ive said for me to post the specs and hope that some one can tell me what they mean and what sort of pics (blurriness) i will get

thank you for takin the time to read this and help me out :)

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Re:rite need some jargon busting lol
Reply #1 on: November 07, 2006, 17:54:47 PM
The item you need for the blur is shutter priority, that allows you to set the shutter and let the cameras electronics sort out an aperture to suit.

In this case it allows you to adjust the automatic light control by 2 stops, each stop halves the amount of light getting in by reducing the time by half. Unfortunately if the sun is bright the camera may want to take it at 2000th of a second, minus two stops and you are still at 1/500th of a second and you wouldnt get any blurring effects.

Re:rite need some jargon busting lol
Reply #2 on: November 07, 2006, 20:05:55 PM
grrrrrr ok thanx for that will have to ask the person again that said that his sony cam does what i want.

just wanna b able to talk pics like this ..

and he said that the cam could be set up to get them

  • Offline jamieL

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Re:rite need some jargon busting lol
Reply #3 on: November 08, 2006, 00:38:04 AM
That camera will be no good for it then. You need a camera that can do a long shutter speed.

According to the spec you posted, it seems the longest it can do it 1/8th of a second. My Casio Exilm EX-z120 Can do upto 8 seconds if I remember correctly.

Re:rite need some jargon busting lol
Reply #4 on: November 08, 2006, 09:02:23 AM
they look like slow flash sync shots to me, some cameras call this "night portrait mode" or similar. But as serious said what you really need is Shutter Priority.

With a little practice, aperture priority and shutter priority will between them allow you to do anything that any of the flashy program modes can do.

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Re:rite need some jargon busting lol
Reply #5 on: November 08, 2006, 09:20:41 AM
My Nikon Coolpix 3200 compact has a night portrait mode that does those exact sorts of photos. Basically does a 1/2 second exposure in low light situations then uses the flash at the end (as Mongoose pointed out).

Im pretty sure modern Nikons should do it to, but itd be worth double checking.

Re:rite need some jargon busting lol
Reply #6 on: November 08, 2006, 19:27:39 PM
ok doke ... so by the looks of things i need a nikon or a casio cam or to re look at the sony ones and look for cams that have shutter prioroty.

ok thanx for the help guys ... can still help me out by posting links of how much a casio and nikon cams are please.  as i wont b gettin my cam till january so got plenty of time to look and see which takes my fancy


Re:rite need some jargon busting lol
Reply #7 on: November 18, 2006, 17:14:58 PM
rite ive just found out what cam the first pic was taken from.  not sure bout the 2nd as i only chose it coz it has the blur.  

its a sony DSC W5

the shutter speed specs are

Shutter speed 1/8-1/1000 s  ....

cant see no exposure.  will get in contact with the person that gave me the info bout the cam just to make sure.

but i now know that im lookin for a DSC W5

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