Author Topic: Lost Season 3 chat [SPOILERS, Lots in here, not seen dont read!!!!]  (Read 6866 times)

Locke better live. :shock: Between him, Ben, and Desmond youve got three spectacular characters. Aye, Charlie!

  • Offline neXus

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Just watched it, was a great episode
Lock has been imploded and before pushed off a high story building so I do not think he will die

Really interesting - wtf is Jacob?
That "other" does not age, interesting, Finding a bit more about ben etc was cool as well, top notch

  • Offline neXus

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Well then
All go this week wasnt it, Station manned by two nice looking ladies so was the vision a lie or.....

Will we see lock?

Roll on 2 hour season final and the 2 hour heroes tomorrow as well

  • Offline Coded

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Just watched the finale :o

Charlie...expected that obviously.
The rest...didnt really expect it.

I think i must have missed the part where they explained who the person that died was?

Overall i really enjoyed it, as i didnt expect it. Cant wait untill the fourth season.

  • Offline PuNk

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I hated the ending, not even in a good way, it was just all, wtf? not even sure I want to carry on watching :/

keep it on the island, i say.

  • Offline Kunal

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bloody hell.

These guys really know how to produce season finales. I thoroughly enjoyed the season 1 finale, then 2 was even better.... this one at the very least on par with season 2, need to watch it again but wow.

I sort of got the feeling we were going to start seeing "flash forwards" at some point, when they introduced Desmonds time travel time line, and all the time related easter eggs (Mitleos Labs = Lost Time).

So the 5 reported to die ended up being Charlie, Tom, Rambo, parachute girl and Mikhail. When they supposedly killed Jin/Bernard/Sayid I was gob smacked, didnt think theyd do that. With Charlie, I reckon he coulda saved himself by diving out the port window and hoping hed reach the surface in time, but I suppose he felt like he had to sacrifice himself for Claire.

Locke has totally lost the plot.... and Walt! Yowzers wasnt expecting to see him.

Im loving Bens character more and more. While the whole cast is pretty good I think Ben, Jack and Desmond really make the show.

So what about these supposed new bad guys? Dharma on the revenge? With Charles Widmores company finances Hanso/Dharma maybe hes sending mercenaries out to get back... would tie the story together, especially with the PennyDes storyline.

Anyways enough of my ramblings.... Im gonna watch it again :P

  • Offline neXus

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Well heroes had a future that was changed, so that may be the case
there may be some time travel thing going on that changes things, who knows
So many bloody questions...

I think the black smoke thing that takes shapes is Jacob who ever that is

Questions to go on for season 4

- Rescue people bad?
- Temple? - what is it what for who built it?
- Runway - what was that for?
- Penny - what is she involved with?
- what is it about the bloody island
- who was dead in the coffin?
- Will the kid and his dad make an appearance again?
- who did the code?
- Is she pregnant?
- WTF is going on?
- whats the meaning of life?

My thoughts:
Charlie was alive when the thing left him, he may survive, Mikhail has been "dead" twice now, who says he is dead again?
Lock seems to heal very well, Mikhail seems the same (bar the eye, probably pre-island)

Now, Ben said 40 people died before and the code in the thing was done by a musical person...
I have a feeling that there is some time paradox thing going on and that the 40 folk from the plane crash are the others or something and they had things, Charlie may have entered the code or something.
All up in the air but may lead to that...

You can certanly make what they set out to do with another 2 seasons of it.

Good ending to the series for me, stronger then heroes ending but heroes won the season hands down...

- I just hope battlestar gets a bit beefier and move away a bit from this silly visions stuff.
- Heroes volume 2 will be cool
- Next lost season
- Next smallvile for me I cant wait for
- Top Gear

Role on the autumn and winter

  • Offline jamieL

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This was just incredible! Best ending to a series Ive ever seen.

A few things that havent been mentioned yet:

When Jack met up with Kate, she said she had to go "hes going to be wondering where I am"

Sawyer perhaps? Maybe shes had the baby by this point?

"Charlie was alive when the thing left him, he may survive" What do you mean? Charlie clearly drowned!

I thought of a Theory today while we were all discussing this fantastic episode: If you remember, Ben gave michael specific co-ordinates to follow to get to safety when he left on the boat. Maybe Ben actually already knew about this boat being 70 miles off-shore and he directed them straight to the boat?

Hurley kicked arse in this episode! :D "Attention others! If youre listening to this: I want you to know we got you bastards! And unless the rest of you want to be blown up, you better stay away from our people!" Hurley rules.

Haha, I thought it was funny that Charlie managed to write so well on his hand when he was writing with a normal ink pen with water gushing all over him :D

  • Offline neXus

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perminant marker does work in water, done that before

Charlie could well die, but there were two sets of breathing equipment ready, so why cant whatsit go in the water swim out to the open hole and pass him a breathing kit, he has 3 mins..

Jack and kate talking to each other at an airport, jack wants to get back to the island, im assuming it was sawyer kate was meaning..... was that a possible future event? if it was then it would mean that the rescue people saved them from the island.....

but i hope the rescue people are darma and that jack and the rest find out more about the island and team up with ben & jacob to fight darma etc.....

then theres the.......

  • Offline neXus

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Quote from: FaT LeoN
Jack and kate talking to each other at an airport, jack wants to get back to the island, im assuming it was sawyer kate was meaning..... was that a possible future event? if it was then it would mean that the rescue people saved them from the island.....

but i hope the rescue people are darma and that jack and the rest find out more about the island and team up with ben & jacob to fight darma etc.....

then theres the.......

I forgot about that, so there must be some form of time element to it

  • Offline skidzilla

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Temporal Causality Loop, or some kind of Paradox?
Im definitely leaning towards a temporal anomaly of some type as being the incident at this point. :)


He comes from hell!  :P

  • Offline Coded

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I cant see them doing the final season in the normal world, as they have soooo many questions to answer about the island.

Whether its a possible future, possibly desmond saw, so his quest then will be to stop them leaving the island...

I cant wait untill next season, especially with Heroes, Pbreak and so much more :D

might have already been covered but i couldnt see it anywhere

when ben first moved onto the island as a kid and ran into the forest and encountered a hostile, was that Richard? Bens sidekick in the present?

looked a lot like him, he hasnt aged at all in 20 years lol

Quote from: SwissToni
might have already been covered but i couldnt see it anywhere

when ben first moved onto the island as a kid and ran into the forest and encountered a hostile, was that Richard? Bens sidekick in the present?

looked a lot like him, he hasnt aged at all in 20 years lol

Yeah it was and yes it looked like he hadnt aged!

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