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General Discussion / Re: Annual check in!
« Last post by Serious on February 13, 2025, 15:15:20 PM »
Hola guys

Another year passed by!

Took up a new hobby, possibly the nerdiest going - amateur radio (call sign MI0MCZ) and progressed a bit more towards early retirement.

Hope you're all doing well guys


After seeing a gang land murder last year I started to write a novel. LOL

Been writing novels for almost 25 years. One of my short stories was published last year in a local anthology, proceeds going to charity: link.

Still means that in theory I'm a published writer (again).

Latest is on it's 4th volume, although I had originally planned 3 with 2 potential prequels.

I have a few short stories too, shortest under 2 pages.
General Discussion / Re: Annual check in!
« Last post by neXus on February 06, 2025, 03:16:22 AM »
Hola guys

Another year passed by!

Took up a new hobby, possibly the nerdiest going - amateur radio (call sign MI0MCZ) and progressed a bit more towards early retirement.

Hope you're all doing well guys


After seeing a gang land murder last year I started to write a novel. LOL
General Discussion / Re: OMG! He's Back!
« Last post by neXus on February 06, 2025, 03:15:45 AM »
Hi everyone.

I feel old!

I think we all are.
I still feel we need to engage in some form of modern medium though. I still think Discord is probably a good option, migrate stuff from here to the forum side of it and we all get a bit more proactive chatting, apps sitting on phones etc allowing us to re-engage with each other. I am sure we would likely pick up playing games and so on a bit more that way as well.
General Discussion / Re: OMG! He's Back!
« Last post by Rivkid on February 03, 2025, 15:10:38 PM »
It's very quiet and the forums have weird issues, one day I'll get around to updating it all properly!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone that checks in  :ptu:  :santa:

Is that why when I try to open my old subnetting guide in the projects section it just takes me back to page 1 of the listings?
General Discussion / Re: OMG! He's Back!
« Last post by Rivkid on February 03, 2025, 15:06:36 PM »
Hi everyone.

I feel old!
General Discussion / Re: OMG! He's Back!
« Last post by Serious on January 04, 2025, 19:40:13 PM »
I don't think there's enough of us left to bother with discord, can pretty much grantee whenever someone goes on they'll be the only one on

I'm a member of a couple of writing groups on there and a Guild Wars 2 one, so I would be on anyway.

It is effectively a not very good forums coupled with a Teamspeak clone. The forum bit works but could be much better.
General Discussion / Re: OMG! He's Back!
« Last post by knighty on January 04, 2025, 10:36:04 AM »
I don't think there's enough of us left to bother with discord, can pretty much grantee whenever someone goes on they'll be the only one on
Entertainment & Technology / Re: google needs a slap
« Last post by Serious on January 02, 2025, 13:33:42 PM »
Over the last few years programs have repeatedly tried to install a certain browser on my computer. I've uninstalled it every time.

Firefox isn't perfect but good enough.
Photography / New Camera Stuff.
« Last post by Serious on January 02, 2025, 13:29:12 PM »
So long since I actually used them. Canon 100D and Sony A6000, neither anywhere near top of the range but they still work.

So I was looking through what was available and got a Sirui 75mm f1.2 autofocus. A very decent portrait lens that works well enough in low light. That started me off buying...

A 7artisans 4mm F2.8 for £103.00 followed. I have never seen a 4mm lens before. Fully manual but definitely a fun lens, although you have to be careful holding the camera as it can easily end up with your fingers in the photo. Seeing people crease up at their new huge nose is priceless... I photographed a Newcastle Metro train in station, with me standing half way down the other platform. I got all of it in the photo. images are effectively circular but that is the effect of the lens.

7artisans 50mm F1.4 Tilt Lens. Again fully manual but £144 for a tilt shift? I've wanted to try one for decades but the idea of forking out over £1000 for one put me completely off.

7artisans 35mm F0.95... Umm £137? This is going to be a challenge to focus at F0.95 but the last time I looked at something of this aperture it was horribly expensive.

* they are not perfect, but as good or better than professional lenses over 20 years old. Some rival far more recent lenses by the camera makers.
General Discussion / Re: Annual check in!
« Last post by Serious on January 02, 2025, 13:00:25 PM »
Hope everyone had a happy Christmas...

Ah fook, it's after new year already!

A very happy and prosperous new year to you all!
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