Author Topic: What would do this? (weird colour problem)  (Read 1364 times)

  • Offline zpyder

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What would do this? (weird colour problem)
on: October 29, 2009, 12:18:35 PM
First off, AFAIK these images were fine when they were first stitched together. It wasnt until near the end of my contract that I noticed the quality seems to have taken a dive. I have a feeling that its adobe bridge automatically adjusting the images, as I think some of the ones effected were made in hugin whilst others were made in photoshop. Problem with my Adobe bridge theory is that everything Ive looked at on the net says that when bridge changes a thumnail preview its just reading the data, with the first preview being what is stored as the preview from the camera or something (shouldnt apply given these images were made on the computer).

The images are linked as theyre the full size (2-3mb each)

At first glance this one doesnt seem too bad. But note the heather flowers closest to the camera, and the tips of the tree saplings. Theyre almost fluoerscent, as if the colour range has been limited?

Same kind of thing except its just the clouds top left, which seem to be pink?

Gorse and bracken seem to be affected a lot with the colour depth being pretty bizarre with a couple of shades and then shadow. (ignore the crap blurryness, hopefully you can see what I mean)

Not all of them seem to be affected. Maybe 1/4-1/3 of them?!

What would do this? (weird colour problem)
Reply #1 on: October 29, 2009, 12:46:10 PM
hmm odd, never seen anything quite like that before, maybe an issue during saving or converting jpg? its a compressed format after all

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:What would do this? (weird colour problem)
Reply #2 on: October 29, 2009, 13:16:21 PM
Gah, it appears to not just be limited to the stitched photos:

It looks like Im going to have to browse through the images, finding the ones that look a little off, and hopefully finding the original photos and re-doing them, like this one: (Its the first one from the first post, re-done and with normal colours)

  • Offline Alien8

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Re:What would do this? (weird colour problem)
Reply #3 on: October 29, 2009, 17:23:05 PM
where the files converted from raw, if so have you saved the conversion settings as default in bridge, as it looks like the one of the channels is being boosted till it bleaches out

is your copy of bridge set to save the changes to a side-car file normally XML with the same name as the file or is it set to change to file your working on

Re:What would do this? (weird colour problem)
Reply #4 on: October 29, 2009, 18:09:12 PM
Im struggling to see too much of a problem with most of these, except the obvious one in where the highlights of the image (due to the light in the cloud) are overexposed and your software somehow interprets this as needing a colour change.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:What would do this? (weird colour problem)
Reply #5 on: October 29, 2009, 20:45:10 PM
Quote from: Alien8
where the files converted from raw, if so have you saved the conversion settings as default in bridge, as it looks like the one of the channels is being boosted till it bleaches out

is your copy of bridge set to save the changes to a side-car file normally XML with the same name as the file or is it set to change to file your working on

Nah, its an olympus tough 8000, so they were just 12mp fine compression jpgs. And where abouts in the settings is it to find out about the xml thing? At the moment I think its set to save changes to the files as I cant see any xml files (usually just get those with raw images though?).

I think it did this when I told it to show me the contents of all the subcompartments. Maybe because this was 2gb of images when it was putting the images into the cache it cocked up somewhere.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:What would do this? (weird colour problem)
Reply #6 on: October 29, 2009, 20:47:43 PM
Quote from: Ceathreamhnan
Im struggling to see too much of a problem with most of these, except the obvious one in where the highlights of the image (due to the light in the cloud) are overexposed and your software somehow interprets this as needing a colour change.

Try flicking between:


Same image, second one has been fixed. If you focus on the group of young pine saplings in the lower centre hopefully its a bit more obvious. I admit when you look at the image on the whole they dont look *too* bad, but these photos are fixed point photos intended on being a record of the habitat in years to come on the day the photo was taken. Having the heather appearing to be more in flower with the brighter pinks etc could be misleading.

I only ended up re-doing a dozen or so files, half of which appeared to just have had more shadows added.

  • Offline Alien8

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Re:What would do this? (weird colour problem)
Reply #7 on: October 29, 2009, 23:24:29 PM
Quote from: zpyder
where abouts in the settings is it to find out about the xml thing? At the moment I think its set to save changes to the files as I cant see any xml files (usually just get those with raw images though?).

Sorry I havent used bridge in quite a while, but looking at old files on my photo drive its .XMP  not .xml, but the file is in XML

its a small 7k ish file that if opened in notepad looks like the code below,

Code: [Select]








   DSLR-A100 v1.04




   Medium Contrast
     0, 0
     32, 22
     64, 56
     128, 128
     192, 196
     255, 255


   ACR 4.4



Re:What would do this? (weird colour problem)
Reply #8 on: October 30, 2009, 00:36:39 AM
Yeah I see what you mean now; youve got radioactive pines. :/

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:What would do this? (weird colour problem)
Reply #9 on: October 30, 2009, 09:11:40 AM
My money is still pretty much on 2gb of images loading up in the filmstrip, and bridge maybe doing something to lower the resource demand, such as reducing the number of colours in the images (thats what it looks like, the extreme colours are the ones at the edge of the colour range in the photos), and as it was saving the adjustments automatically, it screwed them up. I dont think it effected them all as maybe I only had all of them open in bridge long enough for it to get through these.

Interestingly the effected ones had the tiffs produced in hugin effected as well, it wasnt just the jpgs!

Re:What would do this? (weird colour problem)
Reply #10 on: October 30, 2009, 13:29:12 PM
you havent done anything which involves switching colour spaces have you? they look as if the software is trying to record a colour which is out of gamut for the colour space in use. Another possible is highlight recovery, Ive seen software attempt to recover a blown channel from the other two and end up with similar effects to this before now.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:What would do this? (weird colour problem)
Reply #11 on: October 30, 2009, 14:10:30 PM
AFAIK I didnt do anything different to normal (which is browse the folder(s) and then right click the image, open in camera raw, and fiddle with auto/default options, recovery and shadows) however I hasten to add that this is the process I use when creating the finished images, as opposed to the images being fine, and then when i come back to them a few days later, appearing all screwed up!

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