Author Topic: Things wot I see at work  (Read 11495 times)

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Things wot I see at work
Reply #45 on: September 16, 2009, 17:35:38 PM
Quote from: Clockd 0Ne
What was the last insect you posted, another dragonfly?

Great shots these, Ive tried taking pictures of butterflies before now and they never hold still long enough for me.

Aye, another dragonfly.

I think my photos come down to where I work, loads fly off and around, but as Im in the middle of their habitat its inevitable that some land near me and dont really give a toss how close I get. Most of the macros have been taken on super macro mode only 2-3 inches away from the subject.

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Re:Things wot I see at work
Reply #46 on: September 21, 2009, 17:47:14 PM

An adder. Caught this one out basking on a gravel track. As per usual there was a fairly long moment of staring at it with it not moving before digging out the camera, at which point it proceeded to leg it, full zoom on my compact olympus tough so the shot is pretty terrible, but given the fact it was in full escape mode, and that its the first one Ive managed to get on camera, Im not too unhappy with it :D

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Re:Things wot I see at work
Reply #47 on: September 22, 2009, 01:43:17 AM
Quote from: zpyder

An adder. Caught this one out basking on a gravel track.

Ive seen quite a few, usually they dont bother moving providing you dont physically disturb them. Quite common in the Cheviot hills.

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Re:Things wot I see at work
Reply #48 on: September 22, 2009, 07:42:13 AM
Youre pretty lucky/unlucky then :P With the exception of the time I nearly trod on one, thats pretty much the only time Ive seen one in the open. I have however seen/heard lots of rustlings which are likely adders, but theyre masters of getting hidden quickly. Theres a reason why the majority of adder bites each year are on peoples hands...

I guess also that as I generally am in tall waist high vegetation Im not going to see many out and about basking on the nice flat clear gravel paths :P

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Re:Things wot I see at work
Reply #49 on: September 23, 2009, 00:36:23 AM
Not only on gravel paths but the few tarmac roads in the area, On one occasion in the Cheviots there were dozens of them lined alongside the edge of the road. They didnt come far on but the tarmac warms up quite readily in sunlight providing an ideal basking site for the snakes.

Almost all of the ones Ive seen were pretty small, probably that years hatch and not savvy to people yet.

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Re:Things wot I see at work
Reply #50 on: October 08, 2009, 18:34:16 PM
Ok, times nearly trodden on Adders is now 3 ><

Was so not cool today. Wet heath, tussock jumping, and twice it was a case of falling into the ditches when I spotted an adder basking on the tussock I was just about to put my foot on. Worst place too, in terms of access. Wouldnt be able to get airlifted due to being under Electricity pylons and 200m away from any form of track, across tussocks about 1m high :|

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Re:Things wot I see at work
Reply #51 on: October 08, 2009, 18:42:33 PM
Adders are highly unlikely to kill you.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Things wot I see at work
Reply #52 on: October 08, 2009, 18:57:56 PM
The problem is access. Get bitten on the ankle and what do you do? Within a few minutes the ankle will be swelling and extremely painful to walk on, and itd take a good 5-10 mins on a normal day to get to a track given the location. There is also the issue of until you get bitten, how do you know you wont get an anaphalactic reaction to the venom? Theres a reason why most (RE:all) sources still say to seek medical attention ASAP when bitten, even if more people are killed by Bee-stings each year!

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Re:Things wot I see at work
Reply #53 on: October 09, 2009, 01:08:22 AM
Anaphalactic shock doesnt happen first time, you get a severe allergic reaction instead, second time it might happen, by which time you should be carrying an adrenaline injection. You should also be carrying a way of contacting the emergency services.

Less that 15% of the population have a potential for such a severe reaction, some areas as low as 1%, of which 1% might die through it. Usually this happens because of insect stings or bites, foods or drugs. If you are worried wear strong knee high hobnail boots and make sure you stand on its head. Then you can cook it and have some dinner :q

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Things wot I see at work
Reply #54 on: October 09, 2009, 09:26:59 AM
Thats good to know. I get 1 "get out of serious reaction free" card if I am allergic ><

Of course I have a means of contacting the emergency services. As I said though, I dont have the foggiest how they would get to me. No way to airlift, given the powercables and dense wood either side. No way for an ambulance, and I doubt a stretcher or anything could be carried across the terrain *shrugs*

At the end of the day though, regardless of how life threatening a bite may be, given the sharp pain and long term effects etc they cause, Id imagine its a fair assumption that no one actually wants to get bitten by these slippery customers.

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Re:Things wot I see at work
Reply #55 on: October 09, 2009, 10:40:12 AM
Quote from: zpyder
Of course I have a means of contacting the emergency services. As I said though, I dont have the foggiest how they would get to me. No way to airlift, given the powercables and dense wood either side. No way for an ambulance, and I doubt a stretcher or anything could be carried across the terrain *shrugs*

At the end of the day though, regardless of how life threatening a bite may be, given the sharp pain and long term effects etc they cause, Id imagine its a fair assumption that no one actually wants to get bitten by these slippery customers.

If it were that serious and it would take too long for the paramedics to physically walk to you air sea rescue would just winch someone down to a spot in the wood near to you and winch you up again.

Remember only a dozen or so people have died from adder bites in the last 100 years. They just arent a big problem and their venom can be fairly mild for many.

I remember my younger brother picking one up by the tail when we were kids. "Look mum, a stick that moves!" Cue screams of horror from parents, grandparents and just about anyone else in the vicinity.

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Re:Things wot I see at work
Reply #56 on: October 09, 2009, 15:54:44 PM
Quote from: zpyder
Thats good to know. I get 1 "get out of serious reaction free" card if I am allergic ><

More like one get out of extreme almost instantaneous reaction free. It affects the local area first so you would have quite a little time with an ankle site, it would be a lot quicker with a neck one. As Chris poined out there have been very few deaths, so few they dont bother with an anti-venom.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Things wot I see at work
Reply #57 on: October 09, 2009, 16:37:51 PM
I read that a lot of the *relatively* recent deaths/bad reactions were actually caused by the anti-venom (wrong doses/not as developed as it is now). Note the term relatively, Im talking back in the 70s etc.

Re:Things wot I see at work
Reply #58 on: October 09, 2009, 16:52:18 PM
Quote from: Serious
Quote from: zpyder
Thats good to know. I get 1 "get out of serious reaction free" card if I am allergic ><

More like one get out of extreme almost instantaneous reaction free. It affects the local area first so you would have quite a little time with an ankle site, it would be a lot quicker with a neck one. As Chris poined out there have been very few deaths, so few they dont bother with an anti-venom.

so the really important thing is never, ever attempt to nut an adder.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Things wot I see at work
Reply #59 on: May 18, 2010, 20:39:15 PM
So its that time of the year when I poke my head out of the den and venture forth to survey the lands, and take photos of things that flutter and scurry by...

Battered Peacock butterfly

Spotted heath orchid, bit early for flowers

These longhorn beetles kept landing on me

And a dragonfly Ive not encountered yet, so no idea what species it is!

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