Author Topic: Some stuff from the weekend  (Read 121366 times)

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #285 on: July 18, 2013, 13:46:43 PM

No Diving by russellcram, on Flickr

Another from the same trip to the baths, might have one more but I haven't edited it yet.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #286 on: July 22, 2013, 22:12:45 PM
Two from a trip out last week that I've only just got round to editing in the last few days:

The Heron and the Sunset by russellcram, on Flickr

A World Reflected by russellcram, on Flickr

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #287 on: July 24, 2013, 22:45:52 PM

Seaweed Sunset by russellcram, on Flickr

Seem to have quite a few photos from the same trip out I want to edit but I've managed to call this one the same as a photo I've already got on flickr so I need to think of a new name for it, I hate thinking of names for photographs gah.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #288 on: August 12, 2013, 13:53:30 PM
Two recent ones:

This Rickety Old Pier by russellcram, on Flickr

Sunset in the Meadow by russellcram, on Flickr

2nd one is on the banks of the Tyne about 2 minutes away from my house, never even knew there was a man made wildflower meadow there, will be popping back with my macro lens to get some flower and insect shots when I can.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #289 on: August 12, 2013, 17:32:48 PM
Very nice are they HDR?

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #290 on: August 12, 2013, 19:41:57 PM
Very nice are they HDR?

nah both of them are single shots but they've both got Lee filters on, the 2nd one has a 0.9 NDGH and 0.9 NDGS.  Guess that's another form of HDR in some ways, just that its filters that are being used to increase the dynamic range of the shot rather than several shots.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #291 on: August 12, 2013, 20:21:47 PM
Amazing shots. I've just got back from Yorkshire today and am going through the photos now. Yorkshire and Wales the other week were my first attempts at really trying to use both an ND grad filter and HDR stuff. I've had mixed results, some I feel are pretty washed out, others ok, and others I've overdone it.

My best shots though were from pottering around the resevoir, and I used the ND Grad and a polarising filter to slow the water right down on some streams. It's got me thinking about getting a plain ND filter and doing more stream stuff in the forests. I'll get the photos up in a day or two!

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #292 on: August 12, 2013, 20:35:56 PM
Amazing shots. I've just got back from Yorkshire today and am going through the photos now. Yorkshire and Wales the other week were my first attempts at really trying to use both an ND grad filter and HDR stuff. I've had mixed results, some I feel are pretty washed out, others ok, and others I've overdone it.

My best shots though were from pottering around the resevoir, and I used the ND Grad and a polarising filter to slow the water right down on some streams. It's got me thinking about getting a plain ND filter and doing more stream stuff in the forests. I'll get the photos up in a day or two!

Its still worth giving some a run through photoshop just to see what the come out like, I think I'm starting to get the shooting to the right lark, the shots don't always look great until you edit them.  Still not everyhings coming out quite right, but its still worth trying to edit them.

I use my 2 stop ND filter a bit, not loads but quite regularly and its produced some of my favourite shots, this one, even though its about 0.5s maybe 1s too long:

Plodda Falls Pt 3 by russellcram, on Flickr

And I'm hoping at some point to try and get more water falls and small rivers to get more, after initially hating the smooth water look it can produce some great looking shots.

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #293 on: August 13, 2013, 09:30:49 AM
That is a really good shot. The composition is particularly good, very lucky to have some rocks in such an ideal location (I'm considering taking some waders if I go to do river shots in the new forest!) Did it look like other people accessed the same location as you? I found it interesting walking around the resevoir, you could see various "desire trails" from people walking off the path to get good view spots :D

It was a shame that I couldn't travel up to your neck of the woods at the weekend, but you're also more than welcome to come and crash down here in the Bournemouth area for a bit if you fancied it ;)

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #294 on: August 13, 2013, 21:11:14 PM
That is a really good shot. The composition is particularly good, very lucky to have some rocks in such an ideal location (I'm considering taking some waders if I go to do river shots in the new forest!) Did it look like other people accessed the same location as you? I found it interesting walking around the resevoir, you could see various "desire trails" from people walking off the path to get good view spots :D

It was a shame that I couldn't travel up to your neck of the woods at the weekend, but you're also more than welcome to come and crash down here in the Bournemouth area for a bit if you fancied it ;)

Aye I think there'd been a few other people down to that spot, the actual viewing area is about 4-5m above where I was and despite it being fenced off there was a definite path down.  I've seen quite a few places like that, sometimes though its not a good idea to follow them or you just end up with the same shot as everyone else gets from a location, not always a bad thing mind.

