Author Topic: noisy network card.... I can hear it :o  (Read 4341 times)

noisy network card.... I can hear it :o
on: March 22, 2006, 23:19:58 PM
was checking through some settings earleir, and swaped my network card from ebing optimised for "cpu" to "throughput" (thinking i waont notice it anyway with a 4200x2)

now when I copy something over the network (it needs to be big) I can hear the network card making a noise, a very high picthed screetch/whine :o

I know its not the hard drive etc... because if i copy something frome one networked computer to another through mine it still does it :o

just thought it was kinda freaky :o

noisy network card.... I can hear it :o
Reply #1 on: March 22, 2006, 23:22:49 PM
had sommit similar myself.. infact.. it was exactly the same problem, few years back now tho, never had it with onboard NIC

noisy network card.... I can hear it :o
Reply #2 on: March 23, 2006, 01:19:58 AM
(mines in my shuttle!)

Re:noisy network card.... I can hear it :o
Reply #3 on: March 23, 2006, 11:38:07 AM
Its electronic (electromechanical??) strain. (Sara could explain better I think :))

The components on your computer are working either at their limit or beyond it. Can shorten component life (its basically the components saying "aahhhhh your ripping my innards out!! aahhh!!!!"), but you should see a performance increase.

Its the Peizoelectric Effect I think... vaguely remember it from old Engineering lectures.

noisy network card.... I can hear it :o
Reply #4 on: March 23, 2006, 13:24:09 PM
its probably something vibrating at high frequency and the PCB or other components are amplifying it

noisy network card.... I can hear it :o
Reply #5 on: March 25, 2006, 23:15:55 PM
well it gave up the other night.... windows threaw a wobler, then the network connection dripped out :(

reset it to optimise for CPU, but didnt help... working today tho :o

Ill leave it be ;)

noisy network card.... I can hear it :o
Reply #6 on: March 25, 2006, 23:50:22 PM
Quote from: Alan
well it gave up the other night.... windows threaw a wobler, then the network connection dripped out :(

reset it to optimise for CPU, but didnt help... working today tho :o

Ill leave it be ;)

Sounds more and more like what I said before mate.

If its working, Id advise against chucking it on throughput as its clear it was litteraly "strain"ing to cope with it.

If only I could remember the actual name of the damn thing Id tell you more about it. Im sure it was peizo electric strain or something. The flow of electricity causing the actual layers of semiconductor (be it silicon or otherwise) to flex at high frequency, causing the buzzing sound. Its not vibrating against anything its just oscillating and emitting sound because of it.

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Re:noisy network card.... I can hear it :o
Reply #7 on: March 26, 2006, 00:12:28 AM
Quite a few components do it, usually its just an oscilation and nothing to worry about. If you copy things onto and off a memory card you might hear it. Normally its quiet enough to be covered by the noise of the computers fans.

Excessive noise might cause component stress and failure though as its likely to be a harmonic.

Re:noisy network card.... I can hear it :o
Reply #8 on: March 26, 2006, 12:01:03 PM
Quote from: Serious

Excessive noise might cause component stress and failure though as its likely to be a harmonic.

Dude did you just google that? if not Id like to see what you mean by harmonic, because I dont understand what point your making.

e.g. every sound ever made ever is a harmonic of something.

noisy network card.... I can hear it :o
Reply #9 on: March 26, 2006, 12:18:51 PM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
If only I could remember the actual name of the damn thing Id tell you more about it. Im sure it was peizo electric strain or something.

sounds right to me....

dont really know about it in this instance, but you can use a peizo electric generator to produce electricity from movement.... think 2 small plates close together, when you push them together then release it generates electrisity.... they use them in those boots you can get that charge your mobile phone... little thing in the sole getting compressed/released when you walk :)

Re:noisy network card.... I can hear it :o
Reply #10 on: March 26, 2006, 12:35:27 PM
Same deal, except instead of movement creating electricity, the electricity is creating movement :) Same principle that Piezo buzzers in doorbells and whatnot work on. :)

Except its not meant to happen in electronic components that arent designed to use it :D lol... its a sign that the components are struggling to cope/close to failure like I said before :)

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Re:noisy network card.... I can hear it :o
Reply #11 on: March 26, 2006, 21:16:55 PM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
Quote from: Serious

Excessive noise might cause component stress and failure though as its likely to be a harmonic.

Dude did you just google that? if not Id like to see what you mean by harmonic, because I dont understand what point your making.

e.g. every sound ever made ever is a harmonic of something.

Should have said harmonic vibration. Every substance can suffer failure through harmonics. Harminic vibrations are noises that have a tendancy to reinforce themselves in the material. Even huge bridges have them. If you google/yahoo for "harmonic vibration" you will get loads up on it ;)

Its the same as when you rub your finger around the rim of a glass and it makes a noise back. Do it long enough and the glass will shatter.

Re:noisy network card.... I can hear it :o
Reply #12 on: March 26, 2006, 21:19:11 PM
you mean resonant frequencies. :)

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Re:noisy network card.... I can hear it :o
Reply #13 on: March 26, 2006, 21:19:54 PM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
you mean resonant frequencies. :)

Same thing ;)

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