Author Topic: Some stuff from the weekend  (Read 121405 times)

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #165 on: September 29, 2012, 17:22:11 PM
Something I've been working on whilst listening to the Newcastle match, been meaning to do this for a while.  Its by no means complete with everywhere I've been or want to go but its a start.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #166 on: September 29, 2012, 20:29:00 PM
That's cool. How are you picking locations, a website, mobile app, books?

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #167 on: September 29, 2012, 22:41:17 PM
Anything and everything really, few are local ones so I've known them for years others are just through looking through stuff on the net or magazines.  I follow a fair few local photographers on flickr sometimes when they post interesting stuff I'll make a note of the location usually in an email to myself (only thing is I don't want to go out straight away and copy there idea), thought it was about time I organised it a bit better and when I found out about google maps my places feature thought I'd get tagging.

Should help loads with planning days out or just to remember where I want to go which I find quite difficult at times.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #168 on: October 01, 2012, 07:21:54 AM
I wonder if there is a Flickr tool that can export your geotagged photo locations to .kml, would make it very easy to import it to google earth/maps?

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #169 on: October 01, 2012, 08:48:49 AM
Quick look on the net and I can't see anything, but I'll have a better look later on it'd certainly make it easier to put in all the photos I've taken.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #170 on: October 01, 2012, 08:49:40 AM

Seven Legged Spider Eating Lunch by russellcram, on Flickr

Spider in my back yard yesterday munching on a fly.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #171 on: October 01, 2012, 23:01:40 PM
Nice, that's the same type of spider I have a close up of from my bedroom.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #172 on: October 02, 2012, 13:47:25 PM
I've had a few in my yard but this was the first I could actually get at with my camera, they're normally in amongst stuff and the backgrounds are bad, would love to find the zebra/jumping spiders again they're cool but really small.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #173 on: October 17, 2012, 13:51:18 PM
Don't seem to have done much recently, been busy with work and Borderlands 2, whoops!  Did manage to edit a picture from my holiday last month.

The Weekend Getaway by russellcram, on Flickr

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #174 on: December 22, 2012, 21:19:16 PM

The Rangefinder by russellcram, on Flickr

From a couple of weeks ago, and this one from ages ago, I just missed it first time round.

Seven Legged Spider by russellcram, on Flickr

I don't normally consider myself a lucky person at all, in fact usually fairly unlucky, but on Thursday we had a draw for £10 worth of high street vouchers at work, I won a set, yay me!  But on Friday I got an email from WarehouseExpress about a survey I took a while back, seems I've won a Lee 10 stop ND filter, filter holder and adapter ring!  Definitely yay me!  Guess who's got a lottery ticket on for tonight...

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #175 on: December 26, 2012, 00:13:50 AM
I like the rangefinder pic. I'm currently staying with the GF's parents for xmas in Yorkshire, literally next to a reservoir. Have got some good atmospheric HDR shots, only just remembered I have a Grad ND filter I've yet to use, would be interesting to compare the results from both.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #176 on: December 28, 2012, 12:25:04 PM
I like the rangefinder pic. I'm currently staying with the GF's parents for xmas in Yorkshire, literally next to a reservoir. Have got some good atmospheric HDR shots, only just remembered I have a Grad ND filter I've yet to use, would be interesting to compare the results from both.

Yeah if you do HDR right you can achieve a similar result to using Grads I could never get it quite right with HDR, shame cause its heck of a lot cheaper to do it with HDR than buying Lee Grads doh.  Where abouts in Yorkshire you been staying?

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #177 on: December 30, 2012, 14:59:59 PM
Up just west of Harrowgate near Fewston reservoir. With the bad weather all the scenic shots I took, I did bracketed, and hdr'd a lot of them as they'd have been a bit dull otherwise. will upload them when I get home in a few days, as the Internet here is almost back to dialup speeds! there's a few photos that I think are acceptable, others I think are overprocessed a little, or just done badly.

tempted to go back at night if it's not raining to try and get the moon across the water, doubt it'll come out even half-acceptable though!

Sent from my phone.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #178 on: January 02, 2013, 11:51:54 AM
Up just west of Harrowgate near Fewston reservoir. With the bad weather all the scenic shots I took, I did bracketed, and hdr'd a lot of them as they'd have been a bit dull otherwise. will upload them when I get home in a few days, as the Internet here is almost back to dialup speeds! there's a few photos that I think are acceptable, others I think are overprocessed a little, or just done badly.

tempted to go back at night if it's not raining to try and get the moon across the water, doubt it'll come out even half-acceptable though!

Sent from my phone.

Looks a nice spot, I went Skipton a few years ago on holiday and it was a nice area.  If those shots are a bit dulll you can always try to convert them to black and white even after the HDR conversion, might get some nice moody shots with it.

Don't envy you those internet speeds, 7-8 years ago you'd be alright but with everything being hi-res/flash/fancy graphics based these days you'll not get much browsing done easily.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #179 on: January 02, 2013, 22:53:33 PM

Souter Lighthouse Startrails by russellcram, on Flickr

Not done any star trails before really, thought I'd give it a go last night out at Souter Lighthouse, don't think I've done too bad.

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