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Sports, Hobbies & Motors / Re: Car Histories
« Last post by Clock'd 0Ne on April 03, 2024, 11:26:38 AM »
I am no EV fan but I think in some use cases the small ones for pootling about local-ish, which is all a lot of people do then it works for that I guess.

my gf has a hybrid golf... in the summer it'll do 24 miles on a charge, 18 in the winter when you run the heater...

but... charger at home and work... so she can go months without putting any petrol in

it's perfect for her (quick too)

sh*tsubishi Grandis failed its MOT spectacularly and is heading to the scrapyard on Thursday, I bought a 2013 Nissan Leaf from someone local for £3,600, it has 8 out of 12 (I think?) battery health bars so range is 50 miles at best. But I do 10 miles a day top, so this is spot on for me. Lovely to drive, comfortable, not missing much from the post-2017 models, but will never pay tax on it. I've also learned its now possible to get range extension packs and battery swaps (aftermarket, Nissan are funny about replacing batteries).

Zappi wall charger getting installed next week.
General Discussion / Re: best browser?
« Last post by Clock'd 0Ne on April 03, 2024, 11:21:56 AM »
I use various incarnations of Firefox as my main browser, Brave is a good second choice, Vivaldi is good for tab groups and some nice features like that. Chrome is basically a backup.
Entertainment & Technology / Re: New system time
« Last post by Clock'd 0Ne on April 03, 2024, 11:18:54 AM »
How come you opted for DDR4 instead of DDR5?

Looks like a beast with that i9 though
General Discussion / Re: best browser?
« Last post by neXus on April 02, 2024, 23:32:08 PM »
I've swapped to firefox

fresh install so best time for it :-)
How has it going?
General Discussion / Re: best browser?
« Last post by knighty on March 19, 2024, 12:23:30 PM »
I've swapped to firefox

fresh install so best time for it :-)
General Discussion / Re: best browser?
« Last post by neXus on March 19, 2024, 00:01:59 AM »
F Chrome now as it is doing a lot of things you really do not want in the background.
Brave is basically Chrome but a lot more secure and does not use as much bandwidth or memory.

Firefox is still going strong with a lot of features.

If you like your browser like your OS trey  Sigma OS.
Sports, Hobbies & Motors / Re: Car Histories
« Last post by knighty on March 10, 2024, 22:03:34 PM »
I am no EV fan but I think in some use cases the small ones for pootling about local-ish, which is all a lot of people do then it works for that I guess.

my gf has a hybrid golf... in the summer it'll do 24 miles on a charge, 18 in the winter when you run the heater...

but... charger at home and work... so she can go months without putting any petrol in

it's perfect for her (quick too)
Entertainment & Technology / Re: Online gig/concert/DJ mix streams
« Last post by matt5cott on March 08, 2024, 00:10:11 AM »


Done loads of mixes like this, love the aspect ratio  Wub
General Discussion / Re: best browser?
« Last post by matt5cott on March 07, 2024, 13:02:09 PM »

I find it's easier to have adblockers a go go on the aforementioned 2, and if I need to read or do anything that blocks that, chrome.
Sports, Hobbies & Motors / Re: Car Histories
« Last post by matt5cott on March 07, 2024, 13:00:33 PM »
Modern quality standards in most things is laughably poo, old Japanese brands from which I'd expect quality (Nissan and the aforementioned Mitsubishi) have been merged into post millennium, for me it's downhill from there.

I am no EV fan but I think in some use cases the small ones for pootling about local-ish, which is all a lot of people do then it works for that I guess.

99% of cars regardless of how they're powered all look soulless arse to me, roads are awash with SUVs with all the poise and grace of Mr Blobby. :lol:
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