Author Topic: Christmas Update to the MR2  (Read 912 times)

  • Offline Mark

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Christmas Update to the MR2
on: December 27, 2008, 00:42:23 AM
Update from today and yesterday:

Shims that I had to get made up

Valve clearances set and cams torqued up

Fidanza vernier pulleys on

Timing belt

Bottom timing cover and crank pulley on

Had to bolt a bit of iron to the head to mount the magenetic base of the dial guage to so I could find true TDC in order to degree the cams properly

degree wheel in place

lightened flywheel bolted on with new ARP bolts

And the 525 lb/ft clutch

And thats it! Just the manifolds to go on, bolt the gearbox to her and shes going back in the car.

Christmas Update to the MR2
Reply #1 on: December 27, 2008, 02:58:29 AM
looking good.... tho why the "Fidanza vernier pulleys"

are they lighter or something ?  Im guessing they give better timing adjustments (dont know what the originals were like) but is that about it ?  iirc from your other posts they cost a small fortune ?

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