In some ways I'm glad, the slipped disc in my back's been giving me some bother this last week or two so and walking abouts been a challenege at time never mind carrying camera gear very far.  I might take you up on that one day, could fancy a holiday down Cornwall way (would love to go see the Eden Project) and could easily have a day or two in Bournemouth on the way there or back.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #295 on: August 29, 2013, 14:00:07 PM
Not being doing much photography as my backs been giving me some jip, its just about back fine now but I'm off on holiday next Friday so don't want to do too much lugging gear around incase I have bother again.  But I did manage to get to Gibside, a local National Trust property that's got some nice gardens and lots of honey bees, so to show that Zypder isn't the only one who can do macro here's the first few shots I've got uploaded from the trip:

Pollen Thief by russellcram, on Flickr

This is a Stick Up, Give Me All the Pollen! by russellcram, on Flickr

Got another 7-8 I might upload, few are annoying as I've chopped bits of flower off or something, will probably upload them anyway.

Oh and managed to get my gear insured before my holidays, £127 for a year with photoguard for £3k's worth of equipment, which isn't too bad really.

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #296 on: August 29, 2013, 19:31:53 PM
Good to hear about photoguard, I need to reinsure everything before I go to the caribbean later in the year!

The DOF on those is amazing, excellent colour too. I'm guessing at the 1/250 shutter speed that it must have been a nice bright day?

Have you tried cropping to a square format? I wonder if Pollen thief might work if you crop out the left side, stick up might work also, though not sure if it'll be quite square as you really want the tips of the petals on the right?

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #297 on: September 02, 2013, 21:52:32 PM
Good to hear about photoguard, I need to reinsure everything before I go to the caribbean later in the year!

The DOF on those is amazing, excellent colour too. I'm guessing at the 1/250 shutter speed that it must have been a nice bright day?

Have you tried cropping to a square format? I wonder if Pollen thief might work if you crop out the left side, stick up might work also, though not sure if it'll be quite square as you really want the tips of the petals on the right?

Aye its a bit of weight off the old mind when its insured, especially when you work out the contents of my bag is just over £3k to replace with new, not something I'd want to loose in a hurry!

Yeah really bright day, I know they say you shouldn't as the lights not exactly flattering but it really helps get that shutter speed up whilst and getting a good DoF.

I'll give them both a try with a square crop, certainly think that pollen thief will work square as theres basically nothing on the left hand side, the other one might work as well as it'd help get rid of the bad spots on the flower to right, I'll try them later on and see what they're like.

Here's a few more:

Yellow Flower by russellcram, on Flickr

Chopped the right hand tip of the flower off on that one which is annoying.

Is This a Flower or a Microphone by russellcram, on Flickr

Black Bee by russellcram, on Flickr

Never seen a totally black bee before.

Not so Hover Fly by russellcram, on Flickr

And shame I chopped the bottom of the flower off, plenty of room in the shot to get it in if I'd managed to recompose it at the time.

Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #298 on: September 18, 2013, 22:28:18 PM
Starting to get through some of my photos from my week on Sorrento:

Sorrento by Night by russellcram, on Flickr

Amalfi Pano by russellcram, on Flickr

The pano is well huge 16 shots at 16mm stitched together, printed out at 240dpi its 1.7m x 0.5m, might get it printed out properly at some point but maybe not that big, course I could do a test print using the big plan printer we have at work and I just happen to be working some overtime this weekend too hmm..

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Some stuff from the weekend
Reply #299 on: September 18, 2013, 23:21:43 PM
Those are both stunning!

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