Author Topic: Which lens? (rental)  (Read 45347 times)

Which lens? (rental)
on: August 21, 2012, 10:56:04 AM
This Friday I'm going to watch a friend in a boxing match, then on Sunday I've got my boy's baptism. I though I might rent a lens from Fixation for both events, the question is, which one?

I've got a Nikon D70 (crop). I'm guessing the boxing will need medium-long range and low aperture. It's at the London Irish Centre in Camden (in case anyone has been there).

Nothing jumps out at me as the obvious choice, why cant there be an 18-200 2.8 or even a 24-120 2.8 ...

I only have a 50mm 1.8 and a the stock 18-70.
Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 11:03:04 AM by addictweb #187;
Formerly sexytw

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Re: Which lens? (rental)
Reply #1 on: August 21, 2012, 11:21:49 AM
AFS 70-200mm f2.8 VR II ?

I'd consider the 50mm for the baptism though.

I recently did a friends wedding reception with my 24-105mm f4-5.6 L. I just whacked the ISO up, as I wasn't going to be selling the photos it didn't matter much about grain, the important thing was that I was there capturing the moments as they happened, as the official photographer charged an arm and a leg to stay after the cake cutting. (speaking of which, she was very professional, stood around with a sour face waiting for the cake cutting and then disappeared immediately...if I had a paid wedding gig I'd be smiley and friendly all the time...)

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Re: Which lens? (rental)
Reply #2 on: August 21, 2012, 11:31:57 AM
(speaking of which, she was very professional, stood around with a sour face waiting for the cake cutting and then disappeared immediately...if I had a paid wedding gig I'd be smiley and friendly all the time...)

Wow thats crap! Our wedding photographers were amazing - really felt like part of the celebration and stayed so late into the night. But thats off topic sorry! :)
Career, Wife, Mortgage... my sig was better when it listed guitars and PC's and stuff!

Re: Which lens? (rental)
Reply #3 on: August 21, 2012, 11:55:15 AM
AFS 70-200mm f2.8 VR II ?

I think that might be the best option, my only concern is that it might be too long if I get to sit/stand quite close to the ring. It will also definitely be too long for the baptism, but like you say, I'll have my 50 for that.
Formerly sexytw

Re: Which lens? (rental)
Reply #4 on: August 21, 2012, 13:39:05 PM
Bit difficult to say without knowing how far away your going to be, something like the 17-55 f2.8 would be ideal for the baptism but not for the boxing, and your probably stuck with the 70-200 f2.8 for the boxing which will probably be too much for the baptism.  Only other one I could think of being good for both is the 24-120 f4, its only a stop slower than an f2.8 lens but you should be able to make that up with a stop of ISO easily enough and it might be long enough for the boxing and wide enough for the baptism but if its not your stuck with it.

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Re: Which lens? (rental)
Reply #5 on: August 21, 2012, 14:23:24 PM
Lately I've been finding myself enjoying close-up shots more than the usual stuff (like the portraits of the reptiles in my zoo thread). If your friend is competing he's probably already got photos of him in the ring taken by friends and family. I'd take the opportunity to try and get something a little bit different, shots close up of the expressions on their faces, action just as a blow lands, or they dodge. A wide shot doesn't feel as intimate in those circumstances. With the 70-200 you'll have a bit of freedom, definitely won't be too far away (unless you're like 75m away) and worst case, will be able to try something different up close :D

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Re: Which lens? (rental)
Reply #6 on: August 21, 2012, 21:46:07 PM
Pretty sure Canon did an 18-200 at some point.  Nikon too, I would think.  Pretty sh*tty glass though in both cases.

Re: Which lens? (rental)
Reply #7 on: August 21, 2012, 21:57:03 PM
Nikons 18-200 was pretty good for the class of lens, but a lens with a range that long will always be slow and for the above you'll need f2.8 as a minimum. I think Sigma do a 50-150 2.8 but you may not be able to get that on rental. Otherwise the 70-200 is going to be your best bet. Inside a church you'll probably need the available darkness abilities of the nifty fifty anyway, esp with the D70 which I seem to recall has the same sensor as my k10 and therefore probably doesn't like max ISO much.

Re: Which lens? (rental)
Reply #8 on: August 22, 2012, 10:56:18 AM
Nikons 18-200 was pretty good for the class of lens, but a lens with a range that long will always be slow and for the above you'll need f2.8 as a minimum. I think Sigma do a 50-150 2.8 but you may not be able to get that on rental. Otherwise the 70-200 is going to be your best bet. Inside a church you'll probably need the available darkness abilities of the nifty fifty anyway, esp with the D70 which I seem to recall has the same sensor as my k10 and therefore probably doesn't like max ISO much.

Yep, I think I'll go for the 70-200. I like the idea of being able to get close up's of the fight. £45 for Friday to Tuesday, awesome!

D70 hates high ISO's, looks like a sandstorm at anything above 800.

EDIT: Booked it, next question - will I need a monopod?
Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 13:37:04 PM by addictweb #187;
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Re: Which lens? (rental)
Reply #9 on: August 22, 2012, 15:18:10 PM
I've yet to find a camera that doesn't hate high ISO.I'd love to get my hands on a 1D or 5D to just do some side by side comparisons to see whether they really do live up to the hype...

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Re: Which lens? (rental)
Reply #10 on: August 23, 2012, 05:12:35 AM
For the baptisim, I tend to agree with the 50mm. No point in renting anything for that.

For the boxing a high speed lens is essential. Depending on how far you are away from the action the focal length matters. Therefore the 85mm f1.4 should be a good option. £33 for a day isn't cheap though.

Re: Which lens? (rental)
Reply #11 on: August 23, 2012, 20:25:19 PM
For the baptisim, I tend to agree with the 50mm. No point in renting anything for that.

For the boxing a high speed lens is essential. Depending on how far you are away from the action the focal length matters. Therefore the 85mm f1.4 should be a good option. £33 for a day isn't cheap though.

could be a good call, I once did an ice-hockey match from way up in the stands with a 90mm f/2.5. If you're accurate with the focussing you can crop really tight with a nice piece of prime glass on action shots.

Re: Which lens? (rental)
Reply #12 on: August 23, 2012, 21:28:06 PM
Ive gone for the 70-200 to give me the flexibility. I figure the ring will be well lit so hopefully I wont have to go too high ISO, its also a relatively small event so I think I'll be able to get reasonably close to the ring.

Decision made now, we'll see how it goes tomorrow night.

I've borrowed a manfotto monopod in case I cant keep steady enough but hopefully I wont have to use it.
Formerly sexytw

Re: Which lens? (rental)
Reply #13 on: August 24, 2012, 08:53:26 AM
good luck and don't forget to post us some results :)

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