Author Topic: Lost Season 3 chat [SPOILERS, Lots in here, not seen dont read!!!!]  (Read 6869 times)

The island as secret powers and they are all clones!¬

  • Offline Mardoni

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  • On the Sofa, probably ;)
I wonder if that means that every person they have buried on the island has awoken underground alive :o

(I know that the 2 diamond theifs from a couple of weeks ago were paralised and the woman woke up as they were burrying them both)

  • Offline neXus

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Quote from: Nimrod
I wonder if that means that every person they have buried on the island has awoken underground alive :o

(I know that the 2 diamond theifs from a couple of weeks ago were paralised and the woman woke up as they were burrying them both)

He was bitten first and only by one so he would have woke up first, I think it was just a camera shot on her face as she was buried

Good question though, are they clones?
Did they actually find people dead in a plane? Where did an extra plane come from?
parallel dimension bubble?
Time bubble?
Just not found anything and declared them all dead?

Bizzare aint it, they leave it to be so many possibilities

My theory so far, its all a big experiment.  8)

  • Offline Mardoni

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  • On the Sofa, probably ;)
Ahh but he was bitten on the head where as she was bitten on the foot. Wouldnt the effects of a headshot be worse ?
It was quite clever to get "Pallo Lies" from "Paralysed" but anyway, I digress.

Im starting to think it is a limbo type deal; a place to give those souls with issues time to sort themselves out. When you look at who is/was on the island, every single one of them is carrying a burden of some description.
When a person apparently comes to term with their issues they "move on" from the island; usually by death but not always (Michael and Walt)...

That all said, it doesnt explain wth DHARMA has to do with anything or why Ben recruits people from off of the island.

Quote from: skidzilla
Quote from: neXus
Why the hell is he not dead? well i mean alive again?

Its the have to attack the eyepatch for massive damage, or otherwise he comes back... like the T1000. :P

You cant kill the Mikhail
The Mikhail will live on
John Locke tried to kill the Mikhail
But he failed, as he was smited to the ground
Sayid tried to kill the Mikhail
But he failed, as he was stricken down to the ground
Jin tried to kill the Mikhail Ha,hahahahaha
He failed, as he was thrown to the ground
Aargh! yeah! [x2]


No-one can destroy the Mikhail
The Mikhail will strike you down with a vicious blow
We are the vanquished foes of the Mikhail
We tried to win for why we do not know

Desmond tried to destroy the Mikhail, but the Mikhail had his way
Charlie tried to dethrone the Mikhail, but Mikhail was in the way
Hurley tried to devour the Mikhail, but Mikhail was much too strong
Sound fence tried to defile the Mikhail, but sound fence was proven wrong

He comes from hell!

ROFL... The Metal from the Pick of Destiny :D lol.

  • Offline neXus

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Quote from: Nimrod
Ahh but he was bitten on the head where as she was bitten on the foot. Wouldnt the effects of a headshot be worse ?
It was quite clever to get "Pallo Lies" from "Paralysed" but anyway, I digress.

Im starting to think it is a limbo type deal; a place to give those souls with issues time to sort themselves out. When you look at who is/was on the island, every single one of them is carrying a burden of some description.
When a person apparently comes to term with their issues they "move on" from the island; usually by death but not always (Michael and Walt)...

That all said, it doesnt explain wth DHARMA has to do with anything or why Ben recruits people from off of the island.

It could but then people been going there who are not dead, so have they found this place and live there but not dead cus it does things to them? dharma there becuase of its special....? Who knows its still all out there and very odd.
Where the hell have the others gone I mean We thought their homes would be the main place but nooo, they abonaded it just like that, so if this other place is even better why stay in those homes?

Stupid shows.

  • Offline Kunal

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Finally the conclusion to 3x13 and what an episode!

Wonder if that was actually him or like Ekos brother its smokey/the monster.

  • Offline Mark

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Im up to 18 I think.

I HOPE they do NOT start bringing aliens in to it :(

Quote from: Kunal
Finally the conclusion to 3x13 and what an episode!

Wonder if that was actually him or like Ekos brother its smokey/the monster.

The smoke monster took the form of his brother is the general consensus.

  • Offline neXus

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Indeed, and l8er on a few episodes ago now for us who are up to date, the others did not or do not control it, they do not know what it is bar what it does not like (the sonic barrier)

Lost.S03E19 - The Brig

The island must be a place where the dead and alive can interact.... must be something special this island like the Nexus out of Star Trek: Generations

Did lock summon/imagined his father to arrive at the island? maybe thats how a crate of food got air droped a collective will summoned/imagined the food?

  • Offline skidzilla

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Quote from: neXus

parallel dimension bubble?
Time bubble?

Theyre all trapped in a massive plot hole.. its like a black hole, only with more sucky writers smoking crack. :P

I wasnt impressed with 19 tbh.

  • Offline neXus

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I mean omg, wtf and ffs

Tell us what?
They aint in hell or dead dead cus dying when your dead does not make sense.
Lock got bit and in days = fine so he has some healing thing going on

It seems a bit of a builder this one 21 should kick off

- You got jack knowing about the women and knowing something everyone does not
- You got sorer coming back with the tape about julliane
- You got lock with his now dead(or dead again) dad going to where ever on earth the others went
- What is with this women

- I mean I love lost but grrr, why heroes is so much better becuase you have so many questions but at least you have so much understanding of what is roughly going on, but then lost is so interesting, more so in terms of what is going on, but but but..

Stupid show probably the first and only really amazing show you just really hate but then you really like it and enjoy it.

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