Author Topic: British migrants getting deported from Spain?  (Read 7573 times)

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British migrants getting deported from Spain?
on: March 30, 2021, 15:17:14 PM
Not new laws as some papers claim. they are old ones that the UK government were a major part of writing. The UK government knew about them.

But they are expats, not migrants? They mean the same thing.

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Re: British migrants getting deported from Spain?
Reply #1 on: March 30, 2021, 17:56:39 PM
I have no sympathy for them, they should have done their due diligence.

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Re: British migrants getting deported from Spain?
Reply #2 on: March 31, 2021, 02:05:34 AM
I have no sympathy for them, they should have done their due diligence.

Brexit overall is just a crazy thing.

1. I never thought the government did enough to make it clear to people the full impacts of what it would mean
2. People were just down right dumb and did indeed not fully understand the impacts. Read stories of people campaigning on the streets for it, now out of a job, or having issues with family or a second home or business in the EU that now is f'ed and so on.
3. Government pressed forward and when it was clear people voted for something they did not know what they were voting for did not look to check on that. I bet a second vote would have had a very different result.

This is another case of the impacts people just did think about. There are a lot of people in France, Spain and like with small restaurants and like at common British holiday locations in those countries that if are not gone under due to COVID will be impacted as well as the people living there.

Many goods will also go up in price and while France and England are supposedly doing deals in terms of travel with the channel tunnel and ferries those booze trips for many Birts will not be the same.

Re: British migrants getting deported from Spain?
Reply #3 on: March 31, 2021, 11:17:11 AM

Some of those images are pretty haunting if you've seen threads.
Last Edit: March 31, 2021, 11:19:01 AM by soopahfly #187;

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Re: British migrants getting deported from Spain?
Reply #4 on: April 01, 2021, 16:48:00 PM
I have no sympathy for them, they should have done their due diligence.

They took advice from charlatans and people who give second hand car salesmen bad names. That would be mostly the Tory MPs now in power along with Russian agents and the likes of Nigel Farage. TBH only reason I voted remain was because it was Boris advising leaving. There really wasn't that much information out there, just right wing headlines and lies. Even the BBC was biased giving leavers massive publicity while ignoring remain and not fact checking. Labour was less use than a wet paper bag simply because they had Brexiteer Corbyn (who I will never forgive) as leader.

Latest is the issue of UK/French driving licences. That could affect up to 250,000 British migrants in France who were told not to switch passports, seems they now have to and for many it might be too late.

Turns out that while Boris's supposed deal isn't the worst possible outcome it isn't that far short for Britain. Then covid is covering up at least some of the Brexit effect. I am fairly sure that most of the Brexiteers would have been far happier with a very narrow win for remain than this mess.

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Re: British migrants getting deported from Spain?
Reply #5 on: April 07, 2021, 01:33:38 AM
EU Countries do not want to change how they run things in their countries over this - Well duh, this is a given but the UK government as you pointed out Serious just has not been a wealth of information for people nor have they worked out the actual details that effect people not big business/themselves.

In general the information in the run up to the vote and all the way through and even to today the information is pretty crap, Australia talking about ditching the link with the UK/Changing the flag they had a full blown website which was a wealth of information about the effects it will have on British people in the country as well as Australians.

Re: British migrants getting deported from Spain?
Reply #6 on: April 07, 2021, 09:37:25 AM
EU Countries do not want to change how they run things in their countries over this - Well duh, this is a given but the UK government as you pointed out Serious just has not been a wealth of information for people nor have they worked out the actual details that effect people not big business/themselves.

In general the information in the run up to the vote and all the way through and even to today the information is pretty crap, Australia talking about ditching the link with the UK/Changing the flag they had a full blown website which was a wealth of information about the effects it will have on British people in the country as well as Australians.

Too right.  We've done this to ourselves thinking we're bigger than we are.
We haven't got much of an export market, I don't think we offer anything unique that anywhere else can't do.  The biggoted xenophobic isolationists have shot everyone in the foot.
We don't have a car industry, we have steel, but China undercut us.  Fish?  Seemed to be a big push point but no-one wants to buy it from us.

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Re: British migrants getting deported from Spain?
Reply #7 on: April 07, 2021, 09:58:34 AM
Everyone pretends to be British and patriotic until it comes to putting their money where their mouth is.

Re: British migrants getting deported from Spain?
Reply #8 on: April 07, 2021, 10:50:02 AM
Everyone pretends to be British and patriotic until it comes to putting their money where their mouth is.

I'm certainly not patriotic.  I think the country I was born in is an embarrasment. What is there to be proud about?

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Re: British migrants getting deported from Spain?
Reply #9 on: April 07, 2021, 11:53:33 AM
Okay so not everyone, but those that do pretend to be patriotic. I'm certainly not patriotic, but I also think the grass isn't always greener either. I don't think Britain is a wholesale embarrassment but our political system is corrupt and our social system leaves a lot to be desired. Maybe if we finally close the doors on the NHS we can call it a real embarrassment. I mean if you really thought it was that sh*t too you'd have left by now surely?

I do find it ironic though that the same stereotypes that voted this way are also the same sort that are happy to shop at Lidl/Aldi instead of buying local, finance German cars, holiday in the Med every year, etc and wanted to retire as idiots abroad in the countries that are now turfing them back out. Not everyone that voted Brexit is one of the above bigoted, xenophobic, isolationists either though.

