Author Topic: Some stuff from the weekend  (Read 169446 times)

Some stuff from the weekend
on: April 20, 2011, 13:35:33 PM
Walked to my parents over the weekend along the riverside and took a few photos, I haven't processed many of them yet but will add more as I go but so far here's the first one.

DSC_8062 by russellcram, on Flickr

and some more

DSC_8078 by russellcram, on Flickr

DSC_8104 by russellcram, on Flickr

DSC_8118 by russellcram, on Flickr

DSC_8138 by russellcram, on Flickr

DSC_8162 by russellcram, on Flickr

DSC_8169 by russellcram, on Flickr

Only thing I could do with improving is the ones of the Dandelion flower, which could have more DoF.

I've got a few more to go through but probably won't get them looked at till the weekend.
Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 14:16:14 PM by Russell #187;

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #1 on: April 20, 2011, 15:32:11 PM
A fluffy weekend :D

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #2 on: April 20, 2011, 22:09:16 PM
A fluffy weekend :D

Extremely, and I've still got more to go through from then and I was out tonight taking another 80 odd pictures, at least it only takes me about 5-10 minutes a photo to process its just deciding which ones to do that's the problem.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #3 on: April 21, 2011, 21:26:51 PM
I'm having to be pretty brutal with my selections now, as the photos from the 7D are chewing up my HDD space quickly. So when I transfer photos to the comp step #1 is for any burst shots, or ones from similar angles, I have to go through and delete all but the best one. There's lots of clicking back and forth to decide which is slightly more in focus etc ><

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #4 on: May 02, 2011, 01:13:12 AM
wow. brilliant pics! what camera you using?

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #5 on: May 02, 2011, 11:33:58 AM
Its a Nikon D50, but its the lens thats more important in these photos, its a sigma 105mm F2.8 macro lens, so lets you get closer to what your trying to take a photo of.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #6 on: May 02, 2011, 11:36:18 AM
Few more I've gone and processed, probably just use this thread to stick anything and everything in rather than keep creating a new thread every time.

Must learn to give it a bit extra aperture to get more DoF when doing macro stuff, I'm new to it really so got an excuse :D

DSC_8223 by russellcram, on Flickr

DSC_7985 by russellcram, on Flickr
Anyone know what type of fungus this is?

DSC_8010 by russellcram, on Flickr

DSC_8025 by russellcram, on Flickr

DSC_8524 by russellcram, on Flickr
Of course the idea for this ones blatantly been knicked from MrT, so kudos to him for the idea.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #7 on: May 04, 2011, 14:13:26 PM
And some more processed

DSC_7428 by russellcram, on Flickr

DSC_7435 by russellcram, on Flickr

Not 100% happy with those 2 but don't think they're too bad, could have done with getting the sun behind some trees to lessen the area of the sky that's blown a bit

DSC_7800 by russellcram, on Flickr

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #8 on: May 04, 2011, 14:39:04 PM

DSC_7985 by russellcram, on Flickr
Anyone know what type of fungus this is?

I do not think that is a fungi but a flower of some kind.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #9 on: May 23, 2011, 13:57:57 PM
Went to a Medieval Day at Bede's World (A local sort of Museum/Farm all about St Bede) and they had a falconry display on, managed to grab a few photos from that, quite a good couple of hours out for free.

DSC_9146 by russellcram, on Flickr
Peregrine Falcon

DSC_9170 by russellcram, on Flickr

DSC_9159 by russellcram, on Flickr

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #10 on: May 31, 2011, 17:18:44 PM
Couple of new ones from me, got more to process but went down for a wander near Bede's World (for those in the area) and found a few interesting things, starting with some Bee Macros.  Could have done with being a bit brighter at the time, it was rather overcast and I was struggling to get the shutter speed up enough to prevent bluring whilst keeping a fairly decent aperture, anyhow couple came out good so can't complain too much.  Out of curiosity, anyone know the tree that they're on? (long shot I know since I've only got the blossom to go off)

DSC_9573 by russellcram, on Flickr

DSC_9563 by russellcram, on Flickr

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #11 on: June 01, 2011, 13:53:34 PM
And some more from the same trip, not sure which I prefer of the 2 really, probably the first.

DSC_9410 by russellcram, on Flickr

DSC_9398 by russellcram, on Flickr

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #12 on: June 01, 2011, 15:00:35 PM
Think I'd prefer #2 if you cropped it to be square with just the left and central setions (IE, get rid of the bit on the right)

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #13 on: June 01, 2011, 15:38:00 PM
That's not a bad idea, I'll try and do it later on and see what its like, can't say I've gone for a square crop on a picture before but it might work here.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #14 on: June 02, 2011, 13:59:41 PM
Ok then here's a square crop of the same pic

DSC_9398 square crop by russellcram, on Flickr

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