Author Topic: Hmmm. Computers getting sluggish...whats the bottleneck/problem.  (Read 2498 times)

not really much difference tbh.... might as well just stick it at 16 right now ;)

ohhhh, I just remembered...

if you ave multiple drives, spread it accross them... and itll go faster, widnows kind of raids them ;)

  • Offline zpyder

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8gb on each?

yeah if you have 2 :-)

doesent really matter as long as theyre all the same size :-)

  • Offline zpyder

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Will put 8 on this drive, and then partition the other 500gb drive so there 250gbs for Win 7, 200gb for an Ubuntu install, and the leftover will be partioned for an 8gb page file for Vista. Will leave the green drive alone as itll be slower.

Still formatting as I cocked up a full reformat when it was at 50% by also copying a dvd and crashing the comp. The reports of how long it takes to do a full reformat arent far wrong hehe. 82% now after about 3 hours.

if youve got 3 drives split it over them all ?
(drives not partitions)

say... 6 gig each ? (as long as you have plenty of space)

itll still be faster than the other 2 on there own :-)

I cant remember the exact details of it... but windows does some clever stuff to basically treat page files on different drives as one big raided page file... and takes into account the drive speeds :-o

  • Offline zpyder

  • Posts: 6,946
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Ok, sounds good to me. Only just finished formatting and moving everything across from the 500gb drive to the 1tb one :)

  • Offline zpyder

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Well now have 3x 6gb page files. One on each drive. I couldnt shrink my C drive by more than 100mb so the page file is just on the drive, whereas for the other now empty 500gb drive I made a 10gb partition for the page file, and did the same for the 1tb drive.

Is there a way of hiding the partitions in my computer as I dont really need to see them!?

Also, when I install Win 7, will it recognise the partitions existance, seeing as they were created in Vista?

I should add that performance wise things do seem to have improved, IE, at startup, it still takes a while (slightly less time though) and whereas before whilst it was booting it was so unresponsive it wasnt worth trying to do anything, I could actually open windows and use various menus :D

not sure how to hide the partitions.... I know a few tricks so Windows cant see them.... but then of course you couldnt have your page file on them....

windows 7 should definitely detect the other partitions :-)

edit: just did a quick google and this is how to hide partitons in vista -


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