Re: British migrants getting deported from Spain?
Reply #10 on: April 07, 2021, 15:09:17 PM
Okay so not everyone, but those that do pretend to be patriotic. I'm certainly not patriotic, but I also think the grass isn't always greener either. I don't think Britain is a wholesale embarrassment but our political system is corrupt and our social system leaves a lot to be desired. Maybe if we finally close the doors on the NHS we can call it a real embarrassment. I mean if you really thought it was that sh*t too you'd have left by now surely?

I do find it ironic though that the same stereotypes that voted this way are also the same sort that are happy to shop at Lidl/Aldi instead of buying local, finance German cars, holiday in the Med every year, etc and wanted to retire as idiots abroad in the countries that are now turfing them back out. Not everyone that voted Brexit is one of the above bigoted, xenophobic, isolationists either though.

If it was down to me, I'd have left.  Well, partly down to me.  I didn't do well enough in school to live in any of the places I'd actually want to go, Canada, NZ etc, and the wife is quite happy with all of her family close.  They're quite a close knit group whereas mine isn't.
I appreciate that the not everyone is covered my my previous sweeping statement, but you have to wonder what was going through their heads to think life was going to get any better after leaving a more global community.
Farmers, fishermen, Dock workers, all these industries that rely in EU subsidies to survive voted overwhelmingly to leave.  What were they thinking?

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Re: British migrants getting deported from Spain?
Reply #11 on: April 07, 2021, 15:29:37 PM
I do see where you're coming from. Personally I think NZ is the perfect example of the grass is greener type of thinking. My brother and his family live out there, my mum lived out there for a decade (she came back bored of it and homesick), I've visited numerous times but I couldn't bring myself to live out there, not for a long time anyway. Their lifestyle is quite different and everything feels dated in a sort of middle-America type of way. Beautiful country but to live there I would find it dull as dishwater. Maybe for retirement I guess, or if I suddenly become adamant that the apocalypse is imminent its probably the safest place to be overall.

If I was told to move somewhere of my own choosing, I would probably pick Canada; theoretically it could be an option for me too as the company I work for is a Canadian multi-national.
Last Edit: April 07, 2021, 15:31:41 PM by Clock'd 0Ne #187;

Re: British migrants getting deported from Spain?
Reply #12 on: April 07, 2021, 17:20:09 PM
I have a few friends who are over there, they seem to enjoy the lifestyle.  Bit more art deco, more laid back than here.  Much nicer weather.
Honeymooned in Canada, in BC and I much preferred the way of life over there.  Whistler and Vancouver Island.
Doubt I'd feel homesick, as there's nothing here for me apart from my immediate family.  And they'd be with me.

  • Offline neXus

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Re: British migrants getting deported from Spain?
Reply #13 on: April 08, 2021, 02:02:39 AM
EU Countries do not want to change how they run things in their countries over this - Well duh, this is a given but the UK government as you pointed out Serious just has not been a wealth of information for people nor have they worked out the actual details that effect people not big business/themselves.

In general the information in the run up to the vote and all the way through and even to today the information is pretty crap, Australia talking about ditching the link with the UK/Changing the flag they had a full blown website which was a wealth of information about the effects it will have on British people in the country as well as Australians.

Too right.  We've done this to ourselves thinking we're bigger than we are.
We haven't got much of an export market, I don't think we offer anything unique that anywhere else can't do.  The biggoted xenophobic isolationists have shot everyone in the foot.
We don't have a car industry, we have steel, but China undercut us.  Fish?  Seemed to be a big push point but no-one wants to buy it from us.

Fish is so maintained due too low numbers compared to the rest of the world so it is not much really.
You are right about things like car's and how that industry has basically died in the UK. Fuel will be next to worthless as we are on the road to electric cars for example.
The UK will be isolated relying on the EU for everything and you know they will squeeze the UK.

  • Offline neXus

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Re: British migrants getting deported from Spain?
Reply #14 on: April 08, 2021, 03:52:27 AM
Okay so not everyone, but those that do pretend to be patriotic. I'm certainly not patriotic, but I also think the grass isn't always greener either. I don't think Britain is a wholesale embarrassment but our political system is corrupt and our social system leaves a lot to be desired. Maybe if we finally close the doors on the NHS we can call it a real embarrassment. I mean if you really thought it was that sh*t too you'd have left by now surely?

I do find it ironic though that the same stereotypes that voted this way are also the same sort that are happy to shop at Lidl/Aldi instead of buying local, finance German cars, holiday in the Med every year, etc and wanted to retire as idiots abroad in the countries that are now turfing them back out. Not everyone that voted Brexit is one of the above bigoted, xenophobic, isolationists either though.

Other than having to pay way to much for things like TV's etc - New Zealand is just amazing. Cost of food is relatively high for some things and the imported goods just have a crazy price hike even compared to Australia but everything else is just 10 times better.
Australia is strange with States running their states and the government here is like many and defiantly corrupt, MP's are driven by what their Coal and old money men (And they are literally OLD too) actually drive power and decisions by the government.
Rupert Murdoch may be loosing his grip in the US now after loosing out a lot in the UK and rest of the world but he has defiantly got his feet planed here.

But bar that Australia is awesome. You go to the states and things are not that crazy cheap, prices are pretty reasonable. The only big thing I would say is houses, owning a house, rent, health insurance costs are the broken things here.

With my health problems and other issues back in the UK and how the system was NOT helping me I think I would be dead if I stayed in the UK.